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Everything posted by poyai111

  1. Imagine sharing a trench with a buddy who is looking after your back and heshe has PMT!
  2. Regimentation of the populace, beginning at preschool level, has produced a citizenry of unquestioning, non- curious sheeples. When I witness motorcycle riders in the rural areas wearing masks, I shake my head in disbelief.
  3. Exactly. War is hell and there should be no respite until victory is achieved. Hamas has bitten off more than they can chew and no amount of their propaganda will deter Israel
  4. Flipped over by a pothole! Must have been the size of a bomb crater
  5. Let's see him defend the indefensible - his policies - all failures reflecting a failing America. Attacking Trump's obnoxious personality will never work. Politics is about only 3 things that matter - policy, policy, policy
  6. Add context: Trump continued: " look at him freak out!" Referring to Hannity. Obviously the irony and hence the joke, was missed by those who will not see, those who will not listen and those who live in a partisan bubble.
  7. Until oneself has experienced falling asleep while driving, it is difficult to imagine how this can happen. It can be instantaneous and if sufficiently exhausted, unavoidable. I, myself, fell victim to the inevitable by driving solo from Broken Hill to Newcastle via Cobar and Dubbo back in '63. Maybe a distance of 800 miles overnight which I thought was within my youthful invincibility. Steering a mini Cooper S whilst inverted was not a frequently practised skill but a very effective wake up mechanism. Drugs have the effect of raising awareness but unfortunately amplifying all the senses. For example the mere impact of a well nourished grasshopper on the windsceen will result in panic braking and totally unnecessary swerving all over the road endangering others as well as oneself. Rest periods and hydration is the answer if there is no relief driver available
  8. A bridge from nowhere to elsewhere. What will prompt motorists away from the Asian highway to drive across a bridge spanning a glorified swamp to visit a backwater that is meung Songkhla? The city itself has its unique charm but not enough, in my humble opinion, to warrant such a massive diversion to one's itinerary
  9. Offering credit to customers is fraught with risk unless there are rigorous background checks, vendor imposed limits and efficient collection procedures in place. Many view credit as an interest free forgivable loan which jeopardizes the future of any business
  10. Dr Sunil in On Nut. Implants and bridge in 2010 still fine with no problems. 3 appointments and one third of price for same work in Australia. Highly recommended
  11. Much of the Gulf of Thailand is too shallow for a deep dive to avoid detection. A vain attempt to gain international relevance
  12. For the romantics and those who have lived the Thai experience: "Qando amor non es locura, non es amor.", translation: "when love is not madness, it is not love" - Spanish is such a beautiful language
  13. The rottweiler bonking the daschund in row 5 should be good for a few selfies
  14. So where's the victim? One would think that banks would show due diligence in responding to any loan application and their foremost question would relate to the applicant's ability to repay the loan. History shows that such a loan had legs and the lender would have no problem in approving that application
  15. The German engine has an impressive record for reliability and longevity. It will far outlast the life of the sub. I predict problems with leaks, corrosion and system glitches. Finally, a submarine is expected to be a weapon of stealth. How can that be achievable if it is produced by one's adversary?
  16. Frivolous! Justice must be seen to be the guiding light and consider the fact that in the course of discovery, were the Trump team of lawyers able to process 1000 pages a day, the entire document of the indictment would take in excess of 10 years to be completed
  17. Documented and corroborated. 50 ex CIA officials lied. Indictments inspired by radical Da's to interfere with 2024 election.
  18. Substitute the names of the protagonists and you come to the realization that truth must prevail and the search for that truth is the responsibility of unbiased journalists
  19. ASEANnow coverage of all things Trump has become a little tiresome to the point that it could reasonably stated that a partisan approach is evident. Could we have an even handed real journalistic cover on the dramas facing the USA? The president, himself, is heading towards impeachment and the silence is deafening
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