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Posts posted by Jimbo1964

  1. I've a friend who is a pilot and he was telling me about the lack of maintenance on Thai planes, both commercial and cargo. Their engineers do not follow international guidelines on maintenance, they swap parts from plane to plane, forge records and when they find something they can't handle, they ground the planes and Thai Airways has many planes just sit there, worth billions of baht. Then they rent other planes.

    He pilots 747's and told me that one of the planes he was assigned to fly was undergoing a C check which requires it to be placed in a hanger because its a major maintenance job. Takes about 2 weeks to complete apparently. However the plane sat on the tarmac for 2 weeks, wasn't touched or moved to a hanger and then it was sent back in full service with all the paperwork signed to verify the C check was completed. Needless to say he refused to fly that plane and is now looking to move back to Europe.

    Anyone interested might want to read this article http://www.eturbonews.com/58480/reason-behind-thailand-s-air-safety-problem

    If you have to fly choose another airline!

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Why it is shocking? there is no money in disposing of the garbage, only costs, so let's us not do today

    what we can do next year...

    There is a lot of money in converting waste to energy, creating bio fuels, organic fertilizers from organic waste, plus recycling. Its happening all around the world. Even old building materials and rubber tires can be mainly recycled and reused. Burying or burning it is just stupid and its not that good for our environment either.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I do not pretend to know about the situation in Bangkok and some of the larger cities in the south.

    There are a few things about minimum wage I know to be true here in the north I have never seen mentioned on a TV post before that I think should be known.

    1) Most people who work for Min wage are required to work 12 hours per day to get that 300 baht


    2) Most min wage jobs require the worker to work 6 days per week.

    That breaks down to 25 baht per hour.

    A 72 our week pays 1800 baht

    or 7,200 baht per month

    3( Another important fact I never hear mentioned is that farm labor (working in the hot sun 12 hours per day ) does not pay 300 baht per day.

    Farm labor is only paid 200 baht per day....legal or not, that is the fact in northern Thailand.

    Can you imagine trying to support yourself on these wages with only one day per week off to take care of business at home?

    Now, try to imagine supporting a family on these wages...even with two adults working 6 days per week!

    300 baht minimum wage is for 8 hours work, not 12. Security guards work 12 hours and normally get paid 450 baht per day, anything over that they get overtime of 1.5 of their hourly rate.

    By law if workers, with the exception of security guards, work more than 8 hours they get overtime at a rate of 1.5 - 2 or 3 times the hourly rate and if they work on their day off they get double time, double time on public holidays, triple time for overtime.

    Some workers get less because of illegal practices by some employers, but the employer gets caught then they are liable for a big fine, however Thai workers often do not complain to the department of labour, because it takes time and the worker would rather get another job and earn some money than (how they see it) waste time complaining.

    If workers actually took time to complain, many Thai services companies would go out of business and the employment standards would rise. Also many companies employing services companies, for example would need to pay more for their services, however often they turn a blind eye because they don't care, they just want cheap services.

  4. I hate those U turns so much. Who in their right mind puts a U turn in the fast lane, its just asking for trouble. Then more often than not, it gives the person making a U Turn a very short lane to merge into the other sides fast lane, so they cannot gain enough speed to merge smoothly, therefore both fast lanes are adversely effected.

  5. Pigeons and most birds come to that don't like magnets. Put up a few lines (Fishing line is ok) with magnets evenly spaced and they will leave the area. Some pest control companies sell them but you can also make yourself.

  6. Thai pork doesn't come close to matching the quality of Canadian pork. Russia is taking what it can get right now.

    Add the expense to that due to the crashed ruble, and Putin must be shirting himself. If anyone ever wanted to see a rogue state taken down without firing a shot we're living it.

    In Austria you can buy very fat pork for very low price now. Pork Austria can't sell to Russia. I doubt Putin is too concerned about the pork quality. But in Europe the farmer aren't happy.

    A loose-loose for everyone (beside China).

    In the end it will be a win for the West. Putin was getting too big for his britches and it was obvious that his new oil money was making it possible for him to have a goal of rebuilding the USSR. His dealings with Ukraine have been enough to show what he really is.

    Today he couldn't afford to buy a sandwich at a lunch counter in the Ukraine. The West and Saudi Arabia (pissed at him for meddling in Syria) have driven the price of oil into the cellar destroying his income, and sanctions are hurting his ability to feed his people even if he had the money.

    Triple whammy: Oil prices crash jerking his income away, the ruble crashes doubling that problem, and sanctions from the West cut off many things he needs even if he had the money to buy.

    Russia is Communist and responsible to feed its people. We are indeed watching an interesting show by the West.

    Check the situation in Ukraine, Putin could still buy half the Ukraine. It is the most broken down country of Europe. Alone the debts the Ukraine has in the West makes a win of the West very expensive. If the goal of the West is conquer the world and establish a world government than it would be a win for the West. Else a win would be a loose. It would be way better to give the Ukraine for Putin, if he pays back their debts....

    I doubt (and I could be wrong on that) that China let Putin loose. If Russia loose China is the next target, so I wouldn't be surprised that when the Russian Ruble lost 80 % China start to buying it and stabilizing it. (And making the next huge profit, when its value increases again).

    But of course I could be complete wrong, who knows for sure?

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