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Everything posted by 1happykamper

  1. But buying weed.. Ganga on any day at any hour is OK. You can actually buy weed at roadside stands ff. A! Absolutely ridiculous Thailand laws
  2. Where are you getting this information from?
  3. Oh come on ff.. a! 2 huge condo towers built... a while ago.... and now some twits say it's an illegal build? How stupid is this story!
  4. OK.. 52% of 2019. This year.. Chiang Mai... Bangkok and where I live in Pattaya show huge visible signs of much lower farangs there for any reason
  5. What insanely fragile egos Thai people have
  6. Not just bars in Jomtian and Pattaya... many other types of business that flourish on tourists. Half the tourists now. Go go bars in Jomtian now... 4 that I know of. It's the same story all over Thailand....especially Bangkoks red light districts. End of an era
  7. Jomtien is certainly packed. The hotel next to view talay 5 normally has near zero cars parked there. Full today plus 3 busses! Bizzy is good for biz
  8. It's not complaining... it's supporting the Thai and understanding their struggle. We're attending a wake of sorts
  9. Us farang are laughing or shaking our heads.... what are the millions of Thai thinking? Obviously the junta government couldn't care less and they obviously have zero ethics... I can't imagine any foreign country wanting any trade with this government. Zero trust.
  10. That's a very ridiculous comment. A 19 year old girl died because of that <deleted> driver!
  11. Raining. Unsafe to pass.... But the little sh*t did it anyway. Lockup him up. A menace
  12. Ha. I just read the article here describing the Thai people's debt as 99% of the countries GDP. Apparently they refuse to believe what's going to happen to them in the next decade. It ain't pretty. Greece had the same issue... easy bank loans... but customers unwilling to repay their debt.
  13. NOT sustainable for much longer
  14. Oops. That's my doorbell...
  15. Passion is not a Thai quality it would seem. In Latin America the passion would be evident! Here it's just not happening
  16. What does he think the value of his signature has? He is and WILL be held responsible. I'm curious... Is there debtor prison in Thailand?
  17. I was living in Jomtien for a year until April this year... and went back to Chiang Mai. I lived in Chiang Mai 2015 to 2017. Now Chiang Mai is a shadow of it's former "glory". I agree with the OP... Thai in Pattaya are not much friendlier than the very worst Thai found in Phuket. Sadly Chiang Mai locals are better.. But not like 10 years Thai people have had to put up with a lot since 2014. A lot! I think it's reflected in thier attitudes... humility was never a Thai characteristic and now I think they are just downright angry about it all. I back in Jomtien as of Saturday... the air is fresher... it's MUCH more convenient for all sorts of things and it's EASY to find a really nice condo for 12k.
  18. What sad list. I take it that many of you really never explored the world before Thailand.
  19. So you think stopping a plane, with 100 passengers on board. just to retrieve your forgotten bag is "accommodating"? and you would expect that?
  20. The ultimate in "I'm a special person". Yes he indeed is special. The audacity of even asking to do that! I assume the plane stopped to kick the guy off the plane?
  21. There is zero respect for the average Thai. They lost... R9...over the top covid rules lost their business now they have no say in anything.
  22. That was English? . I didn't understand your point at all.
  23. 30k? Baht per month? Jolly moly... True? Jing Jing?
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