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Everything posted by frank83628

  1. the only person to die on jan 6th war Ashley Babbit, shot by a cop!
  2. perhaps not living there for 20 years means you're out of touch with how things are for the average person and why Trump has the support he does!
  3. yes, you can be accused of a crime when totally innocent, once lodged you have to go through the system, so 91 indictments are just 91 accusations, most of which are politically motivated to try to keep him tied up in the legal system and not out on the campaign trail! i hope he wins and then switches everything back on the Dems, however i dont think the reps have enough back bone to do it
  4. NOTHING, he has not been charged with insurrection no matter how much you try to say otherwise!
  5. hummm, yet when SCOUS rules Trumps stays on the ballot you chuck your toys out of the pram and call it corrupted!!!
  6. exactly what the current administration’s is doing now. everything you accuse Trump of doing is already being done by the democrats!!
  7. do you remember all the business' boarded up in the run up to election day when they were expecting violence and unrest...Trump 'lost' but not riots....so who did they fear? humm... the 'tolerant left'!!! https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/11/02/retail-security-election-violence/
  8. i'm sure you are the hero of your village....however, i'm sure reality involves a red nose🤡
  9. show me some accusations him 'pre' running for president and i give them some credit, post, take a hike!!
  10. legal immigration yes......the point is it's ILLEGAL immigration. to be honest i think the US & UK deserve the migrant crisis for invading and destroying other countries..reap what you sow, but you idiots, in desperation to hate on trump are actually condoning illegal entry, which is 'breaking the LAW'..which you are so happy to accuse him of doing..your hypocrisy is off the charts!!
  11. 'reliable sources' have changed dramatically since Trumpo became president!. the bbc would have been called that normally, but they showed the Trump derangement syndrome just the same as the rest. just to confirm... so you are trying to blame trump for fentanyl deaths?
  12. basically, you got older! same as the FMP, 20 years ago it was good, now it's commercial crap &full of kids.
  13. yeah, apologised to the migrant for calling him illegal?
  14. the thread title should be changed to 'watching paint dry', bet this is like going to a Biden rally...actually is that a thing? would it be more of a WI meeting, a few baked cakes and hoopla competition and a lemonade stand! looking forward to Trumps closing Bidens open border mess, i wonder if he will be able to beat obamas deportation record. lets hope so.. was it 5.5 million total? (to keep on topic)
  15. threads go off on tangents, hardly a new thing..... this got boring all of a sudden..... wonder why!!
  16. when calling her out like that, i do hope you are in peak fitness and keep yourself trim
  17. haha, well that was actually a typo, guess i can edit it
  18. Xylophone gives a rant telling us that he's done and leaving...yet there is is at 11am, checking up to see if he got some likes on his attentions seekig post!!
  19. you think the Ukraine war needs to continue? prefer the money is given to them then helping the people of the US?
  20. yet here you are..once again. the dude who is neutral but cant help frothing at the mouth while callng everyone maga this, cult that about trump...L O S E R
  21. obvious to anyone the has eyes and a TV screen... not sure with all the clips out there you can deny it... guess that cool aid tastes too good!
  22. 'deflection' as your buddies here are so quick to say..... i have watched Biden fall off the stage, off his bike and up the steps to the plane, walked to the wrong door and looked lost after he'd finished speaking, nothing to do with right wing narrative, it's clear to see..and that s not mentioning anything about the vast array of clips with him mumbling and forgetting himself, slurring. you cannot deny this, he even got let off having the classified documents becasue he impaired.
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