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lil fluffy clouds

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Posts posted by lil fluffy clouds

  1. I am going to predict that the defence lawyers will advise the B2 to plead guilty to the charges to avoid a certain death penalty if they choose to plead not -guilty. The prosecutor will make it quite clear that the outcome is pre-determined - it has to be, because it can be the only satisfactory outcome from Thailand's POV in that the case is concluded with the B2 admitting guilt.

    A 900 page report including witness statements, DNA evidence, and items stolen from one victim, will persuade the judge that the charges are beyond reasonable doubt.

    The alternative would be to appeal the pre-determined guilty sentences right up to the Supreme court and pray...

    I am afraid you are right.......they will be found guilty, they have no choice. Anything else like acquittal, throwing out the case, a not guilty verdict will be loss of face for the RTP. Nobody can change this and nobody can do anything about this.

    Scary stuff!

    If these boys do die, I wish it not to be for nothing.

    That their deaths will mark a new era for thailand.

    That the world will stop hand feeding this country.

    And through abscence the people will become pro active with integrity.

    Please world, if this is a sacrifice, let it be worthwhile.

  2. Those who sit in public judgement of others are seldom on the moral high ground, and are much more akin to harbouring their own deep rooted insufficiencies that they prefer to hide behind that facade of a self righteous stone thrower.

    I would start worrying more about your own faults rather than preoccupying yourself with other people's lives.

    Not making judgements only curious as to why so many farang guys get themselves into situations where they have to rely on Thais to take care of them and run all their affairs in Thailand. I know one Canadian guy, that after his Thai wife died about a year ago, he became like a fish out of water.

    I also see this a lot when out, in banks, post offices and so on, where the Thai wife or partner is doing all the business and the farang just sitting there looking lost and bewildered with the Thai wife having to do the explaining and translating between the parties.

    I would be more concerned about your own multiple dependancies, dependant upon government services, private business services, primary produces etc...

    I mean, do you actualy catch your own fish and grow your own rice?

    • Like 2
  3. I am not a police officer nor am I a lawyer,prosecutor or judge or do I even know the accused and I don't believe that anyone of you are either. Has anyone stopped to think that maybe just maybe these two suspects actually did commit this heinous crime. It certainly is a possibility. What real facts do we have other that unreliable sources on Thai Visa and other media outlets to determine whether or not these guys are guilty. If they are let them fry and if not let them go but who are we to be judge and jury. We don't know the facts. If anyone here can supply actual facts regarding this case then produce them. Not your our circumstancial evidence but actual facts.

    Born yesterday were you?

  4. What is wrong with Thailand. I have been coming here since 1972. I have been living here 5 years now, sometimes working teaching, other times on a visa that does not really exist does it "retirement visa" no such thing as.

    Thailand was a good country years ago. Now it is not.

    I have to consider leaving, Thai people generally are good, not so for the country and the corrupt or convicted.

    When you in a country long enough you may not realize that the rest of the world is also changing....%

  5. Nothing more than a witch hunt for any high profile supporters of the previously democratically elected government. The Junta will do anything to snuff out democracy and freedom.

    hope not thailand become like the West where the government takes from us all personal freedom, people are being brainwashed home.

    "for your own safety" Usually Means so we can control you.

    I hope that was sarcasm.... i am not saying this doesn't happen in western contries but.....

    "Western country" denotes a consciousness not a particular place...

    Time to wake up to what is going on around you, everywhere I go now looks western to me....

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Political activists are the Target, just another nasty way of saving money. As if any Consul staff would help you with a parrot, feeding the dogs.

    Well personally not surprised.

    Twenty + years ago my uncle (strange, illogical, drama type fellow at the best of times) booked a 7 day package holiday to Singapore for himself and his wife on retirement. Neither had travelled more than perhaps 1,000 kilometres away from home if their whole lifetime.

    They arrived in Singapore but within a few hours their son got a telegram - 'arriving back in Sydney tomorrow morning'.

    Their son tried in vain to quickly make contact thinking there was a serious illness problem or similar.

    They arrived in Sydney - whole family waiting and very worried. Bottom line from uncle:

    'We were totally shocked to discover that neither the Aust. Gov't nor the Singapore gov't have not set up restaurants in at least several locations to specifically provide Australian food and with Australian chefs and staff. It's totally unacceptable and I will write to the prime minister.'

    All attempts to get both uncle and aunt to see some reason a total waste of time.

    They never travelled again.

    What does this have to do with political activists?

  7. Off topic but things are getting cleaned-up. I took a first time visitor to Khaosan Road in Bangkok. I was shocked. Clean ... no weird people foreign or Thai ... normal people enjoying the area ... no squat drinking til drunk on the roadside .... and the restaurants and legitimate vendors were doing very good business.

    It was the first time I didn't feel the need for a shower for just being there. There is hope for a better Thailand.

    Sounds like the old witch hunt days....

    The romans also cleaned up the cities of dissidents with long hair and robes...

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