Anyone remember the deadly Tomato Virus from a few summers ago?
Thought so.
No traction either.
Cue DISEASE X ............ and scare the Bejesus outta them 😂
What on earth do we expect when Awestralia, like Kanada, has open door immigration policies and woke, libterd mainstream news pablum passed off as quality journalism?
Mr Zhang could be high as a kite on a deadly cocktail of methamphetamines, cocaine, alcohol, SSRIs and possibly marijuana-laced sweet biscuits. The SSRIs would explain his indifference to the carnage. Else he's just another narcissistic a-hole living the dream in Thailand.
Lock him up and throw away the key.
Not sure. But the pop you lay shun was a fraction of today. So, in theory, the waterways were cleaner and, since they were used for transportation much more extensively, one would think more love was bestowed upon 'em.
These khlongs are a great filthy reminder why I'm grateful every time I go back to America and can actually swim in the water and breathe clean air.
What happened to the days when BKK was the Venice of the East and there was pride in the waterways here? What a joke!
As for the farang he's stoned off his nut.
Sounds a real whacko. There's a chance he might've printed that white gun with a 3D printer? A teacher friend years ago (who worked with 3D printers in high school creative arts classes) told me that blueprints for all kinds of things were available online. Who knows?
Don't kid yourself. Most Canadians would have no problem with another Liberal win. They wanted their pot shops, safe injections sites and tax on home heating fuels, they got 'em!
Do not expect to be taken seriously if you stalk me here and insult me with your gaslighting - typical, of course, coming from far Leftist apologists.
I see your type coming a mile away pal.
A terrific waste of resources and money! If net neutral for most Canadians then why bother in the first place? Posturing. Absolutely unnecesary from the get go. Just a woke greenwash masquerading as white knights to save the world via taxpayers wallets. Typical nonsense, just like the $250 checks in process for next spring. Costs more to implement than to just come clean and admit it's a greenwash.
But again, do not underestimate the short mindedness and ignorance of the Canadian electorate.
You are underestimating the stoopidity of the Kanadian electorate. Many love their woke prisons, pot shops, drugs safe injection sites and carbon taxes - literally a tax on breathing. 🤣
Trudy may well win a 4th term. Then Kanada is kaput.