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Everything posted by Jiggo

  1. Done the Elephant ride many years ago in Chiang Mai, still have not forgiven myself, yet that was down to my and others ignorance at the time, now would only go to a Sanctuary and interact with them.
  2. Depends, not normal on a monthly rental agreement
  3. Improvised handcuffs lol
  4. How did you work that statistic out?
  5. The post is about Gaming not Gambling ie PS5 etc...
  6. Baby Sweetheart LOL, thank you Tonky Tonk...
  7. Yes I would not want to spend my hard earned holiday cash surrounded by Russians
  8. Thanks for the explanation Mr Thanet, but I would think most people worked that one out. Lol
  9. The current Thai Government would do a deal with Satan if they could make money from it.
  10. 90 days, I thought it was money 60 days more money have another 30 days, then go home.
  11. Still better than Gaza though.
  12. Three sided haircut Short Back and Sides in my day....and that was for school.
  13. Looks like they maybe primary after the Russian Oligarch types while dragging others in as well. Just a thought
  14. So true Egypt closed the boarder at Rafa some years ago, and does not want Hama's spilling into their country.
  15. Think you will find El Al aircraft's will be or are fitted with anti rocket protection e.g. chaff etc, also fighter escorts not far away.
  16. TAT Happy with another war then, good for there numbers
  17. So Bolt car regestered licence plate and driver, pick up and drop of recorded. Out on the town with over £2000, forgets his man bag. Another scam I guess.
  18. Wow this is really an interesting news scoop....
  19. Same old chestnut Same reply, stop duel pricing and cut import taxes on luxury items would help.
  20. Was there back end of last year, been a few times, disappointed that visit, beer very expensive now also food unless you go to the food market near the jetty The beach at B F is not that good.
  21. Very interesting, but what has it to do with a sad occurrence in Bangkok.
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