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Everything posted by SiSePuede419

  1. This is not your usual Russian rot gut Wodka buzz, comrades. ????
  2. That's almost 10 years. Kumar's delicious journey to White Castle has been filled with crazy obstacles. ????
  3. Who the hell does this Swedish “businessman" think he is? American? Understandable. Roids cause "shrinkage". ????
  4. But but but Saudis are supposed to be rich. Must have cash flow issues. ????
  5. Don't worry about me. My wife informed me yesterday she likes me. As always, subject to change. ????
  6. This is looking bad for the people who claim paying by the hour is cheaper than a wife. ????
  7. Shouldn't a 9 year old girl be wearing a top? Looks like she's topless in that picture. Do flat chested girls not need tops. ????
  8. I think I see the problem. This is not what a normal tourist does... It should only take one or two visits to realize there's lots of places in Thailand better than Phuket to spend your holiday. ???? Something is henky here, folks. ????‍♂️
  9. I'm buying a lottery ticket for this date! ????
  10. He was traveling too fast for the road conditions. Why is it Thai people crawl around a U-turn like they are turtles, but drive too fast in the rain? ????
  11. Don't be absurd. Of course you don't leave the heat on all winter when you're gone. That's insane. You drain the water pipes before you leave. Can't break water pipes if they're empty (or almost empty). I leave my cabin in the mountains with no heat every winter. Gets down to -20F sometimes. The water pipes are drained, so no problem. Anyone that keeps the heat on all winter is a moron. ????
  12. Your roof is leaking. There's no way you should have mold inside a vacant house with a good roof. Leg me guess, it's too expensive to fix your roof because you spend all your money on coming to Thailand every year? ????
  13. How much do you know about the difference between fiction and fact? ???? From the author of the book you mentioned.. "This is a [fictional] novel, not an autobiography; though much in it is autobiographical, more is pure invention."
  14. I'm guessing that digital wallet is going to get hacked harder by China and North Korea than Angelina Jolie in a 90s movie about hackers. ????
  15. Economists aren't scientists, they have no control to eliminate confounding variables. ????
  16. "Global economic jitters"? Doesn't exist anymore than ghosts, The Holy Ghost, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Free Lunch, Checks in the mail and Just the Tip, Mamn. It's imaginary. All in the head. Not real. Fake News. ????
  17. We ate at the little Night Market in Kata Beach. Didn't see any Russian owners there. Your Thai wife should have directed you to more suitable Cheap Charlie food options. ????
  18. 5555. Of course you do. It's very dangerous in Columbia. ???? P.S. The food sucks there
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