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Posts posted by rockingrobin

  1. 33 minutes ago, i claudius said:

    What Carney has done ,did not work in Japan ,it did not work in the E.U ,i has not worked in Britain since 2008 so what do they do , try more of the same , crazy . Carney should have waited 3 months at very least for brexit to calm down and see what happens then , not "panic" straight away /

    The UK 2nd quarter figures for 2016 were astoundingly good when compared to the global climate

  2. When you are able to make the distinction between legal migrant and illegal migrant. We might be in a position to have a negotiation.

    If you are unable to differentiate between them, then we would be wasting our time.

    People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    There is no such thing as an 'illegal migrant'. Migrants are people that have moved their place of residence because they have the right to do so. If that right does not exist, in other words illegal, then they are not migrants.

    People that do not have a right of residence in a country are immigrants and they can be either legal or illegal.

    Are you on the laughing juice ?

    Take it up with Pew

    Illegal migration to EU rises for routes both well-worn and less-traveled


    I could not care less whether they are migrants, immigrants, aliens or just run of the mill fcukwits. If it has illegal in front of it, then get rounding them up and start shipping them out.

    The article on the home office raid does not state that they are illegal immigrants , just that they did not have the right to work

  3. Taken from the press meeting with the Italian PM ,

    Theresa May

    'Pressed on what kind of UK-EU relationship might result from Brexit, she said she wanted to secure "the best possible deal on goods and services" but that "we had a very clear message from the British people that they want some control on freedom of movement and we will deliver on that"..

    'some control on freedom of movement' is this an earlier attempt, campaign to lower the expectations of Brexit.

  4. The British public have made the connection between the EU and mass immigration. They do not like the latter and they blame it on the former. For years polls have continued to show that the vast majority of the British public want immigration reduced. The figures are always similar and we are, it is important to note not talking about a minority opinion here.

    What you assert is incorrect.

    You can go back to 1964 and find Polls/ Surveys carried out that show the British public saying there is to much immigration (in the region of 80-90%)


  5. Is the UK trade minister preparing for the UK to enter the TTIP

    Over the next 12 months Price's team would start working through the options for a U.S. deal, and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP), which the United States is now negotiating with the EU, is "a great piece of work to build upon," he said. "I suspect we'd push for even greater liberalism within it," Price added


  6. What about the million or so scots that voted for brexit? What kind of independence does Scotland with a population of 5 million people think they are going to get from Brussels? Scotland voted just two years ago to stay in the UK. The U.K voted for brexit,48% of the U.K. Voted to remain. Scotland,now please listen all you braveheart ex pats , has voted two years ago to stay in the UK. The U.K voted for brexit so like nearly half of England that voted to remain ,stop whinging and get on with it.

    I voted to remain, I'm Scottish (well mostly) and this woman really gets on my ti#ts. Does she actually do or talk about anything else apart from independence?? What does she actually do for Scotland apart from this? All the Scottish whingers should educate themselves and see exactly what the perks actually are from being in the UK. And pray also that the rest of the U.K. don't decide to have their own referendum on keeping us!

    And what self determination do we get when we, as a nation, repeatedly and comprehensively reject the Tories yet we are required to endure year after year of their assault on the working class to the betterment of their friends and donors?

    They are asset stripping the country, selling off the riches to the highest corrupt bidder whilst reducing the rights of the average person until we will all be in the pockets of their beloved multi nationals and business barons.

    There are people on TV who often repeat the nonsense that Scots hate the English - independence is not a rejection of England but of Westminster, a place we clearly have no direct influence over.

    Are you trying to say in an eu sense is that what Brussels is to England (UK), Westminster is to Scotland

  7. It makes sense to have a multicultural police force in a multicultural country.

    It makes little or no sense. Most gimmegrants have no love for nor loyalty to the country or the English people, do not integrate, have no intentions of doing so and if they tried to would often be rejected by the indigenous people. Multiculturalism is no more than a failed experiment.

