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Everything posted by poyai111

  1. 5 years ago I purchased a pull-up bar (doorway fitting) for around 150 baht and a stationery bicycle for around 5000 baht. Both have served me well. Strength and cardio equally addressed. Bicycle was designed for short legged Asians (no disrespect) so seat height had to be raised by the addition of a short section of broom handle.
  2. Love those issan frog feet! Too much time in the paddies
  3. Let's face it - they love the stuff and wouldn't anyone who shared that lifestyle of discrimination and unemployment? A lifestyle devoid of hope and a helplessness experienced over many generations has resulted in our indigenous people leading a life of despair, poverty and neglect. The inevitable social outcomes are alcoholism, domestic violence and incarceration. Tough love infuriates the bleeding hearts but the data relating to alcohol restrictions and community empowerment speaks for itself. Ignore the ignorami and go back to what works.
  4. Good point. All the advisory signs that I have seen have been located exactly at the pedestrian crossing giving road users absolutely no time to slow down. Common sense would indicate that such signs should be located a minimum of 100 metres before the crossing
  5. "Lean on me" - at that age adolescents have to cope with a multitude of conflicting issues. Those closest to them must show empathy and support, indicate a willingness to provide advice, to be a confidant during this time when self esteem is at its lowest. Show leadership teachers and own your responsibility parents
  6. 90 million people infected. Over 20% of airport arrivals infected (eg South Korea). Perhaps Thailand is leaving itself vulnerable to another outbreak
  7. Of course it was preventable. It was not preordained nor was it destiny nor karma. There was a reason for this occurrence and it's my belief that had Thai drivers been educated into cautious driving, being prepared for the unexpected, having a totally focused driving attitude without distractions, being aware of surroundings, being an organic part of the traffic, understanding what's happening or could happen 400 metres in front then there may be an improvement in the national mortality rate due to unreasonable driving behavior
  8. FGS stop using this blame absolving word "accident". "reason" is a more appropriate one and the reason for this accident is readily apparent while other contributing factors are probably in the mix too
  9. Not so irresistible force meets immovable object - pure science. We come in a very vulnerable envelope - bones, muscles and organs held together by the skin. Explosive force of this collision would separate those components easily. There are no accidents only reasons
  10. For many years I have been following a HIIT routine (high intensity interval training). Major advantage is this workout doesn't consume a lot of time and it benefits both strength and cardio. Routine: 5x10 pullups with 1 minute intervals followed by 20 minutes on an exercise bike using alternative intervals os 1 minute at 85 cadence followed by 1 minute at 125 cadence. 3 times per week is sufficient. I am 78 years old and have a testing heart rate of 45 and never been to a doctor during my 7 years in Thailand
  11. You can be reckless in any type of transport. The fact that bicycles cannot exceed speed limits reduces the chances of fatality substantially
  12. Thanks for your response but I was referring to the general Thai population. Refer historical photos of the time - bicycles were the primary form of personal transport
  13. Anyone under 30 should be limited to riding push bikes like everyone did 50 years ago. Any lunatic can twist a throttle to achieve orbital speeds. It takes real skill and experience to control oneself and the machine. Remaining upright and following the correct line, if learnt from trial and error, can have fatal consequences
  14. The fatalists would say that an accident is in accord with the dictates of destiny and thus must be accepted unquestionably. The pragmatists, more realistically, would opine that there are no "accidents" but there are "reasons" which need to be investigated and acted upon.
  15. A ship is quite safe even in the worst of conditions so long as it ships no water. While ever it floats, even if very uncomfortable, it remains safe. When it ships water it loses bouancy and balance, perhaps heeling over and shipping even more water then ultimately foundering. If the bilge pumps are inoperative or inadequate the result is a forgone conclusion.
  16. I was using profound imagery which was obviously lost on the ignorami. MSM are ignoring the immense damage done by the intelligence agencies to the very fabric of American society. I hope that : 1) the MSM come to their collective senses under understand their role in investigative journalism and, 2) the damage done is not irreparable
  17. Took the bait! Come in spinner! You're a sucker for punishment. Open those incriminating files Elon and watch the elites squirm when they have to take their own medicine
  18. The mind boggles! Was the water in the tank being used? If so, for what use? Mega health hazard.
  19. Usually an S bend suffices in locking out an ingress of seawater - an airlock if you will. I'm guessing she sprung a leak and the bilge pumps were overwhelmed
  20. I fully concur with this action. Take the remainder of the class outside for their own safety and to reduce the chances of others joining the fray. Without an audience, the adrenaline rush would lead to early exhaustion and the intervention of a small posse of teachers should convince them that a wai and handshake would hopefully end the dispute. My two bob's worth.
  21. Mazda 2 diesel has 4 wheeidisc brakes and manual transmission. Good acceleration with plenty of torque. Recommended
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