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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. they never heard of the elections cancelled, tv stations closed down, reporters silenced.... Putin bad...but we need to uphold democracy!!
  2. you mean peace..... what a nightmare scenario! did you sign up for front line, defending Ukraine yet? nah, didnt think so!!
  3. Azof are going to bump him off the second he deviates from the script...(that same Azof that apparently doest exist since feb 2022)
  4. do you think the war started feb 22, or were you following Ukraine news prior to that?
  5. Taiwan, IS China.... no regards for Independence and freedom.... hahaha, do you?
  6. falls on deaf ears for the brainwashed shills here championing the war from the safety of thier Issan village or pattaya bar stool, at least the politicians are getting back handers for thier support, jingting, tug, eric loc and losbozo do it all for free
  7. nato = USA in Europe, they make the msm watching sheep..(insert AN member) think its for your benefit, but in reality it's so the US can drag everyone into their forever wars!
  8. unlike the US that accepted Trumps as President, they didn't whine at all...and definitely not for the last 7.5 years!
  9. the 'invasion' started due to US interference in the country, the coup in 2014 and everything after up until the threats to join nato!
  10. its amusing when people like yourself call others 'ignorant' when all you do it just parrot the MSM.
  11. pretty sure he's pocketed quite a lot in the last 2+ years
  12. once the war is over none of you will care about Ukraine or it's people. Ukraine is now indebted to the US for all the aid it was given, Blackrock, etc, etc will take those 12 trillions in minerals for themselves and the Ukrainian people get nothing, you will all move onto the next thing the MSM tell you to be outraged at!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  13. 'get to the negotiating table with Putin', thats the simple way to end the war, or just cut aid off, then will soon stop.
  14. 'screwed up' the guy had to be assisted down the steps in the studio after the debate..... i didn't realise having a cold affected you ability to walk! how people here can still defend him after the debate proved his aging state... i guess double down rather than admit defeat!
  15. yeah, because peace is not what is wanted, lets just carry on with people dying.......from the safety of your armchair
  16. Zelinski ran his campaign on making peace with Russia!
  17. if the time in prison was more of a punishment ie, some army boot camp style thing, some hard work thrown in, then i would expect those petty crims would think twice about mugging someone or burgling a house . most were kids that never worked a day in their lives. at a guess i'd say there were way more of those B,C prisoners than cat A type (long term serious crime)
  18. i'd rather be positive and enjoy myself than live in doom land, you moved here to get away from all the negative BS at home, why bring it here and ruin your time?
  19. prison isn't supposed to be a holiday camp, which it is in the UK to be honest!. in the uk you are locked for similar time per day, unless you apply for gym, education etc etc. you dont just get pulled off the street if you are minding your own business. no smoke without fire as the saying goes
  20. why would it hit the fan? perhaps you're too negative.
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