    Few Englishmen would willingly cooperate with a black police offecer just like blacks resent cooperating with white police officers. That's how Britain's race riots have all started.

    The Oldham riots were the same except the rioters were Pakistani Muslims.

    Of course it makes no sense to you, you're a bigot.

    Instead of resorting to name calling explain why you think I'm wrong.

    Tell us where we can witness voluntary integration and where and in what circumstances all the different races and cultures can be seen enjoying each others company and dancing around the maypole together hand in hand. Why have we got black, Asian, Islamic and Polish communities etc, If we all embraced each other's presence there would not be all these different 'communities' would there.

    That Coca Cola advert was just a bit of fantasising.

    Just because someone observes what is the blatant truth and tells it like it is does not make them a bigot or even a racist.

    I think the Notting Hill carnival would be one example

  8. The money wasted on lawyers quote I should perhaps give you more of my thoughts.

    The "business people" ( I have no idea who they are ) seem to have committed lot money to this project which they see in their interests, interests which are probably based in the EU where their interests take place, they will as is usually the case there want to lobby their own corner for rules and regs to be more ammicable to their business than to other others, usually smaller competitors, cant blame them from playing by the EU rules, I just dont happen to think that that is the way fair competition should work. They dont want the status quo to change and are wuilling to put the power of thedir money and the law to try and keep it. Lawyers dont come cheap, win or lose, but hey who is paying for it, shareholders most probably. If this case is lost by the complainants then I would see an appeal, which would cost money from the same sources which will go into the lawyers pockets. It will cost the taxpayer as well to defend the case as well, you and me, good job they made a saving from the frozen expat pensions eh?

    Some people will just never accept what the result is will they, what makes the world go round along with money.

    The right of any individual, or collection of individuals, to challenge the legality of government actions in a court of law has nothing to do with the EU, it is s founding principal of our democracy.

    Running our legal system naturally costs money, and yes that comes from the taxes we all pay (including taxes paid by business). To blame business for 'wasting' this money because they make a legal challenge to government action in the light of a non legally binding referendum dismisses the point that the government choose to act when the right to do so under the law is not clear.

    Testing government actions are within the law costs money, but what is the alternative, accept all government action regardless of its legality?

    Your point about savings on pension increases for expats fails to take note that that 'saving' is actually avoidance of an increasing expenditure on pensions over current obligations within the existing (and long standing) pension regulations.

    The legality of which you may recall has been tested in UK and European courts.

    Had the decision of the courts come down in favour of pensioners and the government action found to be illegal, I'm sure you and many others would have been pleased with the result and supported challenging the legality of government action.

    Thank you for stating the obvious, the only reason these business people are bringing this case to court is because its in their financial interests to do so, they must stand to lose a lot of business from Brexit or they would not be bothering, they of course, will not be bothering about the cost, the company will pay and in our case the tax payer will pay, money that can be found amazingly but not fund to ex pat pensioners of which you are apparently have not yet joined. From your comment about the current frozen pension position you think its very fair to treat people who have paid the same contributions differently, I know what the legal position is and I also know what happened in the ECOJ, that does not make it right. How they ever came to that conclusion is beyond me in the name of fairness, but then when has the EU been fair. No one ever told me or anybody else I know that if they left the UK that there pension would be frozen, they still took the contributions though and never said "dont forget to read the small print" why would anyone?

    The next big question for you though is once this has taken its course and we are still on course to leave the EU, what will your point be then? You see I see this as a bit like Maggie Thatcher, people are still carrying the baggage around with them after all these years and I think the same will be true of Brexit, it will for some become a lifetime burden that they just cannot shift, dont let it happen to you.

    Nong38 , the legal challenge is not being brought to sabotage the result of the referendum ,

    It is being sought to ensure correct application of the law.

    ' It said it has been in correspondence with U.K. Government lawyers since 27 June on behalf of its clients “to seek assurances that the Government will uphold the U.K. constitution and protect the sovereignty of Parliament in invoking Article 50.” It also noted that “the Government however, has suggested that it has sufficient legal authority” to go ahead.

