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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. you saying the 80million that support him are all red neck white supremacists ?
  2. i've never been called right wing or MAGA...but get called that simply for not hating Trump or believing everything on the MSM.....
  3. yes, just like all the MSM edits everything Trumps says or does... so you saying he didnt fall off, doesn't mumble, lose focus, forget his lines.... you think he is more compos mentis than Trump...i think not!!
  4. hahaha...i hope that was a joke..the decrepit tit fell off in full view of everyone last i saw.....
  5. politically motivated that went nowhere.....like everything.... he's still there, winning and getting stronger the more they try.
  6. Putin is in Syria legally..the US was there illegally...still is.....stealing oil!!
  7. the gains and jobs Biden has 'made' are just the ones lost under Trump when the economy was shut down due to COVID-CON.... you remember that right...? also didn't Trump gain nearly 11 mill new voters...so he cant have been all that bad in their eyes can he... face facts, people wanted Trump.... you cant stand him and get uncontrollably triggered and mere thought of him.... how much have the dems tried to stop him and he keep getting stronger.... going to be so much fun if he wins again, however i dont think it will happen, he will get cheated again of bumped off..then the civil war will start! P.S...why wont Biden do any debates? .....
  8. no, don't use it, although i did start following him on Twitter since he got reinstated. but i don't really use that much. this is the first time i've interacted with anything Trump related in Years, the internet got boring after he got cheated out of the win.... sleepy joe gets a pass from all the msm....just imagine if Trump fell up those plane steps...3 times..but not much coverage for mr B..
  9. because the dems cheated... sorry... changed the rules and used covid to push in mail in voting....then boxes of votes just appeared from nowhere.
  10. haha, it's amusing you say 'brainwashed' after to practically repeating all of the anti trump MSM outlets word for word
  11. BBC come on, really?? at least find something at least slightly independent. given the fact the over 90% of the media is left leaning i doubt you'd find many articles not critical of Trump. the right/left.... no fixation on it...i'm neither, i'm anti wars and BS, but these are the labels give out but vast majority of media pundits & outlets, if people don't agree with the covid mandates, geen energy, Biden, BLM, israel, Ukraine war... don't hate trump they're automatically a far right, nazi etc etc... look at all the news.... the truckers in Canada, farmers in Germany..you name any one protesting their Government and guarantee you far right, right wing or domestic terrorist will be worded in there somewhere...
  12. far from angry, i find it hilarious how some hate Trump so much and get so triggered but for no actual reason other than the TV or the internet told them too! most just attack him personally calling him racist, White supremacy blag blah, i doubt many even could mention a policy of his they did like. you say he constantly lies as the (A) reason to hate him....so no other politician had done this before him? how many of the US politicians have got mega rich while in office... on a what 200k salary?....but Trump bad m'kay! you also said that his followers were low intelligence.... while the anti Trump crowd and left can't tell you what a woman is..and that men can get pregnant....hummm... try watching some different news channels & journalists and see something off script....plenty out there, glenn greenwald, Aron mate, max blumenthal to name a few....
  13. jeez, you couldn't sound like a Rachel Maddow, morning joe or any cnn pundit if you tried. Reminds me of the clip where all the news anchors are reading form the script throughout the entire US of Arse! fact checkers??...what an f ing joke, and how many times did they fact check ol' sniffy joe, or kamala? and the times they did how they moved the goal posts to suit the lies''or lets say 'misinformation'....they are all democrats, you can check the staff info on each site and it shows you most of the time. how many times did they fact check the 'Russian collusion' BS, what did musk say about the twitter employees that he fired...funny how twitter was so great and godlike, until he bought it and sacked half the staff..now its right wing this n that. your TDS is stronger than the force was with Darth Vader!! and for the record, i'm not a Trumper, but i have seen how the likes of cnn, msnbc etc manipulates and edits things he says. it's also great fun seeing rational (maybe theyre not) people lose their minds over him... but say zero about that bumbling corrupt idiot joe, and worship obumma, the dude who started how many wars?.... but he spoke nicely!!
  14. well, the media do lie, constantly about Trump,while cioverign for Biden & dems/lefties, the whole Russian collusion, proved false, made up by clinton and regurgitated daily by them all, especailly rachel maddow, the 'good people on both side' white supremacy BS was edited from the original speech, which clearly shows what was actually said. imagine the headlines and coverage if it was Trump jr's laptop that was found!!!! remember all the Dems like Kamala saying she wouldn't take the vaccine if it was trumps.... soon as it was Biden, anyone that didnt want it was antivax and a basically a granny killing nazi.
  15. not a flat Earther..... curious to know how they got that buggy on the moon though!
  16. there were more deaths under Biden than trump... if you believe the figures that is.... or the severity of covid for that matter... good ol' bill seemed to change his stance swiftly after making 500mil!!
  17. the TDS is beaming through.... 'Kremlin disinformation' was when all your credibility was finally lost!!
  18. well thats misreported, Lomprayha might have sent the speed boats for the rescue, and i would imagine that big life raft was theirs, but totally separate company to the nightboat itself
  19. no, i meant the usual main outlets didn't say it broke in half, only 1/7 articles i read mentioned it, so i wondered how true it was. also just read another that said it capsized. its hard to find the actual facts between Chinese whispers and flat out BS!
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