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Everything posted by LatPhrao

  1. In the bag for felon Trump and utter moron JD Vance much. Please check your white hooded robe at the door where it can be burned with the rest.
  2. Utter BS and load of crap. Whoever wrote this upside down screed is clearly churning for the MAGA crowd. Every, every review for days by any credible new source of the Harris choice of VP has been completely opposite of this piece of garbage. Flush twice.
  3. Read: https://thethaiger.com/news/national/bangkok-plans-130-new-parks-doubles-tree-goal-by-2026
  4. Like an answered prayer! .....There is however hope for more parks, green lungs in Bangkok: https://thethaiger.com/news/national/bangkok-plans-130-new-parks-doubles-tree-goal-by-2026
  5. Your mouth to God's ear...
  6. "I don't think..." consistently
  7. Another, painful, example of why we can't have places of simple natural, peaceful beauty settings. Rip it up, rip it out, make a towering eyesore. Chuwit's park comes to mind, the old location and building that was Hemingway's. Soi 7 Sukhumvit. Ugly skyscrapers replace older buildings, public transportation above ground in heaving concrete and ugly steel stations. A beyond absurd new train station, Insane traffic jammed up on major roads. Parks too far off the beaten paths to be seen.
  8. If they proceed with the same dispatch as reduction of taxes and prices on imported wines - ROFL, plenty of time for at least 3 published reversals on making it illegal and.... 'it ain't ever gonna happen'.
  9. Welcome even more thugs and undesirables to Thailand. Grift and graft big time. What a pity.
  10. Great to see this surprising news and hopeful developments at correcting the egregious acts of the past against Native American tribes. The red neck descendants of rednecks of Colorado must be tying themselves in knots on this one.
  11. Book 'em Danno! Hong Kongers, when it was independent of China, called the mainland Chinese tourists cockroaches.
  12. Only 400,000 then? An F- for dishonesty you. Read it and WEEP! Several Trump administration health officials tasked with tackling the COVID-19 pandemic say they were marginalized by the White House and felt pressured not to speak candidly about the virus to the media. They painted a picture of an administration that took the coronavirus lightly, could have prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths, and interfered with scientific work for what they said was political reasons.
  13. It just never stops with the Mega clowns, wo apparently cannot read or get the daily news. One of my favorites under Trump as President was when he hid and colluded to hide about the truth on the disease Covid which resulted in millions more of deaths in the US. Why hide the facts ? because, self professed - it would make him look bad! Only morons would welcome another round, yet the country seems to be half full of them. And this not to mention the increasing episodes of Trump's dementia and mental dysfunction.
  14. Have recently been searching for cataract surgery options in Thailand. The Aseannow thread came up but information was out of date, but it was a start. I can now vouch for and would like to update that a quality option at Hospital Sirivej Lamphun aka Princ Lamphun Hospital, at the small town of Lamphun (not far from Chiang Mai), is available. In the past they ran a promotion targeted at foreigners for 18,000 thb. As of this month - May 2024 that price is now 26,700 thb. Cataract Surgery with Standard Lens: 27,600 THB (*best price found in Thailand - May 2024) Cataract Surgery with Specialized Lens: 40,800 THB Hospital is available on Line for consulting and working out appointments. I have just completed the surgery - can recommend the caring staff, the nurses and aides, the hospital - Princ Lamphun Hospital, the facility, the surgeon. Hospital is in a rustic setting. The hospital is modern, clean, well maintained They do have a few English speakers. I had the fortune of a Thai friend, English speaker, who accompanied me. Highly recommend doing the same to ease all aspects of travel, lodging and dealing with hospital and staff.
  15. Have recently been searching for cataract surgery options in Thailand. This thread came up but information was out of date. But was a start. I can now vouch for and would like to update that a quality option at Hospital Sirivej Lamphun aka Princ Lamphun Hospital, at the small town of Lamphun (not far from Chiang Mai), is available. In the past they ran a promotion targeted at foreigners for 18,000 thb. As of this month - May 2024 that price is now 26,700 thb. Cataract Surgery with Standard Lens: 27,600 THB (*best price found in Thailand - May 2024) Cataract Surgery with Specialized Lens: 40,800 THB Hospital is available on Line for consulting and working out appointments. I have just completed the surgery - can recommend the caring staff, the nurses and aides, the hospital - Princ Lamphun Hospital, the facility, the surgeon. Hospital is in a rustic setting. The hospital is modern, clean, well maintained They do have a few English speakers. I had the fortune of a Thai friend, English speaker, who accompanied me. Highly recommend doing the same to ease all aspects of travel, lodging and dealing with hospital and staff.
  16. Ahhh well, another Faux informed inhabitant of the MAGA cult. Dream on
  17. What's happening today is Trump headed for jail in a Federal prison. Really, really matters.
  18. Zero truth here, just the usual Cult spam
  19. BS and the only qualified candidate for president
  20. I saw reported today I think it was The Guardian
  21. What a great stroke of luck for America, they're leaving and making it clear they embrace fascist dictators and Russian followers of same. Un-American to the core. Good riddance and may others follow them in great numbers. Never thought we'd see the back side, and as it turned out, although we were hoping the 'Rapture' would take them from our midst, but of course 'no cigar' there. So now they're turning themselves into expat members of a fascist state and bargaining chips when at some future incarceration by Putin regime in Russia they'll be looking to America to rescue them. Rofl, may they rot in Siberia or wherever forever.
  22. Count us all in - cause you earned it Big Time.
  23. I pay mine at 7-11. Hand them the bill, they work it and I give them the money for the bill amount. So far no problems. And a short line to pay.
  24. More like underwater I'd say and well deserved. Who does this anywhere?! Throw the book at them.
  25. I was thinking about this prior to this news/article. The possibility existed that wholesalers and especially retailers could benefit from the taxation declines and just continue to sell at the old pricing. The government now will be cutting into that possibility as they'll be setting the pricing based on new taxation levels. A win for the retail customers (restaurant or wine shop). Seems like a brilliant move to simplify and cut to the chase of getting lower priced wines on the shelves.
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