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lil fluffy clouds

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Posts posted by lil fluffy clouds

  1. Now wouldn't the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJL if some international court grabbed a US citizen and tried to prosecute him? We're not into that European-lose-your-sovereignty-to-a-group shit.

    "Ring, ring ring." "Hello USA, this is the UN." "Oh really? Get lost."

    Why would that be? It can't be because American consider themselves above international law, is it?

    They think they are. And from a few posts on that other cia torture thread, some Americans think one American life is more precious than the rest of us. Some of those posts are as offensive as the ISIS mob.

    If some people want to justify torture then are these same people willing to listen to ISIS' justification for beheading people? All such acts are heinous and crimes against humanity and unjustifiable.

    If the majority of Americans cannot see why they too must be accountable to the rest of the civilised world in relation to these acts of torture and force their government to be a responsible global power, then they do not deserve to be the world's sole superpower.

    Worlds biggest super power comes from being world's most successful


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  2. Is it tourists, or is it those who live here also? I've never experienced an incident because I speak Thai.

    If you live here, learn the lingo. If you don't.... not much will change in ATTACKING tourists, I'm afraid.

    Tourists do not generally speak Thai, and they are the ones supposedly being targeted in greater numbers than ever. May I remind you that a senior police officer has stated that you have the right to refuse.

    Did he also state you have the right to refuse being planted?

  3. Thailand does not seem to be able to stay out of world news and NOT in a good light.

    This, along with Hitler, along with murders just keeps on coming.

    And for some reason little to no damage control at all.

    You would think there would be an official statement from authorities to investigate the reports or issue a directive to stop.facepalm.gif

    That's because there is no real unification here, it's every pirate for himself, in uniform or not. Take what you can get lads, the ship is sinking....

  4. The fine is 2000 for dropping ciggy butts on the floor but I'd bet the farm that the cop just pockets that.

    I've never had a problem in Suki with cops but there does seem to be a sharp increase in the number of these stories recently.

    I got done for dropping my cigarette butt near Emporium about 6 months ago. I negotiated the fine down to 600 baht.

    Do you mean you paid a bribe and therefore exacerbated the situation?

  5. Good, while hes away I beg and hope the army stage a coup and install a new PM who is more chilled out, less strict and less robotic. Please! This Prayuth is as charming as a doberman pincher. No offence meant just observation, if not hope the Chinese can help chill this guy out, maybe a night out with the lads is all he needs. Just a surgestion.

    "Chilled out" and "military" somehow sound contrary...

  6. You could have asked him if this is also his planet....

    If people can be so base about nationalism then why stop with people...

    It's possible that his phone, car or anything else he uses is either produced elsewhere or most likely invented elsewhere....

    What constitutes a nation now anyway?

    Nations have sprouted in history from conquering, what's so rightous about that?

    I can't think of any country that is mine, sure I have a passport but dont feel that certain dna strands have more rights than others....

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