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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. The only factor to blame is, once again, extreme woke Leftists and their deranged "entertainment." How many times have we seen similar storylines in movies and TV shows? The fact that the poor kids had to contact a so called social media influencer for help (!!) - rather than the cops - says it all. Remember: DE-FUND THE POLICE. Don't let it happen America.
  2. You forget that Ukraine were Nazi sympathizers? That some of the most despicable acts of Nazi genocide were carried out on Ukrainian soil? Babi Yar for example in Kyiv. Even today the Jewish monuments to the victims of the Babi Yar genocide are routinely vandalized........by UKRAINIANS. Get off the CNN and mainstream propaganda buddy.
  3. Well, the boys are smiling in the video. There may be hope for them, but sadly I fear grief will overtake them at some point and they will be lost in an agonizing life. Sick world.
  4. Uh.... I don't think Connda is a Dem, judging by his posts. The OP, on the other hand, was terrified by the innocuous moth and wanted to KILL it as he's killed other harmless, defenseless insects. He, judging by his posts, leans left wokey Dem.
  5. Driver mightve been high as a kite on methamphetamines. Poor bastard that got hit. RIP.
  6. Trudy's (Trudeau's) government turned the taps full on with immigration. Order from Chaos.
  7. Trudy (Trudeau) and Swiftie are in the same club. This smells like orchestrated.
  8. What about Sri Lanka? I visited twice in 2014 and 2015 and loved it. But that was 10 yrs ago and maybe it has changed...
  9. To the OP, International Living raves about Panama year in, year out. That said - never been. Also prudent to take what IL says with a big grain of salt. For example, they rave about Chiang Mai but never once mention the terrible air pollution.
  10. Good one mate. Another woke lefty too consumed by emotion to bother comprehending the article? "The council marked the day, observed annually to remember individuals lost to acts of transgender violence" ". . . there was no evidence to suggest the death [of violent offender Tiffany Scott aka Andrew Burns] was linked to transphobia." Yet Edinburgh city council still raised the flag in his/her honour. Woke, misguided virtue signalling. Again.
  11. Commies would use whatever suits their agenda at the time, but I use the word "commie" as synonymous with "politically correct propaganda." PC-ness, aka wokeism, is just communist propaganda writ small, as Mr Dalrymple said.
  12. Could be methanol poisoning or a kratom session gone cockeyed.
  13. They've lost the plot. Yet another Western council infected by the commie leftist woke virus. Way to call b.s. Ms Rowling.
  14. Well, it could be worse. You could have who the Canadians have.
  15. Awwww..... Fon is so damn cute.
  16. The kid probably thought he was in a videogame. He was probably high on yabba too.
  17. Do those property purchases come with oxygen tanks? They can have it. Saddens me to see what happened to Chiang Mai. Used to love cycling the countryside. Now the foul air keeps me away.
  18. Is it the Thai loose leaf tea used to make the orange coloured iced tea? Might want to switch to higher quality Chinese or Ceylon leaves. Actually there are very good Thai teas being grown near Chiang Rai. In all those cases you can go bareback. No sock, no strainer, like Liverpool Lou mentioned. Cheers buddy
  19. More than likely that British joker was high as a kite on Special K too . . . or maybe yabba. Wonder how many children he's killled with that shiiiiiiit?
  20. Well at least the kids won't be killing each other at 3 am with their dumb booze and steroid rage fests in the streets. Now if something could only be done about the pot shops.
  21. I care not who sits in the president's chair at la maison-blanche nor who sups at its dinner table or reclines in the beds. I care not who sends what missiles to whom. All I knows is that war is money and bizness is good, and my investment portfolio is ticking upwards nicely amidst all this WW3 talk. Let's keep it up folks.
  22. Another idiot tourist. I do wonder if the p(l)andemic killl shots have scrambled people's neural circuitry.
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