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Everything posted by 1happykamper

  1. What? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Get grip cupcake
  2. He lives in England and he's a dad. Hmmmm.... Yep. He's not going back. What will he do for money I wonder...
  3. But he could do that at the end of a train line in Bangkok
  4. You've been living in BKK in 1100 a month? Wow! Nit noi baht. Seriously... Most can't live comfortably here in chiang mai for that little. When a man gets tired of Bangkok... He gets tired of life itself.
  5. OP here.. Greetings from Jomtien! 🤣🤣🤣.. next stop to check out... Hua Hin.. I've lived in both before. It's sooooo very quiet in Jomtien compared to chiang mai! Walking on beach road at 7 am was a pleasure... walking anywhere in chiang mai at that same hour was not a pleasure in the last few years. Best of luck
  6. "visa has expired". Really easy to understand.
  7. Statistically my experience with Swiss men is that THEY HAVE ALL had anger issues. My neighbor in Hua Hin years ago wielded a knife and gun at neighbors and then used both! Friggin nut jobs
  8. Really? Yes... Depending on the amount of the bribe.
  9. I've been hit twice, as a pedestrian, by cars. Fk that.. "smile wave and walk on".🤦🤣🤣🤣 Er... No... Thai need to learn to drive and respect pedestrians!
  10. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦. Uhmmm... Did I wake up in an alternate Universe.
  11. I've driven a mb in HCM and Da Nang... Much easier than chiang mai... Yes... Chaotic.. But even pedestrians get their fair chance at crossing six lanes of travel... Just get into the flow viet ride slower in cities. Thai here in cnx.. Ride far to fast for conditions
  12. I'm at the same crossroads of thinking. Ten years ago here in chiang mai was a pleasure to ride around. The city roads are now full of holes and general mahem. Potholes in Thailand country roads used to be rare because so many ride motorbikes and rider can easily be thrown off his bike. Now.... Potholes on many roads. Roads in many other parts of Thailand are in much better shape... Notably.. Krabi. I used to really enjoy chiang mai. Maybe a rice field is indeed more my style 😥🤦
  13. Next headline should read "Thai people most selfish and lowest IQ of all developing NATIONS". 😢
  14. I've been living in various parts of Thailand since 2015. I've also lived (retired) in Mexico, Vietnam and Indonesia (Bali) I'm now a (fit) 74 year old living in chiang mai Mai city on and off for several years The Thai driving here is getting much worse.. Right? I'm speaking from a pedestrians point of view... it's dangerous now to try to walk around the city! I haven't driven in years but from what I experience via taxi rides... driving skills here are worse than ANY of those afformentioned places. Just awful... from a pedestrian and car passengers pov. Sidewalks in chiang mai city are downright dangerous leaving little option but to walk the streets... I digress. This morning... I'm walking next to warorot (Kad Luang market).. walking at the very edge of the street... there are no sidewalks in this area... and a car heading.. at slow speed.. straight for me.. I assumed they would stop. Wrong. They kept driving! The driver got out of the car.. Picking up fruit the lazy c#w.. and laughed at me. I was pissed and gave her my best possible insults in a body language that any mor^n would understand. No apology... She giggles These situations now are nearly daily. Ive been hit here by moving cars.. Twice .. Once fairly seriously... The merc driver just kept driving. What the hell is wrong with "these people". My anger levels here are noticeably higher nowadays. So much so that quite often I opt not to go for a walk. So very pathetic that I have to think this way. Will I really leave chiang mai city because of this? I enjoy city vibes... So rice fields are not my style...
  15. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣There havin' a laugh right? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  16. Oh another U turn Thailand! Gmafb. Who's steering this crazy ship Immigration offices here are swimming in paperwork. Useless paper than no one ever refers to after it's filed.
  17. Consent? There is no such law in Thailand! Unless it's to defame the person publicly.
  18. .. and crazy me has to keep filling out TM47s and get TM30s wherever I am in Thailand.. All for the police wanting to know my whereabouts. Remember "Bad people out good people in " 😥😥🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Meanwhile bats#it crazy people.. mostly on visa free tourism status run around Thailand causing mahem... mafia... drunks.. Crazies.. all around low class scum.
  19. Thirty years ago.. When I was around 45 years old... a doctor in USA diagnosed me as pre-diabetic. I had no idea what that meant. My knee jerk response was "I'm pre-death and I'm not taking pills for that". Turns out my blood sugar was 102. No biggy. The doc overreacted... he's only in it for the money. A better test I learned is A1C... a 3 month average of blood sugar.. Mine was and still is 5.4. Zero issues
  20. You must be new in Thailand 555. Walk down several soi here in chiang mai and this will happen. Groped? A bum slap is now a grope? Oh ffs
  21. Exactly! And in any American jobsite.. Absolutely! Worlds gone mad 5555
  22. So many sanctimonious comments here! It's a guy slapping a girls ass. She didn't like it. Fine. Sorry.. Bye bye I've been groped more than once by BG FL and LB along the way. It's all good fun. It's INTENTION is simply that.. Fun. Never would I think to go the police because a LB grabbed my junk. This story and 6 pages of comments is such stupidity. People are taking life far too seriously... and this is fkg thailand! 🤦🤣🤣🤣🤣.
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