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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. I can assure you that is rather uncouth - and doubtless not well looked upon by the buffet establishment owners.
  2. You could say the same about former president George Bush Jr, as evidenced by his appearance several years ago on Ellen DeGeneres's show. (His oil paintings are really nice actually 😄)
  3. True, Saskatchewan as only one example.... but wouldn't you miss the massages? The Thai iced tea? Pad Thai on the street? Probably can't get that in SK buddy!!!
  4. Million bucks is about right when you factor in income taxes and what it costs to live a "comfortable" life all around these days. There is an agenda being promoted in the West to demean people, to pit women against men, to up the stress levels. We see so many cracking now, mass shootings, people going off the deep end, divorces.... As you said, Thailand not a bad place to be for the long haul, comparatively.
  5. The OP claims in another post that Thailand is too expensive for him. Why the hell don't you just up and move to Cambodia then? Or Vietnam? Stop with the sob stories here mate.
  6. The first question for females interested only in breeding -- or taking you for a financial ride down the line... You cannot so much even GLANCE in the direction of a female in the West now without fear of being prosecuted by the law. As I said - it's an agenda. Well, it's less hassle and less expense 😅 -- but understandable considering all the anti-Men sentiment ruling the West right now Still happens but it's the exception not the norm as during my parents' generation (1950s-60s era)
  7. Misleading hl. These dust heads oughta sleep it off somewhere else. Throw the book at 'em.
  8. Those damned drugs AGAIN. Bronson!!
  9. The programming has indeed been effective. Population control. Destroy intimacy btwn men and women thereby preventing sexual union and limiting (if not eliminating) the chance of offspring. The powers that be are trans humanists who want microchipped brains and slavebots, not free thinkers. They'll do anything to keep women hating men and men disinterested in women - at least in the West. I wish I woulda grown up in the 70s but I did catch the tail end (pun intended) of the 80s...
  10. You've just described my textbook narcissist brother in law! Cheers bud
  11. If it quacks like a duck.... Conclusive proof? No. But proof beyond a reasonable doubt - YES Cheers buddy
  12. It's those damn drugs again. BRONSON!
  13. Scorned lover. Throw the book at him!
  14. Kimmy Jimmel is a 1000 percent illuminati sock puppet (and not funny either).
  15. It's called having eyes to see and half a brain to deduce. Something you know nothing about it seems?
  16. It's those damn drugs. Bronson!
  17. Sad to see all the judge jury executioners chiming in here. Poor guy is suffering mental illness. Look at his eyes, how he's mumbling to himself, moving in slow motion. He needs help and empathy not scorn. This is not a case of a tourist behaving badly.
  18. No we don't. You're probably too young to remember when you could get on an plane without being treated like a criminal. Do you really believe the digitisation and linking of info is for YOUR own convenience and safety?
  19. Unless you've been flagged as non-cooperative (aka antisocial) as regards the latest vackseen requirement. Munkey pocks anyone? "You will eat bugs, own nothing and travel only if we say so"
  20. I traveled thru Cambodia last winter but only spent time in PP and Kampot. Had been to SR in 2017, so didnt feel the need to revisit (didnt really care for it then). Was in Kep in 2013 but likewise didnt feel the need to revisit. Never been to Sihanoukville or Battambang. Any expats living in Cambodia like to share their pros/cons of their chosen city or why you decided to settle there?
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