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Everything posted by Jiggo

  1. He was a Italian, had to pay a lot of money to a Chinese owner for the Room and Motorbike.
  2. Live 10 mins away, never go their though, full of Rubber Neckers and overpriced bars........and shady middle eastern types
  3. and has ruined the city’s reputation. A big LOL
  4. Given up with the bank, last time my dentist done it for free, but a law office should do for around 500 baht.
  5. I have found Indian men in Authority specially, very racist on my working travels with their attitude against Sri Lankans, Bangladesh's and Filipinos
  6. Never had a problem with visa in Thailand for 20 years, but if you are Thai and want to visit UK or USA etc Did not the Philippines have a problem with young retired Chinese on crooked visas not long ago....
  7. Rubbish hitmen these Russians, the Canning Town firm would have downed him in 2.
  8. Basically they are encouraged to act like Muslims for 5 days a year....
  9. If they did there will be a shortage of Urks...low paid private ranks.
  10. So Russia is a peace loving country then, and rape and mass murder is acceptable.
  11. You mean the Chinese and Russian Cash Laundrys, no way are the selling that amount of weed in respect to the number of shops all over the place, never see many customers inside, back to opening 7/11s I guess.
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