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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. be real, you want to send billions more to Ukraine for a war they wont win, an dhave thousands die, so type of guy you are aye!
  2. yes, i know, but the poll that mentions Melania is CNN/SSRS. it mentions Gallop later when referring to male presidents. that how i read it anyway. Regardless it's a load <deleted>.
  3. FAKE NEWS!! another media lie. and from the so called gold standard of journalism ! you should verify your claims rather than going by just the headlines. he was referring to the possibility of mail in ballots not beimng tabulated, so go in in operson... but orange man bad
  4. so you are basically calling her a hooker! you literally invent something in your head, then write it as though it were true.
  5. yes, look at them, pesky violent insurrectionists, trying to take down the Government, armed with flags and megaphones the 2nd photo clearly shows these violent insurrectionists holding the capitol officer hostage, while demanding to know the whereabouts of Mike Pence...so they can hang him!😏
  6. ahh, if in doubt, roll out the ol' Russia Russia Russia nonsense.
  7. why, Trump wants to stop wars, those 2 named are pro war, no wonder they have switched, Dems are the pro-war party now
  8. yeah right, she has to involve celebs and pop stars to lure people in. trump supporters got to see him!
  9. the architects of the 20yr Iraq was are endorsing Harris, great one, and you are welcoming these neo-cons with open arms..... i thought Dems were anti war...seems you all flipped on that issue too!
  10. he isn't, he is a threat to the Status Quo, the US want endless wars, military expansionism, endless hostility and theft of resources, all under the guise or "spreading Democracy' all the US politicians are bought out by various lobbyists. Trump is independently wealthy so cannot be corrupted... https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying
  11. yep, Unfortunately the members here are way too old and brainwashed to ever change their minds. funny how the Democrats have gone from anti war, free speech and tolerance, to pro war, totalitarian, censorship and persecution of political opponent’s without even realising. everything they accuse trump and his supporters of, they are doing right now!!
  12. you mean those intelligence agencies the claimed there were WMD's, babies being pulled from incubators and thrown on the floor, Assad gassing his own people, Russian colusion, or the 51 that said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation... you mean those ones? i had ever heard of Russian interference in elections when Obama won twice. not a peep, only after the old hag Clinton lost, after cheating and chucking out Bernie, similar to Biden getting chucked out.
  13. yes, only an idiot would want a war to end and people stop dying!! if the US UK and nato hadn't been blood thirsty psychopaths the Ukraine war could have a long time ago,
  14. yep, they all used to love Trump, he was all over the talk shows, right up until he ran for election.
  15. the last 2 Boeing whistleblowers mysteriously died.... Seth Rich, the alleged DNC leaker of hillarys emails shot in the back of the head in a 'robbery'..... nothing missing..🧐
  16. it would probably cause a civil war if they were released, especially after the latest attempts on El Trumpo, the deep state, cia, fbi....
  17. no, its not, Trump got 11+ million more votes the 2nd time round, more popular that Obama....the Dems cheated with unverified mass mail in ballots and middle of the night ballot registering. Biden the 'most popular President eve my arse! hid in his basement throughout the entire time......
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