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Posts posted by rockingrobin

  1. Moonsterk

    You potray the RTP in a very poor light,

    They put on a show when measuring residents footprints, even though they stated the foot size was 40,

    Did this show also extend to the taking of female dna,the statement that they eas looking into a possibility Hannah was involved in an argument on the night of her murder

    Size 40? Well heck. That might be my western mysogynist.

    The argument has never been established it's crap as fact. Now tell me there is a link but refuse to provide it.

    Argument by omission.

    Female DNA? So? women can't be murderers? There was one rape and two murders nothing says one person did all, then or now..

    Moonsterk let me explain

    You reason there was no footprint, but we clearly see video evidence of RTP taking foot measurements, your explanation that it was somehow a show to appease is implausable and laughable , especially when you consider they did not have sufficient funds to provide a file of crime scene photos, why would they be wasting valuable resources on a futile exercise

    The rumour of the altercation is in the court testimony, we have one RTP claiming in sept 2014 they are investigating and then in court we did not investigate

    The taking of female dna establish that there is more dna than declared

  2. That is my explanation for his proximity as already stated, you can believe it or not.

    I asked you to clarify his explanation, curious as to how it would void mine.
    I am not evading your question, Mons explanation is in the pulic doman and would appear to differ from yours.
    In order to maintain some independance it would be prudent if this was located yourself so as to allow you to make an independant judgement.

    On the issue of Mon deputuzation would I be correct in saying you have no sources formally or otherwise to this fact ,and it is your own personal summarisation of his presence at the scene

    OK so you won't share his explanation, is that correct? I'd have to think it does not exist then. But perhaps putting that aside, would you be able to explain how it voids mine?

    and yes as stated twice already that is my explanation for his proximity- Is there some reason to doubt it? Has your colleague refuted it in some way?

    I am somewhat suprised by your response, you lambast posters for re-gurgating myth,innuendo,rumours and speculation and post them as fact.Yet here you are stating Mon was deputized as an explanation for his presence at the crime scene , yet cannot back this up with a source, it is only a speculative judgement, it maybe correct or not
    As for Mons explanation , as i have stated it is in the public domain , it would be unwise of me to spoonfeed you, as it is not mine or my colleagues intention to influence yourself by asking leading question on this matter.

    To the interest of my colleague the deputization of Mon which you alluded to is of some importance

    I lambast them for re-gurgating [sic] opinion gleaned off anonymous articles and social media as fact.
    I have stated several times now this is my explanation of his presence.

    I think it is well established by now you do not believe it and I cannot convince you.

    On the contrary Moonsterk , I have no opinion , the only fact that I can establish is Mon was at the crime scend
  3. Moonsterk

    Apologies fot harping on about Mon, however after speaking to a colleague he did not confirm or deny if it wss possible for the village headman to deputize in such circumstances.

    My colleague made a request if you could clarify the deputisation of Mon is from an official or unofficial source

    That is my explanation for his proximity as already stated, you can believe it or not.

    I asked you to clarify his explanation, curious as to how it would void mine.


    I am not evading your question, Mons explanation is in the pulic doman and would appear to differ from yours.

    In order to maintain some independance it would be prudent if this was located yourself so as to allow you to make an independant judgement.

    On the issue of Mon deputuzation would I be correct in saying you have no sources formally or otherwise to this fact ,and it is your own personal summarisation of his presence at the scene

    OK so you won't share his explanation, is that correct? I'd have to think it does not exist then. But perhaps putting that aside, would you be able to explain how it voids mine?

    and yes as stated twice already that is my explanation for his proximity- Is there some reason to doubt it? Has your colleague refuted it in some way?


    I am somewhat suprised by your response, you lambast posters for re-gurgating myth,innuendo,rumours and speculation and post them as fact.Yet here you are stating Mon was deputized as an explanation for his presence at the crime scene , yet cannot back this up with a source, it is only a speculative judgement, it maybe correct or not

    As for Mons explanation , as i have stated it is in the public domain , it would be unwise of me to spoonfeed you, as it is not mine or my colleagues intention to influence yourself by asking leading question on this matter.

    To the interest of my colleague the deputization of Mon which you alluded to is of some importance

  4. Moonsterk

    Apologies fot harping on about Mon, however after speaking to a colleague he did not confirm or deny if it wss possible for the village headman to deputize in such circumstances.

    My colleague made a request if you could clarify the deputisation of Mon is from an official or unofficial source

    That is my explanation for his proximity as already stated, you can believe it or not.

    I asked you to clarify his explanation, curious as to how it would void mine.


    I am not evading your question, Mons explanation is in the pulic doman and would appear to differ from yours.

