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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. the thread isn't about Trump, plus he has dont 100's of live unscripted interviews. 2+ hours with musk. the thread is about Harris doing her FIRST interview in nearly a month.
  2. if not it will be a softball tongue bath, with pre arranged questions and answers, it's dana bash the one the was hostile to Trump? so it would be easy to see the difference in her attitude.
  3. i don't have a basement, i do have a very nice villa in the tropics!
  4. no, skeptical, i have followed Trumps since he won in 16, i have seen so many 'bombshell' stories over the years that all turn out to be total <deleted>, i do not believe a load of left wing anti trump media claiming something happened, show video proof, its an easy way to prove what happened of anything actually did
  5. still no footage of the actual 'incident' so BS until proven
  6. it was trump that signed it, but it wasn't Trump the totally F****d it up...that was Biden and Harris administrations. those 9 or 12 troops that died are on their heads, as are the civilians that fell off the planes trying to flee.
  7. RFK and Tulsi were both Dems, do you still give them credit now they speak out
  8. so ignore the fact she was happy to prolong the war. remember those peace talk the UK scuppered...but yeah, putin bad....if you think the US are there to save the Ukranine then you are very naive to put it politely.
  9. so, there is no real video verification this even happened?, then i'd bet it BS!, everyone has mobiles and record anything at an instant, Trump team kicking off at such a high level event and no footage of it..... B******T!! its just another fake story to get all you pearl clutchers going!! suckers
  10. here is a link from 2022, 'Russia is doomed' most of the msm had their own versions. funnily enough nato and the west are not the 'whole world', far from it. many countries outside that bubble are neutral to the situation and are trading with Russia despite what US/uk west and AN members claim. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/3/4/russias-looming-economic-crisis-will-be-worse-than-1991
  11. clinton is on record saying exactly that, 'extend the war to diminish the russias economy', its got f'all to do with saving the Ukrainians. all neocons in the US congress and the UK too.
  12. it was doomed in feb 22 according to western propaganda..but turns out it wasn't, who'd have thought, keep on believing everything you read!!
  13. did you make that photo, surely it was satire and wasn't posted by a western msm goon as serious?
  14. 2 weeks old, guess it didn't get any traction the first time round, try try again to hook an AN sheep.!
  15. i dont think that deflections could be any bigger!...you said exactly nothing as to the whereabouts of Biden, he is after all , the President of the USA, where is he to counter claims from mark Zuckerberg that Biden & herris, fbi, cia, pressured him to repress the Hunter Laptop issue? Biden quite distinctly said it was 'russian disinformation', more that once, where is he to counter these claims?
  16. i thread where someone so influential such as Mark Zukerberg admits to censoring the conservative POV due to pressure from their political opposition and potential election interference is still on page 1 after 2 days, whereas a fictional thread about Trump backing out a of debete is up to 34 pages
  17. how amazing you found a graph to show trump was the lowest...who'd have thought
  18. its not about him though is it, he serves 'the people'. he should be on show working for those voters.
  19. i see she now wants to build a border wall, after halting Trumps and allowing millions to enter illegally
  20. and seemingly neither do you, well, the ones that support Trump that is. classic troll trap, yeah right, you're so desperate to slag Trump and anyone that supports him, without realising you shot yourself in the foot.
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