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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. Quite the bruiser this one. She wants to be a Tik Tok starlet.
  2. Is the WHO's Disease X gaining traction? Or will that come in January?
  3. Time to thaw Bronson and his sidekick Wildey to deal with these scumbags.
  4. Maybe the extreme Leftists will somehow blame the victim? Or blame rational, empathetic people for coming down hard on the perp and wanting justice? "Inclusion and tolerance" Hopefully the poor woman's soul got the hell outta her body before long...
  5. You are correct. Danang high season is May-Sept give or take. That's when it's hot as hell and the sea is calm(er). But on the flipside it's no good for surfing then... I know Khue My and yes, far quieter and more local if I recall. Lower rents. There are excellent restaurants in Danang at fair prices. Tons of inexpensive vegetarian / vegan too, which can make for a nice change. Next time I'm back I'll check out Quy Nhon, between Danang and Nha Trang. Heard good things. Dalat is, from what I've heard, a sort of "mountain" town with much cooler drier weather. Siem Reap seems to be the locale du jour for Westerners at the moment, judging by YouTube. That concerns me a little because rents could be driven higher with so many Westerners fleeing the economic/Woke prisons of their home countries. SR has great food/drink options, and close to Angkor Wat, but from what I remember the scenery and air qual cannot match Danang. Best scenario would be if VN would offer a retirement visa. Cheers buddy
  6. I was in Danang May-June and was perplexed by the endless tour coaches, horns honking and package tourists selfishly clogging the public beach entrances. Got old real fast. But it was start of high season then. Perhaps there are better months to be there. Cheers buddy
  7. Ultimately, as someone pointed out to me long ago, the Big Boys want to control your feeding, breeding and movement. Electrick cars can be switched off remotely and instantly. Your phone and access to money (or perhaps so called social credits) can be switched off remotely and instantly. You can be denied travel privileges based on carbon consumption (i.e. being alive!). The UK is doing a test run of that madness. Someone posted a link here a while back. When the Big Boys talk about carbon neutrality they're really taking about carbon neutralising - all of US being the carbon to be neutralised of course. Don't let it happen folks. Support clean, responsible fossil fuel production and clean burning ICEs.
  8. Euro trash snacks. Overdose on the sodium. Stick to the porks buns at 7-Eleven, they'll do you a solid.
  9. These punks think they are 90s rappers. They are nothing of the sort, I can assure you of that. Throw the book at em!
  10. Cheers buddy Cambodia's currency, the KHR - Khmer riel - is pegged to the US dollah. Most. Valuable. Currency.
  11. The entire "Fruitarian" movement was a demented Woke Leftist agenda. Dont believe a word buddy!! Cheers
  12. Mostly every foodstuff in the United States consists to a large degree of high fructose corn syrup - a veritable death sentence in terms of blood sugar nutrition 😂 Ah well.... feck it.....it's cheap to manufacture and boosts profits.
  13. Anything but Tim Tams mate. Try switching to salty snacks. Cheers buddy
  14. . . . and what did the right honorable Mr Yong have to say about tomato flu, monkey pox, Mpox or Disease X? Hmmm?
  15. This is about getting you to shovel your hard earned shekels into the mirage of cryptocurrency....... backed by nothing but the electricity on some schvantz' hard drive. Caveat emptor buddy! Best get yo ar$e into some Kanadian real estate buddy. Winnipeg!
  16. Absolute bullship. US dollar is.
  17. Bottom line: Most people cannot conceive of, or believe in, the reality of a cabal that does not have the public interest at heart.
  18. So the local yokels get a free pass but the black foreigner gets the shake down? <deleted>.
  19. Brother was totally cold chillin to some old school Prince. RIP Lay off the hates buddy. Cheers buddy
  20. Yes. Several of my closest friends were conned (or manipulated, or coerced) into accepting the cl0t shots / DNA re-arrangers. This is 100% about profit motive (and p0pulation kontrol) and has nothing whatsoever to do with concern for public health (i.e. the useless eaters' lifespan). No matter what sort of tripe Tall John Guy in BKK flexes.
  21. Sure. All folds into the larger blueprint of "upgrading" homo sapien while increasing share profit. People have to decide if the annual OS shots are worth it. Courage?
  22. They are talking out their backsides buddy. It's like when YouTubers travel to Kampot (Cambodia) and tell how lovely it is. Meanwhile there's 3 tons of rubbish on fire across the road. But the beers are 65 cents. Cheers buddy
  23. I said it on another thread, but please be careful with the German motorcycle gangs. They don't play buddy Cheers buddy!
  24. That seems plausible buddy. Same sitch in Canaduh from what my relatives say. Pay to jump the queue? Nah... no can do buddy!!
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