    In order to maintain some independance it would be prudent if this was located yourself so as to allow you to make an independant judgement.

    On the issue of Mon deputuzation would I be correct in saying you have no sources formally or otherwise to this fact ,and it is your own personal summarisation of his presence at the scene

  5. Moonsterk

    Where is it stated Mon was deputized

    It isn't. That's an explanation offered for Mon's proximity to the scene.

    " Deputized" is my western word for what a village headman can do with whomever he wishes- appoint them to act as police. Limited police presence at that time meant civilians were needed to act as police.

    Shall I link to nameless experts quoted by an anonymous article in a publication, say - The State Rag.

    But thats not the explanation given by Mon

    As for the legality of your statement I will have to get back

  6. Drunk, having sex on a beach in early hours = trouble.

    No matter what country.

    None of David's DNA on Hannah. Do your homework before posting shi*e

    You are aware Hannah's body was at least partially submerged in water as evidenced by her lower left calf and half her foot are buried in perfectly smooth sand ? ( which preempts that " large footprint" nonsense.) Such a submersion might have contributed to lack of David's DNA or other physical evidence. I remember something about a condom- empty of ejaculate, being found nearby..
    Perhaps the couple had just started their tryst, and were reclining when two short Myanmar lads decided to whack David on the head.. using a cloth or item of clothing to hold the hoe. I never understood the buzz about how their size, or lack of their DNA on the hoe handle was supposed to be a defense. Criminals have been using cloth to hold weapons for some time now- ever since fingerprinting was discovered. And a long handled hoe, if David were standing, would be an adequate height equalizer.

    Maybe they really did not mean to kill David, but having done so, felt they must also do away with Hannah?

    You are adding pieces in , used a cloth to hold the hoe is total fabrication, it was not in the confession , re-enactment or prosecution.

    And why would it need to be?
    It simply explains why fingerprints or DNA of Zaw and Wai was not on the handle... And defense realised, correctly- it was no defense, and prosecutors realised it was not of importance because criminals often use cloth, or gloves or other methods to mask fingerprints and DNA and that's why no one used the hoe handle in arguments. Fairly basic.

    The blade of the hoe was established as the instrument that inflicted Hannah's and David's wounds, blood was Hannah's and David's wounds matched.

    So from this I would say, IMO after David was gotten out of the way, the hoe got washed in water- either by tide, or on purpose but was then used to kill Hannah, later- presumably after the rape, or simply to bash her face in when she was already dead... which is really of interest, that specific act- so violent, so.... out of place so.....it doesn't fit. What if was much later and by another party ?

    you are introducing elements in an attempt to explain the missing dna, yet this is not in the confession , re-enactment, or prosecution.Whilst you atecorrect theuse of a cloth would explain none of the B2 dna on the hoe, but subsequently not Hannahs or Davids dna on the handle
    With equal wieght it could be said the B2 did not handle the hoe and that would explain the non existence of the B2 dna

    IMO I think god took pity on the B2 and cleaned the hoe for them
  7. Although late into this subject here , circumstantial evidence by the police wouldn't be admissible in any decent court, they say that the two Burmese boys become excited when they seen the two together, what crap, how do they know this, were they there, as usual there are just too many loose ends from the police, they are not known as professionals in forensics, and to have a senior officer say at a press stop the DNA indicates that it wasn't an Asian defies logic at the Burmese boys arrests the following week . Fine reporting on this national problem and shows Thailand is certainly getting a reputation for all the wrong reasons

    Police and subsequently prosecution submitted the scenario that two young men, drinking very late at night decided to have a go at a woman they saw go by and the accused admitted as much.

    I think that part about them admitting it is certainly admissible - please clarify why it would not be and how is it circumstantial?

    Which part of it is unbelievable?

    I never saw anything about DNA not being Asian, In fact quite the opposite. They knew from crime scene samples it was two Asians. Samples were sent to Singapore as the Thai police lab was too busy. US FBI had offered their services- politely declined

    I submit you made that up or read it somewhere where somebody else made it up and now it's an infant rumour being nurtured into an adult "fact" in the FB nursery of lies.

    Sorry again Moonstetk but uou are showig a lack of knowledge of this case

    The dna went to singapore, on what date was this and when was the announcement of dna was asian

    Secondly in court , when asked the RTP did not know if the dna was sent to singapore

  8. where is the link to this info? She is one of the top 25 in the world for forensics and for the good general not to graciously accept her participation really leads me to think the fish rottenly stink in Koh Tao. The whole crime scene with uncle Mon directing police traffic in the photos I saw sickened me with contamination of such backwards country bum -as bafoonery of police work, I can only believe they run the island with impunity. Big fish in a little pond on Koh Tao but social media makes them little fish in an ocean of world wide public opinion

    with uncle Mon directing police traffic in the photos I saw sickened me with contamination of such backwards country bum -as bafoonery of police work,

    More lies wrung out of the Facebook truth scrubbing machine.

