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Posts posted by Jimbo1964

  1. Muslim women wear their veil for religious reasons.Will he now bring into law that sikhs remove their turbans or for safety's sake make them wear crash helmets.Why is this allowed?Because of a sikhs religious reasons....Unfair and discriminatory.

    Muslim women do not wear the veil for religious reasons, its nothing to do with being a Muslim. Its a personal choice, however its a highly enforceable requirement by Muslim men. One of the main reasons is to protect women from Muslim men who cannot control themselves sexually. E.g. Multiple examples currently in the EU.

  2. Peerayuth Singpattanakul, Director of Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand, said yesterday the trains don’t get to transport the passengers at full capacity during rush hours because of the empty spaces. Well it must be true then .......erm I wonder if he has every travelled on the MRT during rush hour! Empty spaces? Must be on other MRT trains because the one's I've travelled on are completely full. You have to fight your way in when trying to get on one and you have to fight your way to the door when its your stop. Guess he wants it more like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VblpZELt6dc

  3. I tend to agree sometimes you get a problematic taxi driver but overall they are ok and very cheap compared to most capital cities around the world. Also now that apps like Grab Taxi are here the service is even better.

    If you want a service like a London Black were the driver has 'the knowledge' then you have to expect to pay a whole heap more but saying that if you use the Grab Taxi Car services its like a little limo service anyway and still pretty cheap.

  4. Five men in Buriram province are being investigated for violating Thailand's animal welfare act after posting photos on social media of themselves preparing and eating cat meat. Perhaps they had nothing else to eat and the rats were all gone. It doesn't say they tortured the cat, just preparing, so skinning, gutting etc. Whilst it may not be every ones taste, they also eat bugs up there so I guess anything goes.

  5. ....And the children should be removed from the parents' custody and placed with a good Christian family and taught some morals and values.

    I think religion has enough to answer for, "Good Christian Family" or why not with an Irish Priest, sure they will be safe there.

    The IS is all about God and you want to place them with someone else who will preach about God. The Christian Church also has allot of blood on their hands. Much more than the IS has, only difference is the IS brag about it and the Christian Church tries to conceal it. You might want to check some history books about what good Christians have done in the past.

    All in the name of God!

    Religion needs to be band in public places, people are free to believe what they wish but please don't force it on others!

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