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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. of course you cant pick i never said you could, but i doubt very much there isn't political bias to be found in all the things thrown at him...... it's funny how he was celeb for over 4 decades nobody said anything....
  2. haha, eyes are nearly closed from being so baked i missed the capitalisation. i might go into town and get violent with someone at 711
  3. haha, brain distortion & puffers, jesus, that make you sound so naïve., reminds me of an ex girlfriends mum when i was early 20's. haha i would guess you dont have experience with any form of drug, do you drink alcohol? thats far worse than most things i've done, but socially accepted. smoke weed, hash does not make people react like that dude, i would suggests alcohol, unless he's just a d**K in general. p.s. smoked weed in my teens early 20's, but was boring sitting on a sofa staring at the TV.
  4. And what doesn Trump do with the intell? where has Putin repeatedly said he wants to restore the USSR? so Putin scans forums like these in Russia ? such total TDSBS
  5. guessing you dont have any experience with it judging by your comment
  6. i suppose you have been to all 3 to have a personal experience or just using MSM talking point without any actual knowledge? plenty of friends live n work in china, they don't complain, there are rules that the west don't have, same as many other countries with different cultures.... but is the west the shining example to use? US gun crime, UK knife crime, crime in general, homelessness, corrupt politicians, unemployment, over priced housing, inflation, high food cost, high living costs..... greart examples
  7. He had a choice. He just chose this option so it’s rather disingenuous to blame the West. ... haha, yeah right ok then, because the yanks have been so trustworthy since 😕 You remember the Cuban missile crisis right? and how the yanks cried about that, but Putin should just let nato stick weapons on his border, and lets face it, nato + US. Given the fact that the deal was for not to NOT to expand Eastward was totally ignored and since moved into 14 countries, but it's somehow Putin fault?? hahaha. if the cold war was over, whats is the purpose of nato anyway!
  8. yeah, proving my point perfectly, all the things listed were front pages non stop through Trumps 4 years....those alleged billions form the saudis....widely publicised wasn't it...Hunter Bidens Laptop and 10% to ' the Big guy' brushed under the carpet....imagine if don Jr, Kushner or any other member of the Trumps family was on video with hookers and blow....think they'd get a pass....yeah right, how about joes video bragging about with holding the 6 bil, getting the Ukrainan prosector fired yet they impeach trump over a phone call. DOUBLE STANDARDS. COM!!!.... the classified documents is a perfect example.... but you guys so full of rage at trump you're blinded to the blatant corruption form your side. 'suck $$ out of brain dead magas'. how about the Billions of tax $$ being funneled into Ukraine and into the pockets of the arm contractors and millions vanishing while US has enough internal issues that could be helped instead. i might add, war that could have ended back in April 22, which the UK, US and nato continued...... but but Trump!! haha
  9. if only Biden got the same scrutiny as Trumpo did by the media the dude would be have been removed by now!! Hunters Laptop would have seen to that had the media done their job, in fact if it weren't for FB twitter etc burying the story and it being labelled as Russian disinformation i might have be different at the polling stations.....even with factoring in the Dems cheating! 🙂
  10. when you say 'republican-aligned' so as to discredit somewhat, does the same apply to ' Dem - aligned' in terms of prosecutors, jury, media?
  11. 25th needs to acted against Biden, how can you be unfit to stand trial yet still be fit to have run the country and have Nuke codes!! (as they kept banging on about with trump) you can't have it both ways.
  12. Trumps not been charged with insurrection, has any body? nope!! Approximately 11 individuals have been arrested on a series of charges that relate to assaulting a member of the media, or destroying their equipment, on Jan. 6. Approximately 1,186 defendants have been charged with entering or remaining in a restricted federal building or grounds. change the record..... and what nhas been debunked?
  13. no, the non trumpers were the ones kicking off and smashing sh*t, Ray epps, remember him. that dude in the photo was peaceful can you not see that? told you that other stuff was for another day or thread
  14. yes, i did try to delete that first part as i decided not to get into that S**t on a sunday while cooking my roast dinner, save it for another day, but the second half still stands.
  15. i would wonder if these guys were charged...and for how long, i think it's common knowledge that fbi were involved right, wow, a flag... gee wizz, thats proof right there....look at him armed to the teeth to take over the government!! :-? how about the guys being shown round by the police.. any photo of those psychos?
  16. thank you for telling me how i am with regards to the US and west, i obviously dont know myself! never seen such hostility towards a person before, the viciousness, spite all come from the left. trump called a few politicains names ..wow... stick n stones!
  17. Pro Putin, yep. anti Murica... War wise yes , same goes for the Uk in that respect. haha, so it's trump that made it commonplace for name calling...... so it never happened here before nasty trump made the left go crazy.. ok then
  18. i like anyone that stands up to the US, they have bullied weaker countries for decades and killed millions in the name of 'democracy' who has Putin bullied? do you want to compare wars that RU and US have been involved in over recent history? and when it comes to name calling, what, killery...wow, did that hurt your feelings? if you want to complain about name calling then flick through the last thread related to Trump, plenty of names being thrown out there and it wasn't from the Trumpers i can assure you.
  19. haha, yeah and look how the US treats democratic leaders it doesn't favour.. you know about us US led overthrow of the democratically elected government in 2014 in Ukraine right? and you've heard V Nuland talking of who THEY will install! but yeah right Putins a dictator..funny how all of the enemies of the west are dictators..... so what about the politically motivated persecution of trump, doing everything they cant to get him out of the running, how many years in total have been given out to the jan 6th protestors? how many alternative news outlets have been censored from the internet RT banned form the US airwaves julian assange in UK prision for many years, what have the US done to whistle blowers? pot kettle black me thinks!!
  20. i have been a fan of Putin way before Trump, i like him for standing up to the US, he wont be bullied, the US throuws sanctions around and many places tierd of it and making ties with out the US..... the Dollar is being dropped but these too, his invited assistance in Syria stopped the Yanks in their tracks..yanks who were there illegally i might add, and are still illegally occupying the oil rich areas and stealing the Syrian oil.... i expect you support that though. whats wrong with calling hillary.....Killery.....did you not see her cackle when asked about Gaddafi 's murder?.. you support that too?
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