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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. Is it true that you can't renew your retirement visa beyond 10 years? In other words - the maximum number of times you can renew/extend your RV is 10 times (once per year)?
  2. I read somewhere that the Cambodian retirement visa can be renewed 1 time per year BUT only to a maximum of 10 years. And then what? Move to Laos? 🤔
  3. ... and then God help us all because the sh!tstorm begins.
  4. Violent video games (since at least the late 90s) are mostly to blame, along with media promoting UFC and violence in general. Plus kids are too sequestered indoors these days. Lockdowns did not help... Time to thaw Charles Bronson and teach these punks a lesson.
  5. Mr Trump is a friend to Israel and has Jewish family. These Nazi clowns are agents provacateur. Will Trump say anything about it? Nope.
  6. He was drinking alcohol in a cafe; there lies the problem. Cafe should've only served caffeinated bevvies. None of this violence wouldve happened. Fine and then deport.
  7. Perhaps she held her breath the whole way to avoid exhaling and thus contributing to anthropomorphic climate change 😁 "You will eat bugs, own nothing and hold yer breath!"
  8. Once again dirty air from communist China floating south, mixed with local field burns. All my plans to stay long term in Thailand are cancelled. You literally cannot breathe clean air in Thailand for 9-10 months of the year. Used to love bicycling up around Chiang Mai but now? Forget it.
  9. What's the point of sex? To come. Anyone can come with toys and/or p0rn. It's all tech. I guess for the Luddites their imagination will do...
  10. Real simple. Older men flock to Thailand because of woke libturdishness in the West. Ever seen how nasty looking and scowling Western women look these days? Sheesh. If looks could kill. Couldn't imagine entering into some kind of legal agreement with them. Thanks to all the woke sh!t these Western b1tches hate men - and they don't even know why - that's how effective the programming has been.
  11. The fact is women do not need men and men do not need women for sexual purposes anymore. Technology has made sexual union redundant. Back in the day it was people having sex but not producing children; nowadays ppl aren't even having sex, never mind making babies. How often do we hear about record low birthrates?
  12. Sky News is Australia's version of Fox News. Hardly credible. But the point is that Harris has the MSM in her corner, Trump lost the debate and she will be the next Prez because more people like her.
  13. Oh, there isn't? https://www.ae911truth.org/
  14. They can be the biggest jerks on the planet - next to border control. RIP to the poor Polish guy who got tasered to death by "Canada's Finest" at Vancouver airport back in the day.
  15. Phuket too many package tourists and the locals in Phuket Town were rude to me, like I was going to steal something from their shop or hit them. I guess theyre burned out with tourists. Geographically the island is beautiful, but its plastigeddon everywhere - same all over Thailand sadly. Samui was horrible even back in 2013. Wayyy too busy, far too developed, all the trees cut down near the beaches. As for the north, Chiang Mai is like a slow death with horrible air quality 7-8 months of the year. You literally cannot take a clean breath from October to May. Again beautiful geography esp outside the city but whats the use if you cannot breathe?!! C'mon Thailand, the world is cleaning itself up, you can too!
  16. I never talked jive about Mr Trump. I simply observed that the debate was an absolute disaster for him, an utter failure on every count. The Trumpinator called Trudeau "very weak" and "very, very dishonest" or something like that, not p*ssy. Maybe Trumpster said Boris or the Aussie were p*ssies.
  17. I did investigate for myself. I watched the debate with Ms Harris. Trump was sinking his own ship by the sounds coming from his own mouth. Harris neednt have said a thing to "win." And I don't rely on MSM by the way.
  18. ". . . in the game for 50 years. . ." ad infinitum. Splenda, Equal and similar fake sugar subs are toxic brain poisons. Aspartame. Theres a reason the USAF did not allow pilots to drink diet soda before flights.
  19. There is no way Mr Trump can win now. The debate with Harris was a shambles, an utter disaster for Trump. Harris doesnt have to do a thing to win at this point.
  20. Serious question: Are there any potentially dangerous creatures swimming around in that flood water? Bull sharks?
  21. Bloke is positively drowning in ganja 😂 Even the cops look stoned. So much for the weed champs saying pot's harmless...
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