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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. So, you went from saying it was disinformation to basically saying its acceptable because other have done it. So corruption is ok because all politicians do it? 750k, Can't remember where, I wasnt paying too much attention, maybe i posted it already.
  2. You see his the smirk on his face as he says it.
  3. Zelensky was named in the Panama papers, he has cash stuffed away. 750k deaths.
  4. By all accounts the files seemed to he a bit lacking. Those corrupt in the NY FBI have held 2000 files back, Patelnis on the case now so see how things go
  5. Is that not a piss take on Clinton and lewensky?
  6. Trump didn't Cally fallen soldier suckers and losers, stop spreading deliberate lies. He dissed John Cain, that was it.
  7. That is the best one ive seen this year. Excellent
  8. Scream, screetch, cry, bitch & moan the daily cycle of the losing left. None of the MSM has any credibility left, don't you get that.
  9. I one of your hero trans people has been arrested for trying to blow up Tesla dealership.... would you say they had mental issues or is that a rational thing to do
  10. Do you not think its time to grow up a bit from the 'our enemies' nonsense. The US enemies are purely your making from the bullying and hostile way youve treated other countries that don't want to be controlled the the USA. Team Biden refused to talk with Putin and its only reailted in around a million deaths. cold war ended decades ago, tIme for change of mind set.
  11. Zelensky was used by the Biden admin, MIC, blackrock etc, they gave aid so as to basically steal the country, opened the farm land to be sold to foreign investment, the minerals was all part, Trump just brought it into the open. The East where Russin occupies is rich in minerals,
  12. Saying he produced it was a lie....like tousay Trump does all the time... or perhaps you don't hold others to account like you do Trump
  13. Well well well.
  14. It was obviously a Trump thread, so I Guess it saves you getting ridiculed
  15. Yawn, no MSM has any credibility any more, they've lied nonstop about Trump and are easily proved to be liars with a few searches of alternate media, only fools like guys here that still believe it.
  16. Haha, I came here to say similar. Well played.
  17. Got to be very thick skinned to keep posting as much as he does after being proved Wrong practically every time
  18. Hope they were different polls to the ones that kept telling you Harris was going to win
  19. Give up with the Ukraine invasion younlook foolish, Putin was concentrating on the 3 areas in the East. He has them, Biden, UK & NATO prolonged the war and thus caused 100,000's of deaths. Trump is the only one actually making the effort to end the deaths.
  20. Yes, There are Teams from all sides. But Trump said he'd end the war, and that's what matters, nothing was being done by Biden, only escalations.
  21. He is the process of ending the Ukraine war, stopping WW3 is quite good for the world on a whole, or perhaps you would prefer it happend.
  22. Great news, I wonder if any of them know sum-num-nah!!
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