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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. Good for you. Don't give those thieving cnnts any money.
  2. I agree with that, but remember that VN is a communist country closely aligned with their idol, China and Mr Xi. Visa policy can change in a heartbeat. Are you OK with walking the tightrope sans net? One has to consider these. Also, you're overlooking the daily noise pollution from the S.Korean and Chinese package tour coaches (dozens, if not hundreds every day) that love to lean on their klaxons. That gets old really quickly. That said, the beach can be lovely (when no plastic pollution has spoiled it) and the climate is ..... a nice contrast to much of SE Asia. And yeah ..... baguettes and banh mi are THE BEST. Cheers buddy
  3. That's, what, about 65 USD now? ๐Ÿ˜‚ Commonwealth - UNITE!!
  4. Dont even think about Vietnam buddy. No good visa. And it's communist, great friend to China. Plus - Danang is nothing but South Korean and Chinese package tourists and coaches that lean on the klaxon all day. Annoying as hell buddy.
  5. Health insurance companies can SUCK it. I'll rather take the death shot than give those phricks my cash buddy. Cheers
  6. .... and that's when you budget enough $$ to fly back to Canada (or Oz, or UK, or wherever) and sign up for the MAID programme: Medical Assistance in Dying. Legal euthanasia buddy.
  7. Trat town, the jumping off point for Koh Chang, easy peasy. Lots of cheap local food and room rents are cheap. You can always pretend to go to Koh Chang with the hi-so's and Russians.
  8. That may be true but you cannot take a clean breath in Chiang Mai for about 6-7 months of the year buddy. Cheers
  9. This T0sser should really stop playing Dungeons and Dragons and put away his Game of Thrones DVDs.
  10. Rico the German with the Italian momma sounds like he needs a tuning.
  11. All the Shaytan shots n boosters surely cannot be harmless. Lots of unbelievably shocking behavior out there since the p(l)andemic.
  12. An extra special Christmas surprise from the Brotherhood. Ordo ab chao........... and Happy New Year!!
  13. This is definitely the work of German Hell's Angels. You don't wanna join a motorcycle gang. Please. Be careful.
  14. No, it's just that pasta withdrawal doesn't cause me to beat the hell outta someone.
  15. It's those damned drugs again. No doubt this is a case of marijuana withdrawal - - > aggression. Taxi guy should sue the Euro's backside off.
  16. Oh well. Live by the sword die by the sword. Uddin gets the death sentence. Easy way out. The other chumps get life in Thai prison for their honesty ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  17. Denying oneself anything and everything is at the root of the evil of religion isn't it.
  18. It's those damned violent TV shows, movies, rock music and videogames corrupting our youth again. Being in a gang is cool? Think again. Get yo a$$ to school.
  19. Truly hope the government idiots don't do something stupid and kill the elephants.
  20. Rams is a f00king genius, and last month he made more $$$ than you'll make in 20 lifetimes. Nice looking establishment. Good to see the checkerboard floor. Nice shout out to the Masonic Brotherhood. ๐Ÿ’ฏ Get yo a$$es down there!!
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