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Everything posted by 1happykamper

  1. Well I just learned something.. the adrenal glands are on my kidneys! I always thought they were part of the brain ☺️☺️🤦. Oops. I'll make a note of this. Good article
  2. I've been on AN et al since 2014.. I think... But this Bob Smith thingy is beyond me. I take it Bob.. The real Bob is dead.. or in Benidorm (same same) ?... and now the OP is are roasting him for his style? Yes? Or is is beyond my understanding 🤦
  3. Happy expat? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh come on. Just say it.... Rich expat who can't stand poorer expats close to them. NOT COOL So if opt to not add 800k to my Thai bank account that makes me a less desirable expat? That's a terrible gauge of ethics and morality. Just ask any Russian or Chinese mafia types or other true low life criminals that arrive in LOS.
  4. Triggered much? Take your anger somewhere else. I don't need to hear this story at all. I've got nothing to do with this situation. I'm expressing an opinion. Nothing more. This isn't about me.. So don't use the phrase "you would be seriously... ".! Got it?
  5. Interesting. Great option for some. Thanks for explaining.
  6. What is a "safe entry company" ? I've never heard of this...
  7. Clear as mud, as usual. Why in earth did a few farang rush down to the Thai tax office to file a return is beyond my understanding 😏🤣🤣
  8. Is it due to arrogance on behalf of Thai? We all know that most Thai believe that this country is the very best place in the world and so why learn English...that might appear subservient? From what I've read Thai are very bad at speaking and reading /writing Thai!
  9. People like me? You should learn some manners cupcake. You do not know me. Ten years in prison for touching a girls bum? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦You don't get out much do you.
  10. You're absolute correct that I'm silly. Silly keeps me happy. However... I left England in 1973.. I became an expat by MOVING.. lock stock and barrel.. to Australia... Then on to USA.. etc... I left my home country decades ago. I'm an expat. You're not. It'll be OK. I can recommended a good ptsd therapist. Many here are true expats. We use that word as such to describe ourselves. Not snowbirds. Not seasonal vacationers etc etc.
  11. I drink. Never drunk. Plus I don't drive. ✌️🤣🤣🤣
  12. You're not an expat. You're a snowbird. Expats live outside their home country 99% of the year. Yes. England had very restrictive laws. The "outdoor" was the way to go for many drinkers.
  13. Jomtien is full of such obstacles. This article could also easily describe Chiang Mai now. A terrible city to navigate on a mb or on foot
  14. I thought Buddhism wasn't a religion? 😂😂😂. Thailand has such silly laws that no one really understands the "why" of.
  15. Greetings from Pattaya! Yesterday I visited Koh Larn... On a wooden ferry built out of goffer wood.. 😂😂. I visited Tien Beach... accessed via a raised concrete path... The path is just wide enough for two people to walk past each other... But 2 to 3 meters above rocks! 😂😂😂😂. No fence. No nothing! Thailand is can be a very dangerous place to visit. In Mexico I was always vigilant about crime. Here in Thailand it's all about falling.. tripping and staying well away from adventure...things break, sink and catch fire on a regular basis here 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  16. Maybe so... a quick update.. I arrived on koh Larn today... 45 minutes boat ride from Pattaya. Omfg. It's Delhi on the beach.. or Moscow.. Can't tell which. Very few Thai and "others "
  17. Pattaya will be such a sht show... with too many tourists... not enough infrastructure and more filth and crime. I'm in Pattaya now. Huge difference in just 5 years. Things are looking very filthy and rundown.
  18. .. and these TM 47s are really keeping track of bad guys 🤦
  19. So his weight knocked over some sort of sign and everyone went nuts at him? Very very strange. A lot of violence and theft of his stuff for no reason... seemingly
  20. The headline! 🤣🤣🤣. I was wondering how these French men were getting away with running a traffic check point 🤣🤣🤣🤣.... running it implies they impersonated police. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  21. You need to be enlightened more. Allow me... these are facts.. not an opinion : I've lived around the world.. 7 countries and traveled to 41. I've been living in Thailand 10 years and chiang mai just 2 years. I've only ever been hit by a vehicle in chiang mai.. three times! 🤣🤣🤣... one fairly seriously and it was a hit and run! Nope.. it's certainly not me. it's definitely chiang mai!
  22. Wrong. I know the drill. Your assumptions are wrong . My post was about pathetic drivings skills.. It wasn't about not understanding Thai culture. Try to keep up
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