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Woke to Sounds

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Everything posted by Woke to Sounds

  1. I would hazard a guess alcohol was a factor. Waiting for the pro-weed brigade to chime in.
  2. After the hassle last winter of applying for just a simple SETV (crying for tourists, remember?) - uhhh no thanks. There are far easier and cheaper bureaucracies to navigate.
  3. Kid Rock, circa 2003, when asked about Saddam Hussein: "We gotta get that <deleted>!" The guy had the gall to chew gum - and then spit it out halfway - during his speech for Cheap Trick's 2016 induction at the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. Pure class!
  4. Can't fire The Boss. Bruce has always been a man of the people. A real NJ mensch.
  5. And dont forget the 29 year old killer grew up in a violent culture with violent video games, UFC, constant school shootings, ongoing wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc), 9-11, and the p(l)andemic, which is a refined subtle violence, a psychological violence. Literally enveloped in violence from day 1.
  6. Harris has all but won it. The debate was a disaster for Mr Trump. Cheers buddy
  7. That may be true, but already there were scandals upon scandals before the Lieberals won the previous election. Canadians had the chance to toss the bums out, but with their votes clearly showed they didnt mind how things were going. Thus, there is a very good chance Trudeau wins a 3rd term despite what current polls show. Wait till the media starts shaping public perception of PP.
  8. Thats because these so called elected creatures don't work for the people; they take orders from the Big Boys. The Big Boys don't give a toss about your self empowerment.
  9. Compared to Cambodia it's not.
  10. More weed mongering. Maryjane not a harmless drug. I know someone went completely schizo on it, had to go to the loony bin. Tis just a sad case of 2 guys who never shouldve took to the drink in the first place; too many unresolved emotional traumas + hair trigger temper + cheap booze = tragedy.
  11. That is true even of hotels. Guesthouse room in BKK same price as 2008. Meanwhile in the USA and Canada even a 2 star is at minimum 100-150 dollars/night plus taxes, and thats not even downtown. Shared dorm bed in Vancouver (15 guys piled in a room, 1 shared washroom down the hall) is 65+ bucks a night plus tax.
  12. That is because Claus Scwab and his W-E-F kronies are targeting only Western countries. Look around and see its the same story in Canada, USA, UK, NZ, Aus.... Middle class must be knocked down a few rungs. Not in Thailand or SeAsia though, interesting that...
  13. That is true in my experience, but on the other hand... When I was on Koh Lanta last winter all the Swedes, Russians and French were getting hosed by the fruit sellers, 100 THB for a kilo of oranges! I found a local minimart run by a Thai hippie guy, he charged me local prices on oranges and bananas. The tradeoff? I paid 10 baht more for a bottle of Leo at his shop. Who cares? Goes both ways buddy!
  14. All I know is that Mr Trump is a friend to Israel, remember there is an election coming soon.
  15. Don't bet on it. Canadians don't mind Trudeau and their woketard mental prisons. There is a good chance he wins again.
  16. Only one man can clean up the problem: Bronson.
  17. These nasty birds are not to be trusted. Biden, Trump, Harris, doesn't matter, the real power is behind the black curtain. Remember when Ellen DeGeneres had George Bush Jr on her show a few yrs ago, fawning all over him and his oil paintings? How is that possible for a left leaning talk show host when Bush, Cheney and the rest of the GOP were considered by many the real "Axes of Evil"? Everybody loved Trump when he was just a reality TV star. Search Letterman on Youtube for clips of Trump from the 80s. Everyone loved him!
  18. My God who gives a damn about this piece of news. Everyone knows Chinese are traveling to Canada in record numbers. Thailand was yesterday's travel thing.
  19. She made it all up - clickbait to get views. Just like that European gal calling white sexpats in Thailand losers.
  20. Weed is far from a harmless drug; it's habit forming and melts brain cells, as evidenced by this guy's expert smuggling attempt. Sounds like he's also a wife beater. The poor kids.
  21. More quality tourists! Sic Bronson on the lot.
  22. Quality tourists.... again!
  23. For years been staying at a cozy guesthouse in Huay Khwang for 700 baht/nt. Place is clean, good beds, private bath, wi-fi and a swimming pool. But the worldwide gov't response to the p(l)andemic really screwed up their business and they are now, sadly, a shell of their former glory days.
  24. When I was there in spring everything fronting My Khe Beach was heaving with tourists, particularly coachloads of Koreans and to a lesser extent, Chinese and VNese. That said, the further north or further south I went on the massive stretch of sand the fewer tourists I saw. And if one stays several streets back from the sea there are some good deals on rooms - and thinner crowds. From Nguyen Van Thoai south there is a densely packed tourist "zone" w tons of hotels, restaurants, pubs, cafes, minimarts, shopping. Thins out the further west you go. It gets less crowded going north toward Pham Van Dong and beyond. Might be less busy now; I was told May-Aug is high season. If youre into playing in the waves the surf looks like its picking up steam again.
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