    Montriwat, as the brother of the village head, Tuvichien, was ' deputized" to assist police as is the headman's right and duty to do. The island at the time had very limited police presence.

    When he stepped over that line, he was acting in an official capacity. Bodies had been moved, and wrapped by the ( admittedly limited forensic experienced ) officers already.

    Using still shots it was CSI La that perpetuated the entire story of the Tuvichien's involvement along with some carefully edited and manipulated CCTV from Bangkok that sought to discredit NOm Sod's alibi.

    Seen some very interesting FB conversations on Why CSI La fb page wanted to discredit this family- let's just say petty retribution was involved.

    so why the hell did uncle mon chase Sean into 711?

    Because he thought Sean was involved? Because he thought Sean knew who was involved?

    if Montriwat is a murderer, is he going to be chasing people around on various CCTV and then letting them video him cornering and confronting them? Let's remember there was a police man with Mon at this time.

    There had been a crime of horrific proportions, of course the local headman's brother and his pal, the cop are going to be asking questions and looking people in the eye. They had perfectly valid reasons to suspect McAnna.

    Does Mr McAnna strike you as a particularly credible person? He may have just wanted a bit of publicity- that seems to be a behavior motivator in a lot of folks involved with this case- and a later death, too.

    I agree Moonsterk Seans account and that of the spa employee differ

    There were 2 coppers along with Mon who sat down and quizzed Sean in the bar that night

    However can sean and the spa employee be both correct

  9. where is the link to this info? She is one of the top 25 in the world for forensics and for the good general not to graciously accept her participation really leads me to think the fish rottenly stink in Koh Tao. The whole crime scene with uncle Mon directing police traffic in the photos I saw sickened me with contamination of such backwards country bum -as bafoonery of police work, I can only believe they run the island with impunity. Big fish in a little pond on Koh Tao but social media makes them little fish in an ocean of world wide public opinion

    with uncle Mon directing police traffic in the photos I saw sickened me with contamination of such backwards country bum -as bafoonery of police work,

    More lies wrung out of the Facebook truth scrubbing machine.

    Montriwat, as the brother of the village head, Tuvichien, was ' deputized" to assist police as is the headman's right and duty to do. The island at the time had very limited police presence.

    When he stepped over that line, he was acting in an official capacity. Bodies had been moved, and wrapped by the ( admittedly limited forensic experienced ) officers already.

    Using still shots it was CSI La that perpetuated the entire story of the Tuvichien's involvement along with some carefully edited and manipulated CCTV from Bangkok that sought to discredit NOm Sod's alibi.

    Seen some very interesting FB conversations on Why CSI La fb page wanted to discredit this family- let's just say petty retribution was involved.


    Can you confirm Mon was deputized, when and by whome and how you came across this info


  10. Moonsterk

    with regards Nick Pearson , you clearly are not in possesion of all the facts , again I re-iterate your assertions are incorrect

    And you are relying on hearsay and a Mother's grief- her disbelief, her attempt to lay blame elsewhere and presenting such as facts.

    What facts don't I know? Please be specific?

    Again Incorrect

    I am not relying on hearsay , the issues you dont know are many as you fact devoid emotional outbursts demonstrate.

  11. "greater respect for the law"

    This is all that needs to be said. The same people that disrespect the law now are the same ones that disrespected it a few years ago. So 20 years might be a bit off. I suggest when the UDD party faithful pass would indicate the ideal time frame.

    djjamie is correct

    The same people that disrespect the law now are the same ones that disrespected it a few years ago

    With the constant cycles of military coups

  12. frank83628, on 24 Apr 2016 - 06:10, said:

    what are the differences between the 2 versions? i have seen the asian 1 and although i was expecting amazing revelations as hinted at by some TV posters here i found it was nothing more than previous news that everyone knew edited together.

    they briefly highlight 6 young deaths as 'mysterious' but fail to give any evidence and omit certain evidence for at least 2 that would remove them from that category.

    did the family of nick pearson make any reports about their suspicions to the UK police or media or anyone prior, or did they only do this after the hannah & david case?. I'm sure parents wouldn't want to think of a child dying of their own drunken stupidity, but is it not at all possible he might have after being put bed early on NYE for being 'too drunk to walk'?

    for those here that would like to link his death to AC bar.. the place where he was staying and also died is at completely opposite ends of the beach, by the other end i mean, you couldn't get any further!, in fact its past the beach and up into the the hill, you would have to walk the entire length of sairee beach past every other bar in sairee on before you would arrive there.

    since all the 'bad' press about KT it has been even busier that previous years, i would add that i've seen a lot more older couples and families since all this happened, so either people don't read the news or it didnt affect them. KT is still in the top 4 of holiday islands to visit.....bad luck for those of you who are so keen to see KT disappear!

    Nick Pearson's parents reported their suspicious to the UK police and media before the Witheridge/Miller murders. What wasn't mentioned in the documentary is that Nick's parents were warned to stop asking questions and get off the island for their own good by the Koh Tao RTP. On the night that he died, he and his parents had spent the evening in Chopper's bar.

    As for the differences between the 2 versions, well the format is slightly different, there are additional interviews in the U.K. version and some interviews in the Asian version have been left out. Christina Annesley's father was an additional interviewee in the U.K. version. I would need to watch both versions again back to back before I could comment further.

    Wasn't he so drunk he had to be helped into bed? Wasn't one of the statements made by his mother supporting the alleged murder scenario, " Well.... he wouldn't go for a walk.."? Isn't it possible the scrapes and bruises were caused by falling amongst the large rocks that are along the beach? Isn't it possible, as with the Luke Miller case, family and friends would rather believe a way out in left field theory, than their loved one's own intoxication brought on his own demise?

    incorrect again
  13. Drunk, having sex on a beach in early hours = trouble.

    No matter what country.

    None of David's DNA on Hannah. Do your homework before posting shi*e

    You are aware Hannah's body was at least partially submerged in water as evidenced by her lower left calf and half her foot are buried in perfectly smooth sand ? ( which preempts that " large footprint" nonsense.) Such a submersion might have contributed to lack of David's DNA or other physical evidence. I remember something about a condom- empty of ejaculate, being found nearby..

    Perhaps the couple had just started their tryst, and were reclining when two short Myanmar lads decided to whack David on the head.. using a cloth or item of clothing to hold the hoe. I never understood the buzz about how their size, or lack of their DNA on the hoe handle was supposed to be a defense. Criminals have been using cloth to hold weapons for some time now- ever since fingerprinting was discovered. And a long handled hoe, if David were standing, would be an adequate height equalizer.

    Maybe they really did not mean to kill David, but having done so, felt they must also do away with Hannah?


    As for the footprint in the sand ,you should direct the comments to the RTP, after all it is them measuring and photographing peoples feet

  14. Drunk, having sex on a beach in early hours = trouble.

    No matter what country.

    None of David's DNA on Hannah. Do your homework before posting shi*e

    You are aware Hannah's body was at least partially submerged in water as evidenced by her lower left calf and half her foot are buried in perfectly smooth sand ? ( which preempts that " large footprint" nonsense.) Such a submersion might have contributed to lack of David's DNA or other physical evidence. I remember something about a condom- empty of ejaculate, being found nearby..

    Perhaps the couple had just started their tryst, and were reclining when two short Myanmar lads decided to whack David on the head.. using a cloth or item of clothing to hold the hoe. I never understood the buzz about how their size, or lack of their DNA on the hoe handle was supposed to be a defense. Criminals have been using cloth to hold weapons for some time now- ever since fingerprinting was discovered. And a long handled hoe, if David were standing, would be an adequate height equalizer.

    Maybe they really did not mean to kill David, but having done so, felt they must also do away with Hannah?

    You are adding pieces in , used a cloth to hold the hoe is total fabrication, it was not in the confession , re-enactment or prosecution.

  15. what are the differences between the 2 versions? i have seen the asian 1 and although i was expecting amazing revelations as hinted at by some TV posters here i found it was nothing more than previous news that everyone knew edited together.

    they briefly highlight 6 young deaths as 'mysterious' but fail to give any evidence and omit certain evidence for at least 2 that would remove them from that category.

    did the family of nick pearson make any reports about their suspicions to the UK police or media or anyone prior, or did they only do this after the hannah & david case?. I'm sure parents wouldn't want to think of a child dying of their own drunken stupidity, but is it not at all possible he might have after being put bed early on NYE for being 'too drunk to walk'?

    for those here that would like to link his death to AC bar.. the place where he was staying and also died is at completely opposite ends of the beach, by the other end i mean, you couldn't get any further!, in fact its past the beach and up into the the hill, you would have to walk the entire length of sairee beach past every other bar in sairee on before you would arrive there.

    since all the 'bad' press about KT it has been even busier that previous years, i would add that i've seen a lot more older couples and families since all this happened, so either people don't read the news or it didnt affect them. KT is still in the top 4 of holiday islands to visit.....bad luck for those of you who are so keen to see KT disappear!

    As far as I understand Nick Pearson wasnt put to bed because he was drunk

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