    “We must ensure that the Government follows the correct process to have legal certainty and protect the U.K. Constitution and the sovereignty of Parliament in these unprecedented circumstances. The result of the Referendum is not in doubt, but we need a process that follows U.K. law to enact it. The outcome of the Referendum itself is not legally binding and for the current or future Prime Minister to invoke Article 50 without the approval of Parliament is unlawful” said Kasra Nouroozi, Partner, Mishcon de Reya.'


  9. Although the EU referendum result is not legally enforceable, Mr McLoughlin said: Im quite clear that the referendum result is binding on Parliament. Technically it isnt, but Im clear that it is binding on Parliament.


    Confirmation bias?!

    Mr McLoughlin is the tory party chairman

    And how does that precludes confirmation bias?

    I have not expressed an opinion , but merely pointed to an article where the tory chairman says the referendam result is binding , but not really , but it is.

    I feel confident that if the referendum was debated in parliament then it would pass.

    The legal challenge to the referendum is not about the result , but the right of the PM to invoke article 50 without Parliamentary debate and vote.

  10. Although the EU referendum result is not legally enforceable, Mr McLoughlin said: Im quite clear that the referendum result is binding on Parliament. Technically it isnt, but Im clear that it is binding on Parliament.


    Confirmation bias?!

    Mr McLoughlin is the tory party chairman

  11. China and other asian nations are giving Americans the better life, not the other way around. Americans are able to afford stuff and live a decent life due to all the cheap items produce overseas. I still don't see how other nations are taking advantage of US like Trump claims. Any Trump supporters care to chime in here?

    Its the lowest form of politics, tell everybody what they want to hear , but no substance as to how it is going to be achieved or the resultant consequences

  12. I wish a few more politicians worldwide especially in Europe had Trumps tenacity to identify the many things that are of concern to ordinary

    people and try do something to ease their fears like mass illegal immigration for example.

    I would hate to see political campaign for leaders to degenerate into the farce which is being played out in the US.

  13. So says someone who comes from a more privileged background.

    Again I'm alright Jack.

    I don't know why you think I came from a privileged background, I went to a Secondary Modern, had my first job at 17, working down the mill, a job my dad got for me and it lasted five weeks before I quit. Answered an ad in the local paper for a trainee computer operator in Heckmondwyke and worked night shift for three years, I found a better paying job in London so I moved there. Later, on my own initiative, I found (and paid) my own way to the US and arrived with 110 quid in my pocket. I worked/paid my own way through University, and so on and so on. There's nothing privileged about this boys background but there's a lot of hard work and risk taking there and I've never ever collected one single penny in money from the state.

    But times have changed...EU folk are walking into the UK working for shit money and taking natives income....No taxes, no NI, nufink, because the fines imposed on employing firms if they are caught are nothing...Our country is being given away.

    Transam The majority of EU citizens have the right to work and reside in any member country. They will be paying taxes and ni that are due. The penalty for employing illegal immigrant workers is 20,000 per illegal.

  14. what is the third country and how can they affect Thai 'justice', and the real situation, is that opposed to the unreal one ?

    Only guessing but APLAC may be getting involved the are the accreditation authority for Thai labs and are based in Australia .

    I read somewhere that A Hall said one step at a time when queried about complaining to APLAC

    This Myanmar general is the same guy who asked Thailand to review the evidence after the verdict was announced.

  15. The power of the lawyer is in the uncertainty of the law.

    After the Samui Court judgment 24 December 2015, it was said said that nobody goes swimming at 3 AM when they are so drunk that they can hardly walk. Then persons on ThaiVisa chimed in with personal anecdotes of having done just that.

    Then in the recent TV4 documentary the family of Nick Pearson claimed that he had to be the victim of foul play because nobody goes swimming at around 3 AM when they are so drunk that they hardly walk. You can fly from Bangkok to Hong Kong going east one time zone or you can fly from Bangkok to Hong Kong going west 23 time zones but you end up in the same place.


