Ice ice baby and drill baby drill. Trumpinator taking out the trash.
Why did the US grant these illegal criminal scumbags catch and release in the first place?
What are sanctuary cities?
Sounds like more radical leftist woke crap to me.
A grave mistake by the Thai govt was to legalise weed.
Now every punk from Norwich to North Dakota wants to come here to get high... eventually leading to trouble.
The great American punk rock band The Dead Kennedys had a record called "Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death."
That is what it comes down to.
People do not think of consequences. They are unwilling to delay gratification.
I use cash always.
F*** the surveillance.
Isn't one of Don the Con's family an avid hunter of African big game cats?
Arm the cat with a gun to make it fair.
Better yet - into the ring with you, mano a gato, sans weapons, and let's see who comes out alive...
Another wannabe Tik Tok star.... MInd you, imagine the revenue!
There seems to be no limit to the $$ for livestream / YT / TT channels.
Get out there, strap on a GoPro and go for it!
I'm a bit concerned if this war ends prematurely, it will hamper some great gains I've been seeing in my porfolio of diversified global assets so far this year.
We must remember that the manufacturibles of war are essential to so many economies and that human beings is intrinsically programmed for violence.
Driver is a POS.
Terrible tragic story. Awful.
Hope the perp rots in a jail cell after first being sodomised relentlessly.
RIP and condolences to the devastated family.
Probably died from the drugs distributed by those other two Canadian passport holder scums.
Could've been severely laced marijuana? Maybe fentanol laced? M.J. is off the hook in TH, get it anywhere anytime. Easy peasy to lace it up.
Best to stick with bottled beer folks.