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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. You can just make it up, that's what happened Since 2016 and the fake Rissia Hoax
  2. That's exactly my point , Now go and bother someone else
  3. The transcripts of the call showed nothing wrong, end of story, Adam pencil neck Schiffs 'interpretation' of the call is not evidence. They already had dirt on Biden both Father & son, but if you remember it got buried as Russian disinformation
  4. Allegedly caught him, the a funeral out at sea with no real verification it ever happened
  5. What are you babbling on about, zelensky said back then it was a normal phone call and trump didn't ask for anything. You really need to change your news sources
  6. Why Do you refuse to accept that the US orchestrated the 2014 coup and have been interfering in Ukranian domestic affairs since? You've heard Nuland phone conversation right? Who she wants to lead and F the EU... or is your head just buried in the sand with regards to these things?
  7. These lot here don't care, they are safely behind their keyboards championing on the war, not wanting peace if Trump brokers it. Bitter old pensioners stuck in the cold war era.
  8. Yeah, typical, So you just brush off an act of international terrorism with huge ecological damage. Show me a quote from Putin where he specifically said he wants to restore sovit era borders.
  9. All things that no Democrat has shown their Countries President
  10. So where does bin laden fit into all that, because it was due to 911 that the US went into iqau and Afghanistan?
  11. Only in those fools that believe everything the legacy media tells them. What has Putin ever down that has effected your life?
  12. Since Trump came on the scene Us politic and the msm have been exposed for how dirty and corrupt it is.
  13. Hasn't a similar thing happened in Romania?
  14. You obviously haven't been following these threads in utopia
  15. How Is it benefitting those in the UK & EU that are struggling to pay their heating & living costs. Russian been supplying EU with gas fkrbyears, Putin could have switched it off and any point and invaded, but he didn't and had no desire to invade Europe. The US blew up the NORD pipeline that supplied cheap gas to the EU, was an attack on Germanys economy and now the whole EU have to pay 3-6 time more for US LNG, thats what you get for being tied to the USA, all countriss should look out for them selves notnpander to the US, regardless of who is the President. The politixans don't represent the people, theybserve themselves and jump when the yanks tell them too.
  16. I was in the process of editting my comment
  17. You might want to look through these threads a bit more to see who says what. These guy here won't accept any truth, for years they added link after link as proof trump was going to jail, Biden wasnt in cognitive decline, Russia was losing the war....they were told by a few of us here that this was not true but we just get called cultists and/or Putin shills, Kremlin propagandists... and now look... but try still refuse to admit they were lied to
  18. Never seen such derangement as there is from the anti Trump brigade. Putin has no desire to attack the EU, you are living in a warmongering delusion fed to you by a lying corrupted media.
  19. There you go again speaking for Trump supoorters, you speak for nobody but yourself.
  20. How is he not to blame? Biden was in charge, he had the whole MIC, advisors, army generals, that could have been organised much better. Instead 13 soldiers died along with many Afghan citizens..
  21. I know exactly what you wrote. With rewards to words like 'likely, possibility, reportedly, allegedly' you might want to be mindful of those when commentling in the furture and adding legacy media links to prove a point.
  22. Especially for women, like you give a single <deleted> about Afghans. Typical mainstream media reader response. The whole withdrawal couLD have been handled better, Biden had months to arrange things, if the Taliban were able to take over in a matter of hours it doesnt say much for the 16yrs occupation.
  23. Putin isn't letting his country get ruled over the US unlike all the nation in NATO, they jump when the us says so because they have weak self serving leaders. They should take a leaf out of Putins book on how to be a string world leader, not weak pussy. The UK is falling apart, living costs through the roof, illegal immigrants costing million a day to house, billions in debt but wants to send billions in aid to another country to prolong a war that will never be won rather than negotiate peace. Total clown show.
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