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lil fluffy clouds

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Posts posted by lil fluffy clouds

  1. The downside of low cost travel,low intelligence travellers

    So you think being rich means your intelligent & poor equals low intelligence ? Get real. Just the sort of comment one expects dickheads to make.

    I think, but I cant be sure, that he may be refering to the fact that when airfares were pricey, only more dedicated people would be willing to fork out the cost. Now it seems to me that many people travel for more superficial reasons and often just because they can....

    • Like 1
  2. Why so many believe in punishment....

    Hasn't done anything for the world so far...

    Who is so holly anyway that they can cast aspersions on another individual...

    Time for change and to support and guide people through the hell that they may in...

    The world does not need to become a prison camp...

    The main problem is that people have lost touch with the primary purpose of life and are suffering greatly...

    In the end you are only witnessing yourself when pushed to the limit...

    And many will justify their own limits in some odd way before understanding the limits of others....

    • Like 2
  3. These CCTV cameras do indeed benefit.... coffee1.gif

    Wonder why they didn't check the cctv when the bike was reported stolen but waited until the parts were found.

    I've had 2 bikes stolen this year and even though they were on a main road which had CCTV & the Police Station, nothing has become of it clap2.gif thanks BIB, keep up the good work!

    I've had 3 scooters in the last 9 years in Pattaya and always fitted a front disc lock, a rear wheel chain lock and of course the steering lock and never had a problem. It's about 600 baht for both locks and money well spent!

    Yes but, for a machine you can pick up with two hands the only good a wheel lock is to make it little heavier....

  4. The last thing Muslims do in any country is live in peace with other religious except Saudi Arabia and the only reason they live in peace with everyone else is NO OTHER RELIGION IS TOLERATED

    Give me a break Muslims are out to Kill simple as that and can be backed up with hundreds of pages of attacks

    This is just the start of Lone Wolf Attacks all over the world and eventually whenever people see anyone that looks remotely like a muslim you can bet that patience and tolerance will not be as much as it is now if every time you go for a coffee your scared some muslim terrorist is going to try and kill you.


    I agree Islam is racist and hateful to any non muslim the link you are making is good however Islam is was worse than the KKK ever was

    Oh diamondking when did you become such an expert on your own governments midnight meander....

  5. Nice to see the army sticking their oar in again. What a bunch of tossers.

    Actually, they've done a great job here. The man with the tats is the tosser. Here illegally and doing illegal activities. He deserves the boot.

    Congrats to the army for this one.thumbsup.gif

    Just cutting away at what they see as the lowest ebb..

    In such a system everyone will get their turn eventualy...

    • Like 1
  6. What would it feel like if another species were experimenting on any one of the researchers loved ones?

    Probably jealous if it involved constant sex!
    Oh clever, and if it was your child and they were sacrificed and their brains were died, what then?

    Right....too serious post-4641-1156693976.gif.pagespeed.ce.Jg

    I doubt anybody here is celebrating the atrocities that happen against animals but this has to be one of the funniest animal experiments ever in the history of mankind. If you can't lighten up a touch then please carry on berating on here but I doubt you are going to change opinion.

    My own view is that as much as I find animal experimentation abhorrent I have a moral dilemma when it comes down to experimentation for life-saving therapies. The experimentation for cosmetic purposes I am clear about though.

    Nonetheless the vision of a white coated lab tech "dolling up" a little girlie rat in kinky undies has got me truly tickled. I hope you can find some small portion of joy somewhere in your life too.

    Life saving experiments for who?

    Clearly an obsession here with avoiding natural human deaths.

    Natural deaths are part of the balance of life, we come and we go, notice the tide?...

    If the tide only comes in we all drown....

    Besides many people engage in life threatening habits and then expect to be saved, should the natural world pay for their dues?

    I dont think so.

    As the world population rises and nature decreases I think you will find life(as you call it) under more duress.

    Who or what are we saving?

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