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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. barely 1.5, so hardly decades is it, and please elaborate on this 'Transgender also contribute to the society'? how so? from what i've seen lately they are causing problems in society rather than contributing..womens sport to name one!, please justify that... p.s i don't give a <deleted> who or what someone wants to be, but i don't agree with rules being changed and people being forced to changed their language to go along with something that goes against science and biology for a 0.00001% fraction on the population so as not to offend people...be trans, go for it, don't expect me to play along with you. the vast majority of what we see online is actually mental disorders.
  2. you see the word 'opinion' in the bottom left...it's a TDS libtards opinion
  3. pretty sure the alphabet activists are the ones sowing the divide, even the gays are fed up with them undoing all the years of progress they've made!
  4. he can't walk that far...well, only in the wrong direction...with his new 'not fall down' sneakers!
  5. thats been going on since i was a kid, the single mums with 4 kids, claiming benefits, all had huge tvs, vhs & satellite dishes. most working parents didn't. but that is a gov problem. i had friends on the dole at 19, got housing benefit, sold weed and no intention to work.
  6. for once i agree with you!, people should live within their means, but also wages should increase to match living costs.
  7. i prefer peace.....but kill all Hamas and supporters! yeah, very peaceful of you
  8. i prefer peace to wars, seems you prefer war n death.... while sitting comfy in your armchair!
  9. ah, you mean a difference of opinion..... that thing you don't like. everyone should be on the side of Israel right!! i think the 1st post after the OP was the best think written here. look at the map and see how Israel has spread, would you be happy of your home was bulldozed and land taken? Israel playing the victim is just like the US doing it. everyone out to get them, and blind to their actions!!
  10. pretty sure life for those in Gaza wasn't all hunky dory prior to Oct 7th!
  11. haha, well, would you really expect anything else from them?
  12. they have limits on booze intake back home, here none!...not condoning it, but totally understand. been there myself in the early years, however, as a bloke its less revealing to the eye than being a chick
  13. thats not what i said, i will laugh if it gets to SC and gets over turned, just like the ballot nonsense did!... lets wait and see
  14. i beg to differ, the amount of posts i've seen over the years where people have nearly jizzing their pants at the latest CNN & MSM 'Trump bombshell' only for it to fizzle out to a nothing burger, i wouldn't be too surprised if this whole fine gets reversed, will be hilarious for us to see if it does!
  15. i was referring to things written (reported) about Trump in general.
  16. most here seem to believe everything and anything they read about Trump.
  17. yeah, don't really have time for people that try to equate things to Hitler, while ignoring the mass killings by their own countries, all in the name of 'democracy'
  18. haha, yeah, he's going to jai haha. watch the goal posts move again!
  19. BS if it was, it was purely political, she said she'd bring him down...hardly impartial !!
  20. people in glass houses! you said Russia was a corrupt terrorist country.... so how many countries has Russia invaded compared to the US,UK and allies?? Putin is fighting a war on his own border, mainly caused by US interference in the situation, where as the US & allies invade countries thousands of miles from their shores that cause them no danger whatsoever. so who is the terrorist? corruption, well, again, people in glass houses, i don't agree with your views, simple as!
  21. terrorist country, yeah right. how many countries the US invaded in recent history? you based you views on Russia from Rocky 4!
  22. yeah, as DA put it you 'dingbats' know f**k all about ukraine until feb 22... sheeple
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