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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. yep, i think he was forced out by Killton, she wanted the wind but lostr half the country with her deplorables comment
  2. you want an 18-20yr old, but how old are you? above a certain age, which is 30 max, you will look like a sexpat regardless. if you are over 30, what possible conversations can you expect to have with someone so young and in a different language and of different culture?
  3. what is condom? sorry, i don't speak french
  4. she is worse, kept people in prison longer than needed, jailed people for pot then cackled when asked if she'd tried it. Tulsi Gabbard wiped the floor with her in the debate, she got less than 1%.
  5. i like Trump in the fact he was the underdog, everyone took him as a joke, had all the msm against him, Clinton cheated Bernie out of the running then lost herself. ( i would have preferred Bernie to win)...i like the fact he calls out the fake msm, i don't like Americas foreign policy regardless of who is the President, however despite Trump being far from presidential at times there was relative calm in the ME, Ukraine, met Kim jong and seemed to want wars to end...... look at it now under Biden...some say we're on the brink of WW3. between Russia, all being egged on by the US, UK and nato..... israel genociding all gazaian's, all the s**t everyone claimed Trump would do is happening now and he isn't running the show!!
  6. ok, so alleged... so how do you explain his mumbling and forgetting what he is saying half way through a sentence, often looking dazed and confused and sometimes walking off in the wrong direction, how about having to be escorted off stage recently by Obumm. do you actually deny his mental state is declining from what he used to be? yes, we will see in the debate, however i am skeptical he won't be either pumped up with some form of stimulant’s or the whole thing will be edited . is it going to be live live, or is there a delay?
  7. hahahahahahahahha... Democracy..... yeah right... Muurica bombs the world based on that but cannot accept it themselves!!
  8. not for a photo op at all ! it''s irrelevant really if he can ride a bike, he is clearly suffering from dementia. there have been quite a few gaff in the past week or so. you are just lying to yourself if you deny that hew is not all there.
  9. the fact that a great amount of the TDS crew misinterpreted 'bloodbath' would call these figures into question alone.
  10. he was 'convicted' in a sham trial for a charge that had passed it sell by date, but was then raised from a misdemeanour to a felony, and the same charge split into 30+ separate charges all by democrat judge with Dem jury....its clear as day for those not suffering TDS
  11. i think you might misunderstand what excess deaths means
  12. what conspiracy, it came from Bill Gates mouth directly during an interview after covid, google it, easy to find. many doctors were silenced on social media, or their licence threatened. i don't deny covid, but it was over hyped massively. from you comment i'm guessing you were a multiple shot masker, that shouted at others for wanting to make their own choices
  13. i noticed the deafening silence from all his fellow journalists over the years, neither them, the UK gov or Aus Gov stood up to the US..just goes to show they are all in the US pockets.
  14. Reuters, bbc and the WoPo have zero credibility these days, Trump, Covid, BLM, Brexit have exposed them all for being mouthpiece’s for the establishment and MIC
  15. about time he's free, sham charges for exposing the US of Arse war crimes!!!
  16. to frail you're also not a billionaire, quite the opposite i'd guess
  17. what was Bidens excuse or all the other politicians & their kids of that era that didnt go to war? it's common knowledge now that the US entered that was under false pretences, so, would you say the same now, would you go or send your kids to Ukraine? i hear the words of 'conscription' being used on UK news.....come on, don't chicken out now, like ol' bone spurs did!
  18. a plagiarist and a liar to boot, also suffering from dementia... although the tds crew deny that!
  19. are there actual stats on the deaths from each? because during covid the figures were manipulated to suit the narrative. bill gates has said (since making 500million) that it was a virus that mainly effected the elderly, and is no worse than the flu for the vast majority
  20. wow... look at you with you r 3 'vaccines', aren't you cool. 1 question💁
  21. sorry, i though it was replying to Jing 'fascist is my favourite word'' thing
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