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Everything posted by poyai111

  1. The source ofuch corruption is money. Use money to buy justice. Some philanthropic citizen should put a substantial bounty on his head. Caught within the week is my feeling but then the coppers would stage an escape for their own financial reward
  2. Went to Dr Sunil in the On Nut area 12 years ago for substantial cosmetic work. One third the price of similar work in Australia. Have had no problem and very satisfied with result.
  3. "the edict will protect local wisdom"- really? What wisdom is that? Could it be the wisdom to recognize the futility of objection?
  4. Speculation! Capitalism rears its ugly head. This is the realm of hiso class only. The impoverished must endure forever the restrictions of covert socialism
  5. Last seen wearing speedos and a maniacal grin. Swimming a river in flood is supremely foolish. While the surface could indicate an easy passage, what is not seen is the underwater turbulence which makes swimming such a difficult task in these conditions. Fatigue eventually has its fatal results.. Not recommended - wait for better swimming conditions and use the time to more effectively fund raise.
  6. Youngsters know not real terror. The reality is they would be so traumatised that they would freeze so this police training, an obviously admirable response, is probably going to be ineffective. Leadership provided by courageous teachers would be more appropriate
  7. Exit strategy? Vaporization is the lesser of many evils one of which would be the collapse of law and order ( in Los easily achievable) and the prospect of total anarchy.
  8. Going topless in Thailand was de rigeur for both(?) sexes up until the thirties, if I recall correctly. The reigning monarch issued a decree declaring that all women should cover their naked chests but no mention of the men - killjoy!
  9. So now it's official? Life doesn't begin until week 21 of pregnancy? After that time it's murder?
  10. Forget your legs entirely until they are 100%. Concentrate on core and upper body. Highly recommend kayaking. Rowing requires utilisation of the legs - paddling does not.
  11. Those tatts! Looks like someone chundered down her back! What could have precipitated that I wonder?
  12. You want this cockroach? Put a substantial bounty on his head. No shortage of entrepreneural "assassins"
  13. Attended Dr Sunil's surgery in On Nut 12 years ago for implants etc. To this day no problem and one third the price of same procedure in Australia k
  14. Justifiably, Seems the shooter had tons of ammo. Potentially scores could have been killed or wounded had it not been for the responder's intervention.
  15. Maybe overheated battery. Hot day and poor battery maintenance is explosive combination. Troubleshooting invitation
  16. I believe that police policy concerning the use of weapons when confronting an armed perp is to empty the magazine in the hope that some bullets might hit the target and at least cause a disability to retaliate
  17. Ensure you have plenty of adjustment for the saddle. Not everyone has short legs! No need for flashy computer. High intensity interval training requires only a timer. Alternate 85 cadence with 125 cadence for 1 minutes each one. Start at 6 minutes and progress in easy stages. Most effective cardio exercise
  18. 20 years ago a fat kid in a classroom would be exceptional. Nowadays, commonplace. Student, if in fact, obese, would find the task of even standing on one leg for 10 seconds, unachievable let alone squat jumps, push ups or pull ups. Fitness for Thai kids has been sorely neglected for a long time.
  19. Why not include a bicycle ride too? Great non- impact exercise for our highly respected gentlemen which has a proven record of health related enhancements and elevated levels of libido and we'll being
  20. Every ambulance should have, as standard equipment, a front bumper manufactured especially for occasions such as this. My suggestion? A marine grade stainless steel rsj - perfect for levelling the hi so ego
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