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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. My friend in Davao,a Philipino wants to come to visit for a few weeks holiday.

    He enquires at the Thai Manila embassy as to the requirements and is told he will not require a visa,but must show his return ticket to Philippines and also show 50,000 pesos which I think is about 40,000baht.

    This money requirement seems high,I havnt been able to confirm this by looking at any internet site,I can only find reference to 10,000 baht.

    Can anyone confirm or otherwise?


    Your friend being a Filipino passport holder is a ASEAN member, he does not require a visa and will be allowed 28 days on arrival. I have never ever heard of anyone being asked to show anything but a valid return ticket !

  2. Having to make an emergency trip back to UK tomorrow, only flight available was with Etihad.

    Last time I flew with a Middle East Airline to the UK was with Qatar a year or so ago. and that was a nightmare. So any feed back on Etihad would be appreciated. Alo any ideas of the duty free costs in Abu Dhabi would be appreciated as Bangkok and London are a rip off.

  3. Go and try it yourself, then report back.

    Or perhaps it is your business, or your friend's restaurant, and you are trying to generate trade.

    I hear the Tikka Centre on Soi Buakhao opposite Soi Honey Inn is very good and yes I will go and try that one out. I use the Taj, Third Road, on a regular basis and that is perfect!

    First two paragraphs rather grumpy arent they considering this appears to me to be a valid question. Manners maketh man - remember !!

  4. Do you think it sensible to hire a motor cycle, or any other vehicle without a valid driving licence ?

    Would you do it in your home country ?? Stop and think of your situation if you should have an accident and hurt, main or even kill someone. No licence = Very big high jump to clear in my opinion!!

  5. UBC/True always appear to be getting flak from disgruntled customers. remember the furore that arose when True took over the Premier League games from ESPN/Star ?? there were complaints flying everywhere on Thaivisa. End result FULL coverage (if you wish to pay for the top deal) and much better than ESPN/Star. Not many people after realising the difference bothered to retract their negative statements.

    as for technical support, I here in BKK cannot fault them. I find them professional and very helpful.

  6. 18 months old cross White Lab/GR requires a good home as soon as possible due to the fact that his single female owner, although having a large garden, is just not strong enough to give the dog the love and exercise he requires.

    His back ground is that he came as a puppy from the Royal Thai Police kennels, through a Diplomat based in bangkok to the present owner. and has been with the present owner since a tiny Pup. He is extremely energetic and although allowed in the house prefers the world outside.He is very affectionate, friendly (and sometimes stupid) as well as protective As he is getting bigger the lady owner is just not strong enough to walk him and do the things dogs like this need to do.

    The ideal situation would for him to be with a good owner who could give him the love, space and outdoors that he likes, such as a farm etc. He is free to a good home and is located North of Bangkok in the Laksi area.

    Anyone interested please pm me.


  7. Over the years I have sourced such items in Jomtien, Hua Hin and all points between, but although close/ish to the real thing, I have never been totally impressed.

    Last week, whilst killing time in Macro Chaeng Wattana, I was lazily eyeing up the items in the freezer fridges when a certain section took my attention. There were lots of UK style sausages etc, made locally in Samut Prakarn under the brand name Kitchen King. The packaging looked good being vacuum packed, and a really good selection, including pork, Cumberland, Beef sausages, Hamburgers and smoked bacon.

    I tried the Cumberland and was quite impressed. If you have access to Macro give it a try.

  8. Quick update. Went yesterday, quite a few tourists at the desk getting visas etc. I asked a lady can I do a 90 day report. She immediately gave me the form, waited for me to fill it out, signed it did the necessary and gave passport ad work permit back, smiled said "remember me and see you on the 11th March. Friendly great and took no more than 5 mins.

    opening hours state 0830-1630 Monday to Friday. AND free car parking at the Novotel

  9. I have raisedthis subject on other forums but had not feedback, so realising that Pattaya has a huge motorcycle population for rent/hire etc I thought I would try here.

    I need a second hand Phantom quite urgently, can anyone tell me if they know of a second hand outlet in Pattaya and possibly tell mewhat prices we are talking about.


  10. We area Danish company in the business of maufacturing fast response fire fighting units, at the present we use BMW and the Chinese Loncin units, but potential customers here in Thailand are asking for the Honda Phantom.

    To cut a long story shirt, I need to source a second hand unit for engineering purposes to ensure the Phantom can take the weight and to test for stability.

    Anyone with a unit for sale please PM me as a matter of urgency. Would help if it were in the Bangkok area.

    This picture is of our BMW model



  11. I have seen many Honda Phantoms on the roads of Thailand, but have not been able to find any in the Motor Cycle Shops. Is this model is only avalailable through specialIst outlets ?? I also require the full specs for the Phantom. Can anyone assist please.

    I have checked tne web sites and majority seem to be in Thai !! and the official Honda site does not mention the Phantom

  12. After working here legally with a work permit for close on 6 years, due to business travel, I have never had to carry out the 90 day reporting requirements.

    My last entrance into Thailand was the 15th Sept 07, which means my 90 day period is up on the 15th December.However I am booked to fly out again on the 22nd. This will be 7 days after the due reporting date. I have read on this forum that one has a 7 day window for reporting either before or after the due date.

    Would I be pushing my luck not to carry out the required reporting and rely on the 22nd Dec departure ???

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