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lil fluffy clouds

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Posts posted by lil fluffy clouds

  1. Quite simply those who are above the law do not want the truth to be told, so how are you going to make it happen?

    Well what would be a real step in the right direction, if the Canadian Authorities, namely the Embassy did something about it. They have a duty to their citizens, but sadly, as i many cases, the Embassy does nothing !!!

    Busy keeping up trade relations...

    Individuals and justice don't count for anything...

    Big business does...


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  2. If these boys get off the whole country of thailand will have to change from the ground up...

    Considering most of the economy appears to me to be "under the table" that's quite some hefty shift to take place...

    Most people I feel understand this, and if most people are too afraid to make honest changes then the system itself will do anything to maintain the status quo, anything at all....

    When people's financial security is threatened many appear to be able to rewrite the whole meaning of life to fit in with there own idea of economy....

    How far this will go this time in thailand remains to be seen...

  3. Well, they are not going to have an easy time achieving that since the plan is to build more coal plants in the country.

    And the burning is already starting in the north to compensate for the reduction in greenhouse gases emissions.

    "Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Gen. Daophong Rattanasuwan who represents Thailand and his entourage attend the UNFCCC session and the 10th Kyoto protocol conference from 1-12 December 2014 in Peru."

    And a 12 day junket in South America for how many?

    Actually, burning fields is carbon neutral, since it releases the CO2 accumulated by the plants that will then be reabsorbed in the next crop. Not that it doesn't produce pollution and should be stopped, but it's not a factor on the matter.

    As long as they don't plan to do it by building nuclear power plants.

    Nuclear power is the most straightforward solution to reducing greenhouse emissions today, unfortunately fear mongering campaigns based on bad science, misinformation and outdated prejudices has stopped that solution from being implemented. That more nuclear power is not used today, and more research into it's development doesn't happen is one of the great tragedies of these days, like a sick person dying because their faith prevents them from using that "medicine", "scientists" peddle.

    "Burning rice fields is carbon neutral"

    So your telling me that if you were a serious chain smoker you would be the picture of perfect health because the next tobacco crop will reabsorb your carbon levels?

    Maybe you would like to demonstrate!

    "Nuclear power fear mongering campaigns" are not based on speculative science but rather actual events, also just because you cannot see the smoke does not mean it is not 20 times more lethal...

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