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  1. The deal is that officially prescription is needed for this drug.. I quess they are thinking that if you are member with long record you are less risk for them selling Sidegra without prescription.. Fascino is chain not some mum and pop shop..
  2. If OP wants Ozempic like product, maby you should try Rybelsus. Same stuff but in pill- version. Quite expensive because no generic versions available as far as i know...
  3. Any agents in Pattaya area who can do this easily ? If so for what price ?
  4. Quite opposite i think.. Before if you took poor girl from Isaan you had to pretend that girl had 30 euros /day to spend. Now you do not have to pretend anything if girl can demonstrate financial ( 50 euros day + accommodation ) coverage with support from a Finnish citizen or resident.
  5. 2000+1900 is DIY fee.. If using Maneerat, do one get both stamps ( 90 days + one year) same time ? What sort of time there is with processing times ? Meaning not having your passport on your hand..
  6. Look similar condos online. Call or visit agents and pretend you are buyer to see what is the real deal with these ads. Surfing around is not enough..
  7. Since condo is for personal use mainly then first step is to figure out what building, location etc is you like the best. You should not use agent for this because if customer is unsure they sell and talk you over based on their inventory. When you are sure what you want send specs to as many agents you like..
  8. Maby it is Tony Woodsome , not Thaksin who is coming,,???? Man with many passports this Thaksin fellow,,
  9. Many condos have motorcycle problems because there are motorcycles which do not belong there. Abandoned motorcycles, long time parking of tenants and owner friends and many snowbirds who rent rooms for winter leave their scooters behind for summer if they know that there is no checking who parks and why. Firstly there should be complete check of parked scooters and issuing parking stickers or similar.
  10. For SCB app following worked for me. Close all local internet connections and to register your details with app use your thai sim number roaming service.
  11. Only about 10 months when your income kick in ? How about to make really cheap charlie budget and do not go anywhere ? It can not be much money you are lacking for this option since you think you have funds for tickets etc.. Maby some expat friend can help you to stay this 10 months.. Of cource you should search for help for this boozeproblem, where ever you are Good luck
  12. I asked feb 2023 about this tax. Then was told april to july is the payment time. 23.4 i asked again and i received details how much to pay. I paid, send my transfer receipts and i was told that their receipts will arrive within 2 weeks. 11.5 i received receipts to my line.
  13. Before qoing to this route, maby you want to try PEASMARTplus app first. To me it works just fine even i am not in Thailand. Do note that this autodebit is quite a hassle to cancel. At least 2022 it was.
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