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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. Can all be avoided by signing a peace deal. Could have happened back in 2022, Blame Binden inc for purpoesly prolonging the war.
  2. None are American citizenship though.
  3. Oh look, Here is the Aussie starting another thread about American domestic politics. You have an unhealthy obsession with Mr Donald Trump, screetch,screetch You should check the facts of why people had clearances removed before posting too
  4. Amazing how non Trump supporters know so much about Trump supporters and how their feel.
  5. I presume he wasnt in general population
  6. Oh no, how will I sleep tonight knowing that!
  7. Glad to agree, finally opened youre eyes
  8. So you don't know then,
  9. Friends just renewed their last week, was originally going to go to Phangan immigration but they were asked for many documents, so they did a border bounce at Ranong. Hassle free
  10. You're the one that said he had u-turned, so what has he u-turned on? It should be easy to say if you know you are talking about, however I don't think you do. You're the one that is supposed to prove your claims according to forum rules
  11. U-turns on what.... do tell us
  12. As usual, a comment of no substance and doest even make sence. You dont even know what Trumps campaign policies were, you're a typical low information headline reader. Trump has been doing exactly what he said he was going to do. He is actively trying to end a war, something that no US president has done before.
  13. The trumpers are getting exactly what they voted for, its the democrats and those with Trump derangement that are unhappy and crying daily.
  14. Lets not forget how the democrats acted at the speech the other day. Refused to stand, refused to clap a 13yr old, refused to show any respect whatsoever, but Trump supporters are vile! Hypocrisy and double standards are the derangement anti trumpers everyday life
  15. As a NON American, how Do you feel about that, and what is your NON American perspective?
  16. Says who? You are nobody, you don't speak for anyone outside you DTDS basket, you certainly don't speak for me or anyone I know.
  17. So no different to the elite visa in thailand or any other privileges the wealthy get in various countries.... but Trump.
  18. You are far too emotional in regards to your comments. You really need to get back down to reality. Putin has won, and did win from the start, Bidens corrupted administration lied to Zelensky with regards to unwavering support, but now, unexpectedly trump won and the rug has been well n truely pulled, you might hate it, but the rest of us understand that there is no longer a possibility of WW3... but keep your pent up anger going and post as much as you want... common sense and logic saved the day
  19. No no no, trump, arrgghhh we don't care that many rich kids avoided the draft for various reasons... Trrrruuummmp is hitlerrr only he matters... we have DTDS. Trolling meme removed.
  20. But but but Trump
  21. A kiwi cry baby, it was a stupid agreement, organised by MIC funded previous adminstrations, the agreement was broken, just like the no NATO expansion was.
  22. Guessing off time costs from any other politician or President didnt bother you in the slightest aye.
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