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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. i didnt spend any time in NZ, but when in Aus people would get refused entry to places if they looked too drunk, mind you, when backpacking we did get through a few goonbags a night, but never anywhere near Thailand levels.
  2. the island has been extremely busy since before Christmas, 10's of thousands of people come n gone. this is the only death i've heard of in that time, well, there have been numerous motorbike deaths mostly alcohol related. and lots of emergency evacuations to samui hospital,.
  3. nothing has been kept under wraps, it was reported on 2 days after it happened, there was already a thread about it here, it's between the family and embassy and respect should be given to them until the autopsy is done or investigation concluded.
  4. he wasn't stuffed in anywhere, it is an open stormwater drain, quite a large one too, that is an over active imagination on your part!! there is nothing official to say he even had a phone with him for it to be missing.
  5. the rules in Thailand are very lax, i very much doubt people can get as wasted in NZ as they can here, i certainly couldn't in AUS., also KT is tiny, the amount of tourist is 1000's per week, unfortunately some will get in trouble through alcohol and misadventure , like this guy did.
  6. i have read on another FB page that the girlfriend has gone to Australia, which seems odd, given the circumstances and reporting of their 10 year relationship etc, i can only assume there has been misreporting somewhere down the line.
  7. glad to see some fair reporting for a change, and that alcohol was mentioned, this is usually totally ignored.
  8. why, what could you possibly get to understand about an island by staying 1 day?
  9. it was reported a few days after, in the mirror and daily mail, and on here, why would you want to look through his or his girlfriends profile? perhaps the family have made things private.... it is after all their business, not yours or anyone elses.
  10. where on earth do you get the you info from or is it just made up?
  11. it was reported in the UK when it happened and there was a thread on here about it at the time too.
  12. i get enough entertainment from these to bother starting my own. how was your sonkran?
  13. title should read ....israel and the US have been provoking ww3
  14. the 'tell me you got TDS without telling me you've got TDS' youtube clip
  15. and yes, just how many of those politicians encouraging the Ukraine war have kids that are actually on the front line...i would hazard a guess at none!!
  16. according to all the western propaganda he was dying of cancer 2 years ago and numerous other illnesses!
  17. seems to be a lot more US bases round China then there are Chinese bases around the US. how many countries have the US invaded in the last 30rs compared to Russia and China? keep Russia and China as the evil dictators to the public with lies and propaganda, it's called manufacturing consent.
  18. sorry, who was the one that turned to insults and abuse ??
  19. Nato was not supposed to expant Eastward, that was the deal back in 97... so nato moved closer to Putin. and if you knew anything. about Ukraine you would know this did't start 2 years ago!
  20. there would be a lot less dead had Boris Johnstone not scuppered the peace talks that were offered in April 2022.... blood is on the UK hands!!
  21. check for any charges or convictions given to Trump while you're at it
  22. you should fact check your copy n pastes
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