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  1. If he still has his Indian citizenship he can be stripped of his Thai citizen ship.
  2. Car dealers get a provision from the lender. Go and try to get a discount when buying a new car with cash.
  3. It would be very unusual to get a discount if paying cash. Dealers prefer purchase on installments as they can make additional profits.
  4. There's not much left to sanction. The trade volume between Russia and the US is about 0.15% of the total Russian trade volume. But yes, Trump could impose a 1000% tax on the Russian uranium they're still buying..
  5. You're right and the interesting thing is that many Malaysian drivers here act like racing pilots same as many Thai drivers do. They know that they can do it here, so they do it. But, at least, much less Malaysians are drunk drivers..
  6. No need to change the adress in the car book or change number plates. You'll have to change the adress on your driving license though. Normally you would do that at the next renewal, but when you're afraid of unpaid speeding fines you can do it immediately.
  7. I don't know about travel insurances, but if the OP is living in Thailand then he won't have a problem with local insurers. My insurance has full coverage, but if you think about terror attacks i don't know. But, the chance to get anyhow involved in such a situation is so insignificant, that it would be a waste of time to give it any thoughts.
  8. I live there. Maybe a bit different than your "government's travel advice", but much nearer to real life. Go visit the deep south and see the difference between reality and what's told from outsiders.
  9. Yes, it's not, but can easily be done. I remember, that i had to make tax clearances in the 80ies when staying in Thailand more than 180 days a year. This was enforced and you would have gotten troubles leaving the country without a tax clearance.
  10. The three deep south provinces are not more dangerous to bike than everywhere else in Thailand, that's a common miss understanding. But, traveling down the east coast (southern Thailand and Malaysia) in November would be a bad choice. Raining all the time and floods here and there, that would be no fun.
  11. Most likely yes, they just told me that they will come visit every year, but they never came. Would be interesting to hear from others..
  12. Sounds interesting. I only got one home visit (on retirement extensions), 6 years ago, after moving here from BKK. They called me a day before and it was no problem at all. If they came now, well; my wife is in BKK for two months and, we don't have neighbours..
  13. Missed you by a few hours.. i went this morning, doing my 90-days report (they finally use a barcode now) and a re-entry. Took about 20 minutes and i left very satisfied.
  14. I hope, you will be luckier this year. Last year went very well for me, 30min. for extension and 90-days-report, this year they also accepted everything, but it took them about 90 minutes from the time of the appointment (I didn't ask why..). I always insist on a manual update for the bank letter with the actual date and check for stamp and signature. They made me run extra rounds too many times because of such little details. Good luck for your next extension.
  15. Not my experience. Over the years we had transactions in several provinces and nowhere had the officers of the "grom tee din" any interest in the amount of money beeing exchanged between seller and buyer. Their only interest had been on the amount of taxes they had calculated. Not speaking about hidden envelopes, that's another story..
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