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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. Theyre all raping Ukraine, while you fools think it was about the people. trump has just said the quiet part out loud
  2. What utter nonsense
  3. He is something for you sheep about where the aid goes, and it is certainly notbto the people of Ukranie, same as any other war. And while you're all attacking Trump, the UK signed a mining deal too. When will you wake up..? https://www.facebook.com/share/1BGBVm4exL/
  4. 'In private' & 'behind the scenes'... so he hasn't stated it publically at all has he, you Royal clown, why tell such easily verifiable lies.
  5. 1980's called, they want their mindset back
  6. Yawn....bad Russia Russia Russia, spying.... because the USA, UK, Israel, etc etc don't havev spies
  7. Where has trump stated this?
  8. And who's has said he is taking over more land? Oh that's right, the western propaganda machine. What is the proof of this?
  9. Of course they did, CNN says so, the bastion of unbias reportng and truth
  10. Well, reality is something different to your virtue signalling delusion, Putin wins or 100, 000 more die, what do you want to happen from behind your keyboard, far far away from danger?
  11. Don't care about WW2, its history. Putin..doest want all of Ukriane, never did, if you listened to other news the the MSM BBC etc youd know that by now. He has the East, that was the goal, end of.
  12. You brought up 80yrs of NWO No, its not going to happen, it could possibly have been avoided back in April 22 with the peace talks that had been arranged, . But the Zman was given assurances by Biden inc that they'd back him 'until the last ukranian', never imagining Trump would win in 24, now its totally FUBAR'd the whole situation. Trump campaigned on ending the war and the nonstop flow of aid. You're all mad at trump saying he is caving to Putin without accepting that it was a non winner for Ukraine anyway, you shod be mad at those that lied to zelensky and the media that lied to you repeatedly, but you're not you're mad at the guy that wants to END the war.. DJTDS at the highest levels
  13. Have you got your Taiwanese flag downloaded, ready to go?
  14. Because being hostile has worked out really well for the Ukrainians so far. The imbecile is the person that virtue signals with a Ukraine flag profile
  15. Pretty sure this covers quite a few with regards to any peace deal...
  16. I was replying to someone that said 'surrendering',
  17. A classic transman comment, no substance whatsoever
  18. Haha, yeah right, like the years long lie Ukraine was winning? or the Russia hoax? or Harris is polling ahead and will win?
  19. Its not surrendering, its called admitting defeat, easy for you to be pro war from your keyboard why Russians & Ukranians are actually dying.
  20. Russia were not invited to talks last year, didn't hear much objection to that! At the end of the day the conflict was provoked by western interference, you can deny it all you want but they are the facts. Jens stoltenberg said openly at a NATO meeting that Russia gave multiple warnings which they ignored. Biden inc provoked things further even though Ukraine was never going to join NATO. The minerals was always the spoils for the US, Trump has just said that part out loud and now youre all Pearl clutching. If you looked at alternative news you might have found out earlier. Trumps surprise win has thrown a massive spanner in the works to the endless aid and backing Zman was falsely promised, no everyone is scurrying around not knowing what to do without the big bully USA to back them up.
  21. You mean people with a difference of opinion, not everyone watches the BBC and mainstream BS.
  22. Seeing as its 3rd hand info as best, would imagine some info gets lost in translation. Not every death is suspicious
  23. Yeah, doesn't say much for khao son does it.
  24. A coalition means nobody was good enough to have a defined win, or 2 partys join to stop another 'undesirables party winning, as happened in Austria last year.
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