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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. oh no, it was 'fascist' that is going to rig the elections. but wasnt he going to do what dictators do, and stay in power for ever, wasnt that what you implied?
  2. so a photo with a caption is 100% facts right?, posted by someone calling themselves 'Total space nut'. ok, guess they are a seasoned war correspondent.
  3. yep, sucking up to the US is all they do, although the UK is no longer part if the EU, they are still in the pocket of Murica, and jump when told!
  4. so, Mr Marin, can we backtrack an hour or so, to when you claimed trump was a dictator and going to fix the elections from 2024 onwards, because i feel that you shouted a lot but all of a sudden seemed to have gone quiet...will you admit you were wrong..trump, was NOT going to fix the election like you were brainwashed to believe...?? can you at least admit that?, i doubt it
  5. yes, but in the context of getting voter ID, surely you cannot deny that? your clip was out of context, as most are. and out of context it suggested something that was in fact false
  6. that is what i first thought as he is not going to say he will rig the elections, but turns out it was taken out of context, i posted the full version a few comments ago.
  7. i think you'll find thats is called 'deflection'. no further comment on what you just previously claimed?
  8. link didnt upload, but is there now
  9. i posted a link earlier from Jimmy Dore, they are basically all denying it now, and that it was Republicans wording. it's mental how much the media lies and the left just accept it.
  10. well, surprise surprise, it took less than 1 minute to find out, as i expected, this was an edited clip and taken out of context, because thats all you lot have is Lies and disinformation to attack your opponent! you guys never bother to check what you hear, and due to your hatred for DJT you believe everything you're told and thus making yourself look very foolish in the process, remember 'BLOODBATH' do you really think that Trump would stang on stage saying he's going to fix the elections, do you really actually believe that? seems your brains are fried with the Trump D Syndrome. here is the linnk, FF to 1:00:00 how stupid do you feel now or just ignore it and move onto the next one?
  11. do you have a video clip of this actually being said? a totally unedited version, not like the 'fine people' nonsense!
  12. hahahahahahaha, is nobody bothered that she was not voted in? you are backing somoene who was 'selected' for you. is there nobody else you'd have preferred?
  13. i think it was more to do with things that were slipped into the bill that he didn't agree with. however without spending time searching i cannot say what, perhaps i will later.
  14. Putin didn't just wake up one day and decide to invade, i would suggest you go and read up, but you'll probably just read something from the BBC.... i'd imagine you like BBC!
  15. well, you presumed wrong, it is the likes of cnn, msnbc, etc, calling her the border czar, for years, but now trying to claim that term was made up by Republicans, if you would have even opened the link you might have seen that.
  16. i think some here would claim that as distraction or whataboutism
  17. US politics has been forced on the world and more so since 2016 via social media, so i think anyone can add their opinion to be fair
  18. so, ignoring fact the msm called her that for the last 3.5+ ?
  19. she is not a 'girl' she is a 59yr old woman, and a woman that NOBODY VOTED FOR, does that not bother you?
  20. so the big corps and MSM started lying, covering and censoring for Kamala. a book about her vanished off amazon, msms shows denying she was the 'border czar' and only the right wing called her that. and before someone says 'coinspiracy theorist' the dude is using the MSM own clips toy prove they are lying..... but but Trump!
  21. i tend to avoid the big carriers as they always get customs charges due to most items being 'new', nothing will happen if you refuse to pay, but you lose the item, might get sent back after a certain amount of time.
  22. ever notice all the 'evil dictators' bomb children & hospitals. do you really believe that POW's bodies are being sent back minus organs? so, think about this logically.. you commit an illegal action, that would be condemned worldwide, then send the evidence of this act back... just how gullible are you? ever heard of manufacturing conscent?
  23. brave to mention your momma after being derogatory to so many other members here in the past!
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