    Nick Pearson was not so drunk he hardly could walk, the TV documentary makes it clear the reason why he had to be helped into bed.

    The family repeatedly said as to his maybe going for a swim that he would have never done that.

    JL I am not disputing the claim he would never go for a swim , it is the blindingly drunk accusations . The mother as you quite rightly say gives an interview with other members of the family, and she states the reason why the father assisted Nick into bed.

    However this is not really about the Nick Pearson, and I cannot comment within any degree of certainty or uncertainty about foul play or not.,

  16. The power of the lawyer is in the uncertainty of the law.

    After the Samui Court judgment 24 December 2015, it was said said that nobody goes swimming at 3 AM when they are so drunk that they can hardly walk. Then persons on ThaiVisa chimed in with personal anecdotes of having done just that.

    Then in the recent TV4 documentary the family of Nick Pearson claimed that he had to be the victim of foul play because nobody goes swimming at around 3 AM when they are so drunk that they hardly walk. You can fly from Bangkok to Hong Kong going east one time zone or you can fly from Bangkok to Hong Kong going west 23 time zones but you end up in the same place.


    Nick Pearson was not so drunk he hardly could walk, the TV documentary makes it clear the reason why he had to be helped into bed.

  17. Moonsterk

    ' You just throw out whatever and maybe someone will be convinced- it that your strategy?

    You asked a question that made no sense, I asked for clarification you haven't answered..

    Here it is again; Forward what DNA? To where? The DNA on the hoe blade? David's DNA was Asian?'

    In an earlier post you called it a strawman argument. If that is what you believe fair enough I am more than happy for you to continue thinking that.

    In reference to the dna the information is out in the public domain.

  18. Due to age and height I only go Business now and for the last 3 years have flown Finnair.

    Very reasonable cost and it's not a long stopover. Looking forward to the new A350 this year.

    However, being honest I would prefer a direct and have noticed EVA sales that come much closer in cost so this year have used up most of my points for a economy/upgraded to Business on Finnair and may go with EVA next.

    Depending if you are flying one way or return , it can be cheaper to add another flight bon the ticket.


    I intended to fly with finnair business class from Manchester to Bkk one way , the cost was £1400

    If you added an additional stop then the price came to £900, same dates ,aeroplane and time

    The route booked was Man -Bkk , and the BKK to SGN 2 months later as a multi city

    Starting a flight in the UK is expensive due to the additional tax imposed, you can usually find cheaper flight flying from another EU country , e.g. amsterdam, paris etc

    Here is an example for anyone wanting to fly to the UK next month.

    If 21000 baht is too rich for your blood, get it for 20000 here

    Note the main flight is Business Class on an MH A380 and for most intents and purposes it is a one way flight.

    Sample dates:

    2nd-9th Jun

    4th-11th Jun

    5th-12th Jun

    6th-13th Jun

    7th-14th Jun

    8th-15th Jun

    9th-16th Jun

    10th-17th Jun

    11th-18th Jun

    12th-19th Jun

    13th-20th Jun

    15th-22nd Jun

    20th-27th Jun

    21st-28th Jun

    22nd-29th Jun

    26th Jun 3rd Jul

    27th Jun 4th Jul

    28th Jun 5th Jul

    36 hours from Phuket to London. May be cheap but you would be crazy to consider that.

    Are these the 737-800 freighter


    Indeed checking again the main flight is a389

  19. Sing along...The handle and the hoe, the handle and the hoe, let's all mix up the handle and the hoe.

    Hoe has handle. Hoe has business end, called hoe. David DNA on business end. No matches of sampled suspects DNA on handle.

    Maybe convicted use cloth. Cloth not found. Convicted clothes missing. Maybe convicted use clothes.

    And why or why did they have to forward the dna to determine it was asian ethnicity 20 days after the B2 arrest

    Forward what DNA? To where? The DNA on the hoe blade? David's DNA was Asian?

    We've had the straw man arguments, this is the grasping at straw argument. Wisps, really. Dust.

    You are right

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