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Posts posted by nonthaburial

  1. This is obviously getting very political, however Musictravel, as I have mentioned before have been excellent to me and no way will I change.

    During the short period, very short period Music Travel operated under the Thai Visa banner I am sure they would have built up a rather tasty data base of e-mail addresses/ contacts etc and I hope that they use that info to their benefit.

    At first glance, the only ones who appear to have anything positive to say about the new travel agent are the moderators. Makes me wonder if the magic $$$$ is behind all this

  2. What a nasty pair of individuals. It sounds like they prey regularly on single Thai females in awkward situations. What makes me even more sad is that these idiots make the rest of us seem bad when we could have the most genuine and honest intentions to our Thai friends.

    Although its not a good situation, I would hesitate to describe this episode as a REGULAR occurence. As we all know there are two sides to every story. so please lets not blow this out of proportion at this stage.

  3. For the first time in many years, I was in Patong last weekend, not a place for me I am sorry to say, I agree with the comments on the pushy vendors, but it appeared as if most were of Indian heritage !!!

    I did a little digging into Patong and came up with a few little interesting details. Permanent population is registered at only 15,000. and there are over 31,000 hotel rooms available, meaning in peak seasons, tourists outnumber the locals 4-1.

    Can the figure 15,000 be correct ??

  4. Is this a warning for the stupid amongst us? Your ticket and information will clearly state your allowance - if you are over it - tough, pay the money! :o

    Totally agree, these groundless whines bore me to death. Rules are rules end of story

    were that we were all as martially perfected as nanthaburial and technocracy, then life would be a seamless series of correct actions.

    by the way, I did a SFO to BKK a few years ago and had a 5-man inflatable raft which filled the largest duffel bag I could find. I already had 2 suitcases up to limit, and the people at EVA gave me a nice big break - only charged me $100 for excess on the river raft. But that was days gone by, I'm sure everything like that is stricter now. Also: Coming in at Bangkok, the cutoms authorities barely batted an eye as I leisurely strolled my 2 suitcases and large duffel past them. For a brief moment, I felt like the invisible man.

    Believe me it has nothing to do with Martial perfection, just a case of common sense. I can tell you many stories about peoople who arrogantly believe that they do not come under the rules and regulations with such things as baggage

    Once when flying between Sao Paolo and London with my family, we had an aircraft change in Amsterdam. I had two small hand baggages (between three of us) when some guy who had swarthy skin came on board WITH A PORTER and tried to deposit ten (10) yes TEN bags in the overhead lockers. He even removed mine and moved them a distance away from my seat and tried to use my overhead locker. The KLM cabin crew did nothing to stop him.

    After take off, I calmy opened my over head locker, put his bags on the floor and replaced mine. The cabin crew then told me I couldnt do that as it was blocking the aisle. Not my problem I told them. The guy came up to me and was furious using every swear word he could muster, and actually said loudly,

    you are an idiot and you have obviously not flown very often. :D

    The fact that I could almost wallpaper my 364 sq m house with boarding cards proved that statement to be incorrect. :D

    So please dont think of Martial perfection, think about other people and not just yourself :D

    The fact that after we exited the plane my foot clipped his ankle causing him to fall face first on the floor was purely coincidental - I promise. And the fact that nearly a plane load of passengers stood laughing and clapping when they saw him fall tells you a lot.

  5. A very good friend of mine, who I knew both in Manila and Bangkok had a theory that he vowed was fail safe. Take the time to meet a woman who was in a unhappy marriage, show her warmth and affection and bingo both parties got what they were looking for. It was discretion at its highest, no expensive meals/drinks in restaurants, but quiet secluded eveni ngs alone somewhere.

    It certainly worked for him

  6. where to get cheap but good indian food in bangkok? i usually get my fix at the emporium but its pretty expensive.

    I have always found that Indian Food in Bangkok is prepared by Thais who seem to forget that a decent curry should be prepared with different spices AND NOT with fistfulls of Chillis

  7. Some friends of mine a couple of years ago used to make pies and deliver to the bars and some restaurants. They were very popular then.

    Otherwise can I order half a dozen cornish pasties and a few beef pies for a start to be delivered to my shop in Kata? If you can, please let me know the cost?

    Chantal, OP seems to have gone quiet. Might not be up to the expected PR level :o

  8. Just found a nice ticket offer for 130 Euro from BKK->MNL with Cebu Pacific Budget Airline.

    Never been to the City of Guns before so i'm excited to have a look.

    But i heared the consulate is making it very hard to get a tourist visa. Anybody here who

    has experiences? My current triple entry TV was issued in Germany. So this will be my first

    Back-To-Back TV visa and in fact my first TV visa i ever asked for in an asian embassy.

    Three steps

    (1) Take a deep breath

    (2) Check out all previous posts here on the attitude at Thai Consulate in Manila

    (3) Exhale and then vow to forget about Manila

  9. Remember the days in the UK when you had mobile chip shops etc. same concept in Patong would work I am sure. Get yourself a cheap van, put some warmer ovens in then drive up Patong Bach with loudspeakers blaring some patriotic music or whatever

  10. I know only to well that the hand carrying of liquids through Suvarnabhumi is almost sure to end in confiscation, no complainmts here. But what about DM airport for domestic routes? does the ruling still apply.

    Reason I ask is that I am doing a flying visit (pun not Intended) for business reasons to Phuket and want to take a bottle of wine as a present, but hope to get away with hand carry luggage only

  11. A car has been arranged to meet me on arrival at Suvanabhumi.

    Where do I go to meet the car ?

    It's not self-drive,driver will meet me,where do he display his sign ?

    :o Wiley Coyote

    There are 2 exits. B or C.

    Ask your travelagent (airline) what luggage belt they use and what is the nearest exit, and make your appointment there.

    Hope to have helped. :D



    Dont wish to be pedantic, but arent there three exits A B and C

  12. I was watching the weather report on CNN, and there are 3 rather large storms swirling around out in the Pacific. I hope we get spared the brunt of them.

    Thailand has never felt the full brunt of a fully blown typhoon. Agreed we do experience some of the outer bands, but in general they are nothing. As you say, these storms are brewing in the Western Pacific, to the East of the Philippines and Taiwan.

    Now if you should be residing in one of those two countries then I would agree with your fears ! especially as the Phils experience an average of 17 direct hits every year and a lot of these are super typhoons :o

    As someone once said, its a way of controlling the population growth

  13. I personally would be looking at the surname of the baby in a different light. At this moment you are 3 months away from bringing a new baby into the world, BUT you are not married and with all the best wishes in the world you never know if things will change and you and the baby could end up in this big world alone.

    I would think that it would be a better option to use your name for the birth registration and travel documents. When you marry you can then change to which ever name you feel necessary. good luck

    The babies nationality will be Filipino as both you and the father are of that nationality, the place of birth has no bearing on the issue

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