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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. thanks, i couldn't remember the dudes name. funny how these things are now only covered by independent journalists or outlets, msm & social media is totally corrupted and bought out. so much clear to see since 2016!
  2. neither did Trump, if you listened to the audio or watched the video, he clearly states..to 'peacefully' march to the capitol. were those that chose to riot actually Trump supporters??
  3. i expect he'll get a small sentence or huge fine. it's not that much he got caught with. if they were watching him for 5 months surely a bust at Christmas or NYE would have gained better results.
  4. UK prisons are full, a non violent crime and if a 1st time offense i expect he will be out in less that 1/2 with a tag,
  5. no...what Clinton did instead was to start the whole Russian collusion BS she refused to accept trump won legitimately, still doesn't accept it
  6. i hop he does just to see all people like you lose their minds...AGAIN!
  7. yeah, i saw the google search results...pages of msm articles reading form exactly the same script. Seeing as 95% of media is left bias, including google it's very hard to find non bias results at the click of a finger, i'm certainly not wasting time going through pages to find something for you to accept. What McCarthy said was also raised by others.
  8. the narrative pelosi wants is exactly what you posted in those links.. https://twitter.com/SpeakerMcCarthy/status/1419992938784952327?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1419992938784952327|twgr^1450b6c2c01d23edda11052d2be7df815ede3f25|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.snopes.com%2Ffact-check%2Fpelosi-national-guard-capitol%2F
  9. that officer behind him looks in fear of his life from the 'armed' insurrectionist
  10. ok, so here is a recent one..... https://www.facebook.com/reel/917068490071650
  11. also people having to take on 2 or 3 jobs to cover record inflation and rising living costs!
  12. people here have claimed Trump was an insurrectionist...but he has not been charged has he..so, not thats not a fact is it..your opinion is not fact!
  13. so witnesses don't lie then, not ever, no matter how high the stakes??, would you be so adamant if it were Don jr, Eric, jared & El' trumpo called... i doubt it very much!! do you not think the fact he was in the room.. (all be it via phone), meant something.... or he just called to say hi, so, interrupt an important business meeting... yeah, ok...personally i always take calls from my dad when in the middle of a deal!!! mind you, ol' sniffy probably wouldn't have remembered the deal was on with his dementia, he already denied even talking to his some about business... 'As to your lame false equivalence, Trump's Phone call wascrecordedvand there was no doubt about its content' Well...clearly not as the impeachment was a fail wasn't it, did you read the transript? was that another 'gotcha fail'
  14. you mean the same employment level that was where Trump had it pre covid.... and then had to shut the economy...
  15. i dont believe j6 cost 2bm in damages, unlike the 'mostly peaceful' blm riots. of which Kamala and lots of hollywood celebs joined in sending dontations and bailing out so called 'peaceful protesters'
  16. oh, just a hello...nothing to do with hello, i'm JB, you know who i am, now make the deals!!..remember how you all ranted about trumps call to zalensky.
  17. sorry, i forgot what this thread was about..was it unanimous 9-0 or 0-9??
  18. jeezus..get a grip , if thats the case them wheel ol' joe out and let them debate head to head.... want to place bets on it?
  19. another one of those..... 'thats the end of trump' scenarios..... how many times is that now since 2016?? 😂
  20. and you'd know all about drug dealers right? its not crystal meth.....i imagine a big fine.
  21. how is he a traitor and dictator?.... your opinion of you have some facts?
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