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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. I, for one, care. If I want to state facts (e.g. laundered foreign money had / has a detrimental effect on real estate prices in Vancouver) I should be permitted to say so without being crucified and slandered as a "bigot" by the woke, uber PC brigade. I don't care if the laundered money came from Mars. Agree with you on the other point - they are weak indeed - but I'm not convinced they're headed for cultural oblivion.
  2. There are far more narcissists than 10 years ago it seems. I blame the drugs, the lockdowns, chronic crooked politicians of every stripe, and too much screens time and (anti)social media, Fakebook and the like. Lets say it's 1984 in Thailand. Guaranteed the percentage of a-holes would be much, much lower.
  3. Those ones are likely the ones with drug problem - most likely the marijuana addictions.
  4. And kudos to Spain for allowing this. In Canada if you protest against foreigners laundering millions of dollars into Vancouver real estate - thereby driving up costs of housing into nosebleed territory unaffordable for mostly all but pro hockey players - you are shamed and called a racist by the woke libterds.
  5. Fine the dumb b@sterd, deport and ban for 5 years. Trashy tourists like this not wanted in Thailand. Go away.
  6. Is there really enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr Anthony offed himself? I heard it was some funny Hollyweird business going on.
  7. It's maybe because of all the pot theyre smoking? Paranoia, delusions...
  8. Au contraire. It's a good reason why people might be reluctant to vote for Harris.
  9. Stayed a night way back in 2013.... I recall the ppl were friendly and helpful. Hearing lots of good things lately about Can Tho as a retirement base, maybe 'cause cheaper than HCMC?
  10. Lived there for 2 yrs near West Lake (expat enclave), but I'd recommend staying near Hoan Kiem Lake. Keep your wits when out walking as traffic is nuts in the Old Quarter / Hoan Kiem area. In my experience Hanoi motorbikers do not weave and bob around you like in HCMC! I echo the sentiment that December is typically chilly and damp in Hanoi so dress accordingly. If you like art maybe Sophie's Art Tour is offering guided tours again?
  11. At least Mr Obama was an engaging speaker and not a megalomaniac. He even took lunch with Anthony Bourdain in Vietnam. How cool is that.
  12. It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. - Upton Sinclair
  13. Fine, deport, ban for 5 years. NO EXCUSES for these nuisance types.
  14. One day it might, mate. Not healthy to be heading up some of those steep hills, breathing deeply all those toxic fumes!
  15. Air quality is cr@p for at least 6-8 months of the year; you can't see the mountains or go bicycling with that toxicity. Chiang Mai never disappoints? hahaaahhh
  16. Puck the fope! Cannibals and con men, the lot of 'em.
  17. Part of the transhumanists' agenda - i.e. the woke libturds' agenda - is to destroy people's sense of spirituality and spiritual practise.
  18. Where better really for wolves in sheep's clothing to hide than behind a frock, pulpit, in the confessional, in the classroom, at the temple? In plain sight.
  19. Bitcoin and crypto = backed by nothing, absolutely valueless, just machines running full steam 24/7, bad for the environment, a pyramid scheme to get people to kiss their cash bye bye. You want to own COMPANIES - not hot air. Game over for cribtow.
  20. Sad really, but not surprising. Transhumanism is alive and well. It's not about protecting women. It's about confusing the genders =======> depopulation (ultimately).
  21. Whats the lesson here? Never accuse a monk of having a drinking problem, especially when there's an axe nearby?
  22. Serious question: Is Joe Biden still president of the United States? If so - where has he been? I don't see him much in the media these days.
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