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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. It's likely Mr Manoutcher did something to provoke the punks. Didn't deserve a beat down though. Just another day in Patts I guess.
  2. He may well be, but he's popular, bankable and likely worth upwards of $500 million.
  3. Yes, the Deep State getting ready to launch the fake alien invasion, with fresh lockdowns. I wrote about that upthread. Their p(l)andemic didn't quite go as well as they'd hoped. They gotta ramp it up.
  4. It's those damned drugs again. Time to thaw Bronson.
  5. Throw the book at this creep and lifetime suspend his driving license.
  6. I would not doubt for a second the man's crazed reaction has something to do with the clot shot, jinn jab. Maybe he got multiple booster jabs?
  7. Mister Lazar could well be a plant, a psy operative. US gov't stages a fake alien invasion using holographic technology to make Corvid nineteen lockdowns look like summer camp. See Dr Stephen Greer. Interdimensional beings (just another frequency of existence, like radio channels) could well exist, fading in and out of this dense earth plane frequency. Lots of YouTube fake videos out there too. Most of them are CGI fakes.
  8. I would like to remind everyone that English winters are not exactly Minneapolis in January. Zip it about the bl00die weather!
  9. Cheers buddy, but I think at this stage most Canadians would welcome a US rescue mission. You seen the economic stats coming out of Canada lately?
  10. Uhhh.... you sure about that buddy? P-squared to the rescue?
  11. Always look on the bright side of life, Pouatch. You'll be getting your tax holiday soon and $250 bonus check in spring if you hang around long enough!
  12. I'm not a Musk groupie but if you read the article even Canada's premiers (a gov't position similar in scope to US senators) criticized Trudes for his asinine remarks that Harris lost the election only because she was a woman.
  13. "Cold climate" in England. Gimme a break. Try Winnipeg in January <deleted>.
  14. Mangione is a stone cold killer. Extreme woke leftists are demented. Insurance companies can SUCK it.
  15. 100%. If they're not on their phones they're running scared like sissies. What a joke.
  16. Just send the illegals north to Canada. It will welcome them.
  17. What can you say... Life is cheap in these parts. Too many of these punks think life's a videogame. Well buddy boy, there is no reset button for the young man you just murdered. Hope the perp rots in a cell somewhere.
  18. From CP24: - - - OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's comments likening Kamala Harris's election loss to an attack on women's rights and progress earned him criticism from the country's premiers and from American billionaire Elon Musk on Wednesday. Speaking on Tuesday night at an event hosted by the Equal Voice Foundation — an organization dedicated to improving gender representation in Canadian politics — Trudeau said there are regressive forces fighting against women's progress. "It shouldn't be that way. It wasn't supposed to be that way. We were supposed to be on a steady, if difficult sometimes, march towards progress," Trudeau said, adding he is a proud feminist and will always be an ally. "And yet, just a few weeks ago, the United States voted for a second time to not elect its first woman president. Everywhere, women's rights and women's progress are under attack. Overtly, and subtly." In a post on X on Wednesday, Musk responded to Trudeau's remarks, saying, "He’s such an insufferable tool. Won't be in power for much longer." https://www.cp24.com/news/canada/2024/12/11/elon-musk-calls-trudeau-insufferable-after-remark-on-kamala-harris-defeat/ - - - Musk might be a tad presumptuous with his prediction. There is a reasonable chance Trudes wins a 3rd term.
  19. "Among them was the purported semi-professional, one-time porn actor, self-confessed former cocaine user, convicted thief and hard-right candidate for the German parliament Phillipp-Anders Rau. Together with a compact delegation of young political activists and influencers, Rau posed for the cameras with the American president-elect at his invitation, chanting “Fight! Fight! Fight!” in English and German. [ . . . ] "Rau stood beaming next to Trump, who was wearing a Maga hat. They were joined by Leonard Jäger, who as “Ketzer der Neuzeit” (Heretic of the New Age) posts anti-LGBTQ and conspiracy theory videos on YouTube; the rightwing activist Beat Ulrich Zirpel; and Fabrice Ambrosini, a former regional leader of the centre-right CDU’s youth wing who was pressed to step down in 2021 after allegedly flashing the straight-armed Hitler salute." Seem like a swell bunch of guys.
  20. it's those damned drugs again. A deal gone south. Work prisons for the lot of 'em.
  21. What do you expect from woke libturds except a hypocritical greenwashing agenda? Remember: Electric cars are gonna save the world from climate catastrophe!
  22. Only Russian I met in Thailand was on Koh Chang in 2011 when the rotisserie chicken restaurants were packed nightly with Russian tourists. He was drunk, gave me a bear hug, asked where I was from and then in a booming voice said "Russia....Canada.....hockey......great friends!!!" Nice bloke. No problems with Russians.
  23. Hardest workin' chap in show business, buddy!!
  24. Don't forget another thing the woke libturd crowd did was to kowtow to the Caliphate. Enless jihad forthcoming I would think. The chickens come home to roost.
  25. Monkey pox got no traction, nor did its rebrand "MPox"..... before that it was tomato virus or some such, but that b0mbed, too. DISEASE X .......... from the Congo ........... a much more menacing and sinister ring to it. Could gain much needed traction for W-H-O and the vaxxx enterprises. No worries here mate. I've got stock in all the major vaxxxx mixologists...
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