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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. i knew Sean personally, IMO he was an attention seeking c**k, he was a wannbe that was desperate to live on Tao, he used to claim he was big drug seller and owned bars to naive young tourists while hanginig around the pub crawl dressed as Jack Sparrow the day of the murders i watched him walk round a bar asking various people if the police knew anything, personally i dont think he was invloved, but he sure was tryign to get involved, after claiming to have known David and was supposed have arranged to met him that night i think he should have at least been questioned. instead the press escorted him off the Island.
  2. there are way more than 2 families, which own whole sections of the Island, not just bars. they lease out buildings, land & houses to whomever want to live or set something up on Tao. you're are correct about A 'boycott' of Tao, it is quite pathetic in nature and certainly hasn't worked because the place has been full since before Christmas.
  3. i have not said anything regarding who did or didn't do it,. I was there at the time and have followed it closely since. i watched the whole thing unfold, the media frenzy that descended on the Island, so much gossip and misinformation posted as facts, from press desperately trying to get the 'breaking news', The police should have controlled the situation properly and made official statements as and when the case unfolded. the Island was never shut down, 4-6 boats had left Tao that morning carrying up to 1000 people, so potentially the murderer/s were long gone. the dude you accuse was on CCTV in his Bangkok college at 9am the next morning, he gave dna, but was all dismissed as a 'cover up' by Samui Times and other internet Slueths as they already had their man and it couldn't possibly be anyone else.
  4. David was naked when his body was recovered from the sea, The position of Hannahs body behind the rocks, in a dark and secluded spot, it's highly possible they were having sex and got disturbed. that area is know as 'king Rama rock', it's also possible that someone took offense at them disrespecting the K... hence the ferocity of the attack! how about Sean Mcanna, possibly a suspect, or at least a person of interst, put himself in the picture by claiming to been meeting David that night and knew him from Uni, used to sing and play guitar, had various cuts to his arms, however SKY news (i believe) escorted him off the Island after his 'mafia' claim, in total disregard to the Thai police investigation, he subsequently vanished, last know to have been in Milan, it's a shame the Samui Times was so desperate to pin it on a family she had links to rather than have an open mind on other possibilities.
  5. apologies, must have got my comments mixed up, thought i was replying to another poster
  6. don't make ridiculous statement if you don't want to be pulled up on it.
  7. and where did 'EVERYBODY' get their info from... The Samui times? do you know the running man footage cctv footage came from a family member of the person you guys accuse? hardly think they'd incriminate their nephew aye, but thats been totally left out of all the sensationalised Samui times stories.
  8. the owner of ST was in the country at the time, she has since fled, an arrest warrant has been issued for her! but you're right about the overseas media thinking it was a local news source, she lived in Samui and had not been back to Tao for over a decade, apparently she left rather quickly after upsetting a number of people through bad business and also had a failed marriage, she has a personal grudge with Tao thats for sure... oh, and lets not forget money she is making from her book she'd had published about the Island! vested interests much!! The families have seen far more evidence than anyone here has, The Miller family agreed with the verdict, Davids mother Sue Miller has been verbally attacked by Suzanne Buchanan, ST owner) and her group of Tao bashers, i have read some of these attacks, accusing her of being paid off, among other quite disgusting comments, considering it was her son that was murdered.
  9. I never have, are you trying to imply i am racist because i have a difference of opinion to you?
  10. who's hyperventilating, can i not make a reply to yours?, perhaps you misinterpreted my comment.
  11. so basically jump to whatever tune the US of Arse plays!, the US have cheated most of their allies in one way or another, or held them to ransom, Go Thailand, op out of the IMF- US BS, bring on BRICS and bye bye US $!! the world will be a better place!
  12. it was a machete and it looks like his arm was cut if from the bicep/elbow area, you can see in the video there looks to be only 1 limb against the black of his T-shirt, although its blurry cctv..thankfully!
  13. been quite a few nationalities in the news in recent weeks, not just Russians!
  14. Good Job, 👍 do what is good for Thailand, not what the US!
  15. they know they are lady boys and are not trying to get rules change to suit them. they are still Male on their ID's!
  16. see, still cant let that Trumps bit go can ya.... thread wasnt' even about him yet you 'tolerant' liberals cant help but bring it up!! everywhere has intolerances, just some more prevalent than others, 'coloured bathrooms' what are you 80? jeez, get a grip man, i think a bloke waving his schlong around in a girls bathroom and competing in womens sports is slightly different to that dont you?..perhaps not, maybe you are a .....
  17. no, you're trying to make this about Trump because you suffer with the same level of TDS and red faced anger that can be found in most liberals, normally ones that are slightly chubby and with dyed hair.
  18. slightly xenophobic post isn't it? met plenty of decent Russians, there are good and bad in every nationality, perhaps stay home in your 100% polite society.
  19. yes, a crying liberal, that froths at the mouth, screams and melts at the merest mention of El Trumpo.... aka Danderman123, Chomper, Eric & co.
  20. nah, thats what you guys are...adults acting like little screaming campus kids and having a tantrum on walmart floor! the thread isnt even about Trump but you cant help yourselves....🤡👶
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