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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. so, you prefer a something in writing rather then video evidence?
  2. i never said it was, it was mentioned earlier in the thread, i replied , then your buddy Candide above called it a conspiracy theory.
  3. what conspiracy? do you know about the 2 pipe bombs allegedly found? there is surveillance video of the person placing them. they still cannot find them.
  4. no, just asking, if they get 24hr protection how will that work if Orange leader gets jail time??..or perhaps, as i expect, he wont and it's all a delusion on your part?
  5. same dude that placed the pipe bombs is clearly seen talking to officers in their suv before placing said bombs...funny, nobody is interested...oh wait, conspiracy because cnn didnt cover it!!
  6. got to let the trump jail thing go man, it's eating you up inside and making you repeatedly embarrass yourself . if an ex president get 24hrs secret service protection, how will that work if trumps in a jail?
  7. if it were none is that a 'gotcha'.... it would the opposite to cackling Harris and Hollywood celebs actively donating to bailing out the blm rioters.... sorry, 'firey but peaceful' protesters
  8. hahaha.... TDS central..... someone has a difference of opinion and you cannot understand why or handle it rationally. so of the 90+ million trump voters do you class them all the same, low life uneducated scum?
  9. yeah, see, you should reads the replies properly so as not to look foolish.... have all the boarded shop and business back in Novemeber 2020, in the run up to election day slipped your mind? that is what i was referring too. after the result was called there wasn't any violence was there, so why were the shops boarded up, who did they expect to riot? jan 6th doesn't mean the same to me as it does to you, never will. you can froth at the mouth all you want, it will just be amusing.
  10. why not get a link up, thats your thing, lets see what was said and how.....
  11. 'firey but peaceful' seems to work for CNN!! injured, i don't know, you didn't ask that initially, so, you agree that 1 died, or totally ignoring that bit? how many police actually died from being attacked as the news said at the time? the answers have been given by another poster further back. no, i was here in Thailand on Jan 6th
  12. ahh, that one, yeah, i remember, not the exact wording. but again you guys despise Trump so much you take everything said as literal.
  13. not going to pay to read that. the answer has already been given further back in this thread.
  14. and Clinton, pelosi amongst many others refused to accept trump as a legitimate President and blamed Russia for interferring in the election, so pretty much denying the result without actually saying the exact words.
  15. i think the 'facts' say so no? you'll all about facts right, so 1 died, unless you know otherwise?
  16. yes, yes...he's going to jail..... oh wait..... (insert liberal tears emoji) 😏
  17. it's blatantly obvious for someone thats neutral, however you despise trump and his supporters so much that you are blinded to it, and in fact welcome it.... oh, how you'd be protesting if the shoe were on the other foot!!
  18. theres your problem..watching CNN!! and with regards to voilence..remember all those shops and business boarded up in the run up to 2020....no violence from Trumpers after the result, , so just who were those business owners scared of?
  19. how many times have politicians worldwide said something similar to "fight like hell" when either campaigning or making a speech...? you just try to imply he meant it literally cause your TDS is clouding your judgment
  20. 'then go through the legal system', totally missing the point or perhaps willfully ignoring it.
  21. well, there is your answer..... if he is as bad as you say, but the people still chose him what does that say for the people he ran against
  22. i didnt say cit was or wasn't, you were trying to imply that many died that day, but they didn't..... only 1.....but you don't care about that as she wasn't on the right side!
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