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Everything posted by 1happykamper

  1. I'm sure they mean wiring is per building codes. Building codes? 5555 555.
  2. I've lived in Mexico for about 5 years. Your statement presumes a lot. Most areas of Mexico are perfectly safe from cartel action. Robberies and burglary is higher than Thailand. Being killed on the roads in Mexico is far less of an issue than here in Thailand
  3. Exactly! Humility isn't a strong point in Thailand. They should be grateful for every penny.... But they are not. Greed again rules the day.
  4. Such liars here. Brake failure 555 555. Looking at that damage speed and lousy driving was the cause.
  5. What law did they break? Impersonating a scout gmafb
  6. How do these Thai have so much money? Lottery winnings? Rice field sale? Or the other more obvious way... corruption.
  7. Thailand must have the BIGGEST "good ol boys club" on the planet. Shameful corruption
  8. These weather forecasts must come from the same guy who invents foreign tourist arrivals here. Very inaccurate
  9. This story is a sad testament to people's vanishing integrity around the world. This shouldn't be news.
  10. But wait... another article states that Facebook is a the scammer paradise. The truth is scammers will keep scamming until they know that they will be caught AND put in prison. But... Corruption keeps them out of prison. Carry on....
  11. When I'm driven around Bangkok I have reason to be very nervous when traveling under these construction projections. Far too many major accidents.
  12. Geeeeez. So many answers. This is why I use an agent. These guys who insist that they stroll into immigration with their docs and leave 40 minutes later with their extension are living in la la land 555.
  13. Geeeeez. So many comments from people who obviously can't comprehend English or never read the article. 555 555
  14. Well there goes his social credit in China. 555 555.
  15. A 4 meter iron rod and a bucket of water were involved in this mishap. Just asking for trouble.
  16. My lawyer? I don't have a lawyer. You have a lawyer? Hmmmm
  17. He was going very fast. Fortunately no one else was injured. One less maniac off the roads. RIP
  18. Who will build this spaceport? What engineers in Thailand are qualified to head up this project? It's difficult enough finding a doctor that's a real doctor. 555 Collapsing aerial concrete structures come to mind...
  19. Ha ha ha ha... What video were you watching? I'm looking at an exchange of words which led to a big brute of a Brit.. slap the face of a Thai. That's called suicide in Thailand 555 555.
  20. What's the point in this PM stuff. It's a joke
  21. She is 12 years old. Geez. Ever show any compassion or understanding?
  22. These bad guys are not at all very bright.
  23. Oh give me a break. Yes... It's a law.. I've been here many years... Your reply is childish. I'm well aware that I'm free to do many things...like block you for example 555. The fact the beer isn't sold on certain holidays and at certain hours is just insane. Just as insane as selling weed alongside a Thailand highway!
  24. These social media videos are really dumb and getting outta hand. The creators need to get